The Unofficial Saurok Playable Race Discussion Megathread! šŸŠ

Iā€™m picturing a Saurok doing that in my head and now am chuckling like a madwoman.

This has to happen.



Saurok must happen.


A Saurok running like that means one of two things.

Either theyā€™ve run into a group of angry mobs while questing and need to make a ā€œOH CRABAPPLES!ā€ getaway to the tune of Yakkity Saxā€¦


The butchers in Orgrimmar are ringing dinner bells to sell their wares, possibly leading to a massive BBQ party!

I suspect the latter to be more likely to happen. :meat_on_bone::crocodile:




Could be called Basilisk Run, alternatively.

Since Basilisk lizards are known for this sort of thing.

Basilisk Lizard facts: theyā€™re also known as Jesus Christ lizards | Animal Fact Files - YouTube


Awhile back, I mentioned Pandaren starting with a yak pet now instead of the dragon turtle pet. I donā€™t know how, but it went over my head that I shouldā€™ve taken a screenshot of that. Well, here is the proof:

Itā€™s a little scrunched up because of the resolution I had the game in, but as you can see, they start with a yak now instead of the dragon turtle. As far as I know, this goes for Pandaren regardless of whether they start on the Wandering Isle or on Exileā€™s Reach.

Iā€™m not sure why this change in particular happened. Wishful thinking still has me hoping the dragon turtle would be used potentially for Saurok Hunters if they became playable. Itā€™s one of the animals I feel fit the Saurok pretty well, given at least one tribe uses them as a pet:

Again, wishful thinking, but hey, a Darkspear Troll can dream, canā€™t he? :lizard:

Iā€™m in the process of working on revamping the section for why Saurok would fit on the Horde and should have that up soon. Iā€™ll also be sure to note the change to Pandaren Hunter starting pets in the Potential Hunter Pets section. Suggestions are of course welcomed to what I should add or revamp of the main thread.

In the meantime, here is a lizard giving an important lesson as to why you wouldnā€™t want to boop the Saurok snoot:

I imagine an actual Saurok doing a bit more than than that, but I think you get the general idea. :meat_on_bone::crocodile:

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The hunter pets shown on the character creation screen do not always correspond to the pet you start with.


Does this mean that Pandaren can start with either the ox pet or the dragon turtle pet based, depending on starting area, I assume? Seems like a confusing thing to do for races in general, since you canā€™t see the starting pet youā€™d actually start with until you get into the game.

I honestly thought it was just changed altogether. Not that I expected the dragon turtle to become another raceā€™s starting pet, of course. Just seemed like an odd change to me, is all.

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I havenā€™t done a great deal of testing but in Exiles Reach a night elf starts with nothing then you tame a random creature. Later though a specific (as far as I can tell) class of animal is brought out to be tamed in relation to your race. Night elves seen to get a tiger. (from pandaria)

On the creation screen I believe we have either a Sabercat or one of the night stalker cats from legion.

Void elves are currently shown with a Argus cat, but start with their old void lizards.


So I made a newbie Pandaren Hunter and went through both the original Pandaren starting area and Exileā€™s Reach.

The original starting area doesnā€™t start you with any pet I am aware of. You get tame pet at L5 and then can tame whatever you want in the area.

Exileā€™s Reach, at the point you tame your race related pet, ended up being a green dragon turtle. A bit different from the original dragon turtle pet, which was dark blue.

So Pandaren that at least level in the new starting area still technically start with a turtle pet. Why they show a yak in the character creation screen when they donā€™t start with it, to my knowledge, I have no idea.

Still, it doesnā€™t mean that dragon turtles arenā€™t a potential starting pet for Saurok. A lot will depend on if new races will be able to start at L1 and go through Exileā€™s Reach, or if they will be treated like allied races, start at a certain level, and appear at a racial hub with their own pets.

Aside from dragon turtles, so far there are basilisks and mushan, as well as whatever would be in the area we would meet friendly Saurok that would become playable. So there are still a lot of possibilities!

Of course, the important thing would be that we get playable Horde Saurok in the first place! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:


Well, I updated the following sections in the main post with some new text:
Reasons for Joining the Horde, Starting Pet, Saurok Capable of Working With Others, Priest text in the Potential Classes section.

I also discovered that the custom images I had linked on the main post would not show up. They appeared as just URLā€™s, with an error message stating a preview couldnā€™t be shown. Not sure why the sudden error, considering older posts with custom screenshots were still showing, including the main post before I edited it. Must be a change or something with the forums.

I played around with it and I believe I discovered a way to relink images in another way and have them show up again. At the time of this post, they appear to be working, but if you see any broken images or sudden URL gibberish text where there should be an imageā€¦then it means I have more work to do. x- x

At any rate, Iā€™m happy I got it working again (well, as far as I can tell). Speaking of, I will be looking to take more screenshots, both to show off Saurok in other locations and also screenshot stories Iā€™ve done before.

I was thinking another section would be to link posts of interest. Namely:

Screenshot posts (story and in general)
MMORPG Lizardmen race coverage (for idea inspiration)
RL Lizards (again for RL inspiration)
Fan works (text stories and artwork)

If anyone has any suggestions for the main post, Iā€™m open to suggestions! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:


I found a video that shows off a female bearded dragon puffing their dewlap in order to shed some of its scales off:

This is of interest since it shows that both male and female lizards of different types do have the ability to puff up their throats. Itā€™s something we could see in female Saurok in addition to male Saurok.

Speaking of dewlaps, here is a fun facts video on green/brown anoles:

And here is a short video showing off one puffing their dewlap:

Since Saurok do have a dewlap, having come from different types of lizards, I imagine they would have the ability to puff their throats out for various reasons. Could it make for a racial skill? Iā€™m sure it could in some fashion, though I would expect it as an idle animation if anything.

Just some fun videos I wanted to share for Saurok idea inspiration! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:


Saurok for horde and Sethrak for aliance. Next expansion; Hisssssss of the Lizard King


I can get behind this.


Saurok for the Horde and Sethrak for the Alliance is a great combo. Each faction gets a reptile and they are really great contrasts to each other while fitting in their respective factions. Sethrak also fit in the Horde though, so the important thing is that both become playable (preferably with Saurok going to the Horde).

Speaking of Sethrak, our friends in the Sethrak megathread are having another round of Sehtrak rally events in the near future! For more information, such as dates and location, please see this thread:

Letā€™s get some reptiles on that character creation screen! :snake: :crocodile: :turtle:


Your enthusiasm is infectious and itā€™s making me want to play a lizard wizard now.


Make them a Frost Mage, and youā€™ll have a Lizard Blizzard Wizard! :snowman_with_snow::lizard:

Ogres and Saurok are my most wanted races, which is why Iā€™m very enthusiastic about my support for them as playable Horde races. Getting them both playable on the Horde would be a dream come true for me. Not 100% guaranteed, of course, but a Darkspear Troll can dream! :japanese_ogre: :crocodile:


Hahaha, anoles are adorable with their flashing throats. BOOP! ā€œLook at me, Iā€™m trying to flash my dewlap to this GIGANTIC PRIMATE GOING BY because this is my territory! HAH!ā€

I will admit, I see gekos here in the summer (moved southward) and I love seeing them x.x itā€™s like a tradition for me when I got outside to look for lizards. ā€œLOOK! LIZARDS!ā€

Playable Saurok please. :lizard:


Well, a new semester of classes begins, so posts might be a bit slower than usual. Hopefully, this will be my last semester and Iā€™ll be able to look for a job or continue my education in some fashion.

In the meantime, I thought about Saurok and their being ferocious as a key personality trait. When I think about ferocious lizards, I thought of velociraptors. As such, I found some fact videos on velociraptors in general for some potential Saurok idea inspiration:

The main thing from them would be how they were portrayed in the Jurassic Park movies, where they were quick, cunning, and likely to pounce on prey and chomp on them. So if you imagine Saurok hunting in a similar fashion and capable of pouncing on hunted prey (such as Alliance members) and ripping them to shreds is a scary thought.

Sure, Saurok use weapons, but even without them, they would be capable of some massive damage with teeth, claws, and tail. Not really something you want to engage with in combat.

Anyway, just some fun videos I wanted to link for some potential Saurok inspiration. Granted, weā€™d get more of what velociraptors were portrayed as, as opposed to what they were more likely to be in reality.

More Saurok research to continue in the future! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:

I love how the lizardmen in this anime are shown.
I could see the sauroks doing the same thing in battle.


Seeing that scene makes me think of the Saurok tribes banding together in order to fight the rampant scourge that is devastating the world (of Warcraft!). Itā€™s really awesome to see those lizard men in action! :lizard:

Thank you for sharing! Iā€™ll need to look into this anime some more. :meat_on_bone::crocodile:

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