The Unofficial Saurok Playable Race Discussion Megathread! šŸŠ

Sometimes after a day of questing, you just need to sit and rest up for a bit. Take it easy for a bit.

Soak up the scenery some and enjoy the beauty of the world around you!

ā€¦and yes, I did try to swim in the fountain. There was an invisible barrier preventing me from doing so. Guessing Dalarnā€™s magical barriers are used to prevent dorks like me from doing stuff like that.

Oh well. There are other fountains I can swim in, Iā€™m sure. :meat_on_bone::crocodile:


Love the blue scale designs, hoping we also get to like choose a ā€˜frillā€™ versus ā€˜no frillā€™ for customization if we ever get them.


I think mines going to be green with a frill.

Red frill.



Frills would be a likely customization option. I donā€™t see why they would only have one or the other since we see Saurok with and without them.

I also really like the blue-green scale color. Itā€™s my favorite of the Saurok scale colors on NPCā€™s currently. If it was an option, it would be what I use for one of my Saurok characters.

A lot would depend on what customization options weā€™d get for playable Saurok, but possibly for my Saurok Death Knight idea, I might see if I can make a gilla monster scale pattern. It would look pretty awesome and kinda Halloween-like, especially as an Unholy Death Knight. :skull::lizard:

Hopefully, there would be a lot of customization options, as Saurok are capable of having a wide variety of features! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:


I donā€™t know why, but this saurok, sitting the way this, reminded me of the famous Forrest Gump scene. :crocodile:


ā€œLife is like a box of jerky. You may find it tough at times, but if you can chew through it, youā€™ll feel fulfilled and satisfied in the end.ā€ :meat_on_bone::crocodile:


Saw this today and thought it was cute.

The coloration would make a nice death knight skin though =D hahaha


Some rumors are going around for an upcoming expansion would be that of another old world revamp. Itā€™s among several other rumors of potential expansions, but I wanted to think about it in terms of Saurok.

To be honest, I feel like the chances of Saurok in any form on Kalimdor or Eastern Kingdoms might be low. There are things they can do with it, of course, but a lot would depend on how they would handle new zones, if we get a bunch of new playable races, and if Saurok were to appear, would they be Horde friendly or just their usual angry chompy lizards of the RAWR.

One possibility is one Iā€™ve mentioned before from Hearthstone, where Saurok actually reside in Unā€™Goro Crater in that universe. Iā€™ve talked about it before, but it seems like a fitting place for them. Given the jungle setting, some water to swim in, and lots of animals to hunt, it would likely serve very well as a place for them. If this occurred in WoW, I assume that some seafaring Saurok wouldā€™ve landed nearby and settled in the area to possibly start a new civilization of sorts.

Now, if we were lucky enough for them to be Horde friendly, then the Horde would have an Outpost near the bottom of the continent to help defend territory there. Hunts from there would yield trade goods like meat, hides, and other stuff in the area. Theyā€™d also be close to Gadetzan, who would likely love to do business also.

So is it possible to see Saurok in an old world revamp? Itā€™s possible, though I see the odds being rather low. We could see some somewhere, but they might not be friendly at all to anyone. Still, it is a possibility, low as it could be, and it would be cool to see it happen either on Kalimdor or a newly discovered continent in general.

Weā€™ll see what happens in the future expansions, I guess. Hopefully one with Horde Saurok champions in it someday! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:


A Saurok climbs the huge totem in the middle of Thunder Bluff to get a better look at the surroundings of Mulgore. So much to see!

Lots of beasts to hunt!

Shinies to obtain!

Lakes to swim in!

Fish to catch!

Cliffs and mountains to climb!

Quest opportunities!

With so much to do, the Saurok will feel right at home. :meat_on_bone::crocodile:


So as I mentioned before, the two-year anniversary of this megathread will occur next month on the 19th. Iā€™ve been thinking of some things to do to celebrate it. I am open to some suggestions if anyone has any ideas! :lizard:

At present, I have the usual speech-like post and have been thinking of another screenshot story as well. Iā€™ll of course be thinking of some other things to do as well, though it could depend on my schedule. Iā€™ll have the final class Iā€™ll need for my current degree starting next month and will also be trying to job search very soon, so Iā€™m unsure about free time until the month actually comes.

But hey, weā€™ve been doing this for almost 2 years, and Iā€™ve no plans to stop anytime soon. Iā€™ll find time to keep going for supporting Saurok and Ogres on the Horde side of that character creation screen! :meat_on_bone::crocodile: :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Congratulations!! :partying_face:


Ooo, Iā€™ve improved on my art since I tried a Sethrak. I might try to draw one in celebration of this thread again for folks to get a little bit of fun visual.


How playing newbie Saurok characters without heirlooms would feel like:

How playing end-game Saurok characters should feel like:

Just an example of how power should SCALE for Saurok characters. :V



Imagining how a Saurok Warchief would look like just for fun:

I imagine there would be huge BBQā€™s regularly held! :cut_of_meat::lizard:

I did try to use the model with a ring on the back, and I was much larger than I remembered it being. I knew it was big, but I donā€™t recall it being 3-4 times the size of player characters.

Then again, maybe a Godzilla-sized Saurok would make for a great and imposing Warchief. I donā€™t think anyone would mess with them! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:


Would be so much more interesting than our current leadership situation in my opinion.


Iā€™ve talked about this before in other megathreads, but Iā€™ll mention it here also: the idea of a Horde Council is a pretty cool idea in general. The problem is its execution, where the only members of said council are just of the playable race variety, which ignores several members.

Seems odd that races like the Ogres, members since Warcraft 3, go ignored by the Horde. Even more odd is the case of the Highmountain Tauren, who join not long after meeting after being neutral and helping both Horde and Alliance, get a seat on the council while the Taunka, who joined in WotLK as full members, fall into the memory hole along with Ogres and other races like the Hozen, Dragonmaw Orcs, and more. Not exactly giving every member of the Horde a voice there, Thrallā€¦

I would guess if Blizzard keeps the Horde Council, weā€™ll see future playable races get added to its roster. Still, one thing I do hope to see if the Horde and Alliance look over its roster and give all members of them a presence and voice, as well as making all members playable in some fashion. Itā€™s something I wish happened in BfA, and itā€™s frustrating to see something like Dark Iron Dwarves be their own thing while Wildahmmer Dwarves, who have a history with the Alliance and even have a hero of theirs as a statue in Stormwindā€™s entrance, be relegated to cosplaying and LARPing Bronzebeard Dwarves.

As I said, it would look odd to new recruits to the Horde to be told theyā€™re getting a voice, but then see other members who donā€™t have a voice on the council. Not really the best of first impressions, IMO. Itā€™s why I feel like the Horde and Alliance need to situate themselves better so that ALL members have a voice.

Then again, we could see another kerfuffle happen between the factions and a Warchief rise into power again. Who knows? I grumble about this because I do like world building, and I like seeing all members of both factions represented somehow. As well as seeing new members to both, of course! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:


I came across a really awesome artwork piece on Deviantart of a Lizardfolk Hunter from Pathfinder. This image was created by the user ā€œYamaOrceā€ and was uploaded on January 28th, 2016.

ā€œLizardfolk Hunterā€ by YamaOrce on DeviantArtā€™s website

I wanted to share this both as an armor design inspiration and also to showcase what Saurok Hunters could look like if they were playable. Iā€™ve seen some mentions of people wanting to make Saurok Hunters and a Survival Hunter is a character idea I toyed with myself. Seeing something like this is tempting me even more as a possibility if we happen to get playable Horde Saurok.

Will keep an eye out for other pieces of artwork to share for playable Saurok idea inspiration! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:


As I was inspired with my Stonemaul Ogre megathread, I went and took one of my Rogues and using Glyph of Disguise, took some Saurok screenshots with the Shadowlands intro scenario.

I had to rush through it as best as I could, including hearthing back as close as possible to the entrance portal to the starting area. NPCā€™s having verbose exposition for a bit also ate most of
my time, But hey, I got some neat screen shots!

Here is what I managed to take:

A Saurok champion of the Horde arrives to meet with Bolvar about the situation in the Maw!

The Saurok Champion helps to connect the helm pieces to open the way to the Maw.

ā€¦was in a bit of a rush here and didnā€™t notice the text. Kinda looks like the Saurok is talking, but itā€™s actually Bolvar. Also unlike with the Draenor Ogre model, Saurok apparently have an animation with this. Likely because of shared assets with the Male Worgen model, though I donā€™t know why the head is at an angle here.

The Saurok champion opens the way to the Maw, ready to face what is within!

This was the best of the screenshots I took. It took a bit of camera positioning to take this, as the Saurok was blocked with sparkly magical things at first. Then I had to try to take a pose as best as I could. The animation I assume is shared with the male Worgen.

The Saurok champion arrived in the Maw with style!

So apparently, some cut scenes in-game work with illusions while others, like the Heart of Azeroth cinematics, just take your player model and donā€™t use any illusions for them. Iā€™m guessing this one works because it transitions immediately into gameplay.

And no, even if I were able to keep the illusion on, the ending cinematic of escaping through the Maw likely wouldnā€™t work. I tried that using an Ogre illusion toy, and it just showed my other Rogueā€™s real self. As I mentioned, it likely depends on how the cut scenes are programmed whether illusions show or not.

The Saurok champion gets their bearings straight after landing in the Maw.

The Saurok champion draws their weapons, ready to fight against the Jailerā€™s forces. For the Horde!

I shouldā€™ve remembered to transmog some heirlooms into more appropriate weapons. Ah well, the cutlasses can work just fine.

Iā€™m glad I thought about doing this and had just enough time to get to the Maw to do this. They seem to have turned out very well in showing how playable Saurok could look like starting their journey into the Shadowlands.

And hopefully, weā€™ll be able to make real Horde Saurok someday and do this for real! It would make my day to see this as a reality, but weā€™ll see what happens in the future as time goes on. Still, Iā€™ll always keep hope. :meat_on_bone::crocodile:


It pleases me to see that the thread is still going strong! And honestly that Saurok looks like an absolute legend taking on the threat of the Maw!


My march of support for playable Horde Saurok and Ogres is going strong and I still feel passionate about the whole journey. It can be hard at times, but I donā€™t plan to quit anytime soon! Weā€™re actually coming up to the 2 year anniversary of this megathread next month, with my Stonemaul Ogre megathread coming to its 1 year anniversary in October, and I still plan to keep going for now. :smiley:

So long as I keep playing WoW, Iā€™ll keep going with my support as best as I can for whatever it is worth. Iā€™ll still keep dreams of seeing Ogre and Saurok players running around Orgrimmar someday! Hopefully, weā€™ll see other races people have requested to be come playable along with them too! :meat_on_bone::crocodile: :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre: