The Unofficial Saurok Playable Race Discussion Megathread! šŸŠ

Blizzard has also wanted there to be differences between the Horde and Alliance, and keeping them with separate cultures is a good way of doing that. Each faction has a different feeling and flavor compared to each other, and for the most part, each race fits the faction they joined.

With the Horde, one theme is that the majority of races within it banded together to help each other survive in a world that seems to be against them in one way or another. Itā€™s cool that you can look at a Horde race and be reminded of what theyā€™ve been through and why theyā€™re together. Itā€™s a really cool bond that I think would work very well with Saurok while helping to flesh them out and even evolve their personality.

The Allianceā€¦doesnā€™t really have that. Yeah, they Alliances are there and hang out, but it isnā€™t really something that I see as strong of a bond as the Horde has. Iā€™m sure people can point things out to show that, but it seems like theyā€™re an Alliance through convenience and just because than anything else. As someone who came into the Warcraft brand through WoW shortly after BC came out, the Alliance just seems rather dull with assumptions than actual reasons of bonds with each other from what Iā€™ve seen. Not saying itā€™s not there, but I see more of a bond throughout the Horde than the Alliance. Especially as time goes on.

As such, itā€™s another reason I feel Saurok would be much better in the Horde. I donā€™t see Saurok forming bonds on any level with any of the Alliance races. I donā€™t see them hanging out with Night Elves or walking around places like Elwynn Forest among the humans there.

I feel like them joining a faction and forming bonds would be important to the development of their race in general, and as former slave soldiers, they would get a lot more out of being with the Horde. They would likely to be treated more as equals, be given a voice on the Horde council, and fit the culture much better.

Itā€™s a better fate to me than being on the Alliance, where itā€™s the Human Show, starring Anduin and Jaina, with guest star and ye royal grumpus, Genn Graymane (also starringā€¦Don Knotts!). I feel like theyā€™d just be there at best and not really get too involved in anything, aside from being a bit of an elephant in the room when NPCā€™s show up.

As I said, this is how I personally feel. Saurok would just fit better and be able to retain what makes them Saurok on the Horde. Not to mention they would have a lot of great storyline opportunities fighting off the Mogu that the Horde would likely be able to be more relatable and have an interest in assisting them.

Anyway, I could go on and on, but Iā€™d likely end up turning this post into a thesis paper at the rate Iā€™m going. Horde Saurok are just something I really feel strongly for, and not just because I like the Horde more.:meat_on_bone::crocodile:


I do agree with most of this, the Saurok belong in the Horde, but as for the allianceā€¦ Only seems like certain races have any form of a bond. Be it through beliefs, or fighting together, weā€™ve see the Worgen and Kalā€™dorie grow closer due to the events in BFA. Aside from them I donā€™t see much of races really banding together and staying side by side like the Horde does. (Despite seeing some of them seeming to hate eachother) As for the Saurok, the slave to the mogu isnā€™t REALLY that good of an argument for them joining the Horde, because of how long itā€™s been since the entire race HAS been slaves. The Mogu Empire ruled Pandaria before the War of Ancients, over 12,000 years agoā€¦ Thatā€™s a LONG time to say ā€œTheyā€™re a race of slaves.ā€, and I feel like saying that kinda does them a disservice, because since those 12,000 years, theyā€™ve built their own cultures, clans/tribes, and I imagine even civilizations somewhere in the world. Maybe not something as granduous as the Zandalari or Kulā€™tirans, but theyā€™ve at least found some place in the world by now. Are there STILL saurok who are slavesā€¦ Yeah, we see em, but not many. Only ones I know Iā€™ve seen, was on Isle of Thunder, other than that I canā€™t think of any. NOW if you bring up their culture, their beliefs, how the Alliance is more likely to see them as monsters than anything else, or something else, then yeah I think thatā€™s a valid point. This is just my opinion.

Saurok for Horde, you already know my opinion on this, I think they belong in the Horde, do I still think itā€™s POSSIBLE for them entering the allianceā€¦ Ye, but only if they were a crew of pirates or we found like, an island of peaceful saurok. Even then, I think itā€™d be better for the Horde to get them, only concern about the Horde getting Saurok I have, is what will the Alliance get in return? Iā€™ve noticed a number of alliance players who feel like they got the short end of the stick when it comes to allied races, so theyā€™d need to get something cool in return. Also, what would a saurokā€™s voice sound like?


We do see some Saurok still being used as slaves in various places on MoP, such as Isle of Thunder and Vale of Eternal Blossoms (Both during MoP and BfA).

My line of thinking was that there are still Mogu out there, and itā€™s possible that whatever tribe of Saurok that would join the Horde would potentially still be hounded by them. A lot of Mogu clans are still out there, some of which still have stockpiles of azerite. It wouldnā€™t be too farfetched that some would go out of their way to try to force some tribes of Saurok back into servitude.

Even if that wasnā€™t the story with them, the Saurok wouldā€™ve still been slaves at one point and time until they got their freedom like Thrall did with the Orcs, so there is still a parallel there that would make them fit more on the Horde in that regard. A lot of it just seems to work for storytelling purposes and would give a reason for Saurok to find allies to assist them, and the Horde would be more sympathetic in such a situation in my opinion.

Well, itā€™s a good question, though it doesnā€™t necessarily have to relate to the Saurok. Worgen and Goblins didnā€™t really have much relation to each other when they were introduced as playable races in Cataclysm, so there are possibilities. A lot depends on what direction Blizzard wants to go.

As for the Alliance short-end of the stick, yes I agree with that. There are some races I feel would fit on there and add some much needed flavor, though there needs to be a reason for said race to join the Alliance other than shock factor or just for the sake of it. I donā€™t know specifically what could be given to Alliance to compare to Horde Saurok that would balance on a scale of fairness, but I do think there are options there.

Honestly, as long as I get my Horde Saurok and Ogres, Iā€™m content for the most part with whatever the Alliance would get. That is just me, though.

I would guess a bit raspy with a ā€œssssā€ sound added to syllables with a ā€œSā€ sound to them. Would give them a bit of personality and character in that regard. :meat_on_bone::crocodile:


GOT IT, so argonians :stuck_out_tongue: Speaking of which, know a guy who came to WoW a bit ago, heā€™s always calling the saberon and saurok Khajiit and Argonians. If ya tell em otherwise he getā€™s mad for some reason.

That could be an interesting story, but knowing Saurok theyā€™d probably try and steal it out from under their noses. Think thatā€™d be an interesting story, saurok slaves decide to turn their masterā€™s own weapons against em. But I would still rather find a group of saurok who are their own people, because I doubt the Horde would want someone who, for lack of better words, is a broken dog. So if Blizzard went that route, theyā€™d have to show that the saurok still have their strength, otherwise they may be too docileā€¦ Also if weā€™re talking about strong savage saurok, I canā€™t see one taking too kindly to sympathy <_<

Iā€™m the same way, but Saberon in place of Ogres. Although I would like to see Ogres have more of a role in the Horde, even if it is just as NPCs.


Well, I wouldnā€™t call them being a broken dog in that regard.

One idea I had was being in a new continent or so with Mogu as a threat, and the Horde helping the Saurok enslaved by them that would work into a friendship and eventual membership for the Saurok.

For the Saurok, who were use to living alone, have to make adjustments that they canā€™t just keep living on their own and need to realize the greater picture in terms of their peopleā€™s safety and Azerothā€™s in general.

There are many ways you can go about doing this while still keeping them with a strong and savage personality, of course. I do think involving Mogu as an antagonist would be a great way to introduce Horde-friendly Saurok. Especially if the situation was dire for everyone involved.

This would be why an allied race system could work with them. Perhaps warming their hearts by gaining some daily repu-err, I mean working together with them and helping them out will get them to see the true meaning of Winter Veil!

That and maybe a giant BBQ feast would help too! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:


I think what makes both saberon and saurok potentially awkward choices is the fact that theyā€™re both based off of the worgen model, and the only spare horde race that hasnā€™t been ARed yet is the forsaken. So I think the natural go-to assumption would be that the alliance would get something with that posture instead.

And Iā€™m probably a big olā€™ baby about it but Iā€™d be bummed out if the alliance of all things got to have both werewolves and zombies, lol. Couple that with void elves and you could get a Castlevania subfaction goingā€¦and it wouldnā€™t be on the actual monster faction. :cry:

Possible idea for the Horde helping the Saurok, at first maybe they find this group of saurok who are at war with a group of mogu at the moment, but later on in the quest line, the mogu pretty much destroys whatever home they haveā€¦ and enslaves the survivors. Then maybe one got away, went to the puts on a Magni voice CHAMPION end Magni voice and it starts another part of the reputation quest line where youā€™re preparing to free said saurok. Maybe once you reach revered or exalted, you DO free them, (along the story you free more and more as you build up rep) and at the end, you 1. Just helped the saurok free themselves from the grip of the mogue threat. 2. Have the means to offer them a new home. 3. Got to do a good quest line for rep, instead of having to do a million boring world quests. Only issue with this is, ya dont need max rep with a faction anymore in order to unlock an allied race. So, if Blizzard did go that route, how would that work?

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Since we have a new character creation screen with lots of spaces for new races as opposed to limited slots like before, I donā€™t see the whole need for ā€œnew races must use model assets of this particular race or be related to them in some fashion and only once!ā€ to be in effect.

It seems very arbitrary and limiting. It also caused a lot of strife on the forums, such as between Vulpera and Kelfin fans. I donā€™t know why that was a pattern to begin with when ARā€™s were being decided and it shouldnā€™t come down to choosing between two or more races becoming playable because of that, nor should it mean a race that didnā€™t get chosen should never become playable. It just seems really silly in the grand scheme of things, especially when races like Kelfin and Vulpera are completely different in more ways than one.

I donā€™t see why multiple races canā€™t use the same assets of an existing race. Even then, it is unclear if Saurok would be made using Worgen rigging and animations if they were made playable. It could be something built from the ground up like how Kul Tirans were. They could go either way, which Iā€™d personally would be fine with.

Besides, of races that use the Worgen model (Saurok, Worgen, Sethrak) in some fashion, they would all make great playable races and offer different types of flavor, even if they were on the same faction.

Just my personal opinion, of course.

Itā€™s possible they would still require rep with newer allied races as a carrot on the stick sort of thing. The removal of rep before might have been because a lot of time has passed since allied races in BfA were released.

It could also just be quest achievement related to unlock them. Honestly, Iā€™d be fine dealing with grinding reputation if it meant getting Horde Saurok playable, though I understand why people didnā€™t like doing that for other allied races. :meat_on_bone::crocodile:


Ehhh, if theyā€™re gonna make us grind rep for an interesting race, would hope that the story with that rep grind would be interesting. Example, the Shado Pan, Kirin-Tor Offensive, and the (I forget the faction) but the Alliance and Horde where ya get the Grand Gryphon Mount and Wyvern, I LOVED those quests, even enjoyed the grind of the daily quests. Because it wasnā€™t just ā€œOh hey go grind this repā€ it was ā€œHey, you just did this really cool story thing, you wanna get some more? And a mount to boot? Well, go do them dailies and youā€™ll get more story!ā€ The story quests that came with them, were also interesting, so I just hope they bring that back when we get more allied races.


I think for me, the allied race system in general added to the whole thing. You had storylines of meeting with and working with the race, as well as getting them to warm up to you eventually, which would ultimately lead into them joining your faction. It was really cool and felt great to work towards and experience each new raceā€™s stories. It also seems to give a chance for races to become playable when they wouldnā€™t have a chance otherwise.

As I said, I do understand the issues and complaints about the system in general. I guess Iā€™m weird in that regard. :meat_on_bone::crocodile:


Weā€™re ALL weird in some way But ye, I can agree with that. Iā€™m curious as to how the customization would work, Iā€™d assume theyā€™d have horn styles, but what about scale patterns? Possible gator appearances, and maybe some warpaint?


Sauroks are more suited to the horde, but the situation of the alliance in relation to allied races is so dire, that there have been people wondering if blood trolls are a possible option.

Thatā€™s right. Trolls on ally. :scream:

What despair doesnā€™t do to people ā€¦ :cry:

Ps.: I would prefer Sethraks, arakkoas, saberons or jinyus.

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Sethrak and Saberon Iā€™m happy with either faction.

I do view Arakkoa, Ankoan/Jinyu, Furbolg, and Vrykul as Alliance races. Each of them could bring in some much needed flavor to the Alliance in different ways. Iā€™m sure I can think of more if I think on it some.

But as I said multiple times, Iā€™m a firm supporter of Horde Saurok. :meat_on_bone::crocodile:


So far what I can think of is the following:

Scale pattern
Scale color
Tail options

I feel like with scale patterns, something like war paints or tattoos might be a bit much, but maybe someone could find examples of that still working.

That is what I have thought of so far. Iā€™m sure there there could be more options, since Saurok have a lot to work with in terms of potential customization options. Especially when you take several RL lizards into account. Lots of possibilities! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:


Weā€™re getting close to the end of April, which means May is coming upā€¦which then means June is right after that. June 19th in particular will mark two years since I made this megathread. Time sure does fly, doesnā€™t it?

Iā€™ll likely try to plan some things to celebrate it, namely a few post ideas, but I wanted to ask ahead of time if anyone particularly had any suggestions for how to celebrate the two year anniversary.

Iā€™ve been toying with the idea of a photoshoot event in Orgrimmar with Saurok illusions on. I wonā€™t be able to give a specific date until it gets closer to Summer time, since Iā€™ve been really busy with my class and other RL obligations currently. As such, free time is a bit random until I can at least finish this class, which will end close to the end of May, and then I may be able to pinpoint a specific date if anyone is particularly interested. I did figure there may be some people with some free time during Summer, though it will depend on when we see the next patch for Shadowlands. If anyone is interested, please let me know!

But if anyone else has any particular ideas, feel free to share them! In the meantime, Iā€™ll keep supporting playable Horde Saurok as best as I can. :meat_on_bone::crocodile:


You have my support


I support this. :crocodile:


Frill maybe?

Several seem to have frills.


Frills definitely should be an option since it is something that some Saurok do have. Iā€™m curious if there could be multiple types to choose from also.

I imagine the head could still have the helm graphic on with the frill still on the outside of the helm. Might look a bit weird depending on the helm, but itā€™s likely something that could be workable. :meat_on_bone::crocodile:


We have elves whose ears cut through metal.

Iā€™m sure the frills will be fine. :smiley: