The Unofficial Saurok Playable Race Discussion Megathread! šŸŠ

MoP is just the gift that keeps on giving, as I found another interesting Saurok NPC to type about! This guy is who Iā€™ll be looking at:

As it turns out, this Saurok is a samurai:

He apparently has several water-based attacks, though I canā€™t find a place that lists them other than a general description from Wowpedia:

"The battle against Maki Waterblade consists of two phases. During the first he will cast Wild Fixation every so often, fixating on a random player. He attacks this player with Crashing Slash which deals 150% frost damage.

After some time, phase 2 will start. He will move to the middle of the room and uses a whirlwind attack. Additionally, water will flow in the ring from all sides, pushing you towards the middle. You have to run towards the water so it wonā€™t push you into Makiā€™s attack."

So he utilizes a few water attacks, which is really cool to see Saurok attuned to the water. I really feel like Saurok in general should have some affinity to the water of some sort, as lizardmen and water just seem like a fitting combination to me.

So where is he located? Well, that link above is the scenario he is in, which takes place in the temple of Xuen. Interesting thing to note is that this is the fourth Saurok NPC I am aware of that has been allowed into the temple and also behaves himself compared to other Saurok.

His introduction text when you fight him is this:

Gurgthock: ā€œHeā€™ll slice and dice in ways that arenā€™t nice! Please bow respectfully for Maki Watervlade, Saurok samurai!ā€

The idea of a Saurok samurai is interesting, as it takes a lot of dedication and a code (bushido for RL samurai) to follow to become one. This does show that Saurok are capable of such things and arenā€™t all just full of primitive rage. Iā€™d be curious to know about how he became one and what clan he came from!

However, when you defeat him, this text is said:

Gurgthock: ā€œAn honorable end to the noble Makiā€¦Iā€™m sure his clan would be proud, if he hadnā€™t been the last of them!ā€

ā€¦gee, I feel really bad now. This is likely a reference to a samurai trope of some kind, but I really wouldā€™ve liked to know more of his story, as well as what his clan was and what happened to them. At the very least, it does show that more Saurok tribes/clans exist that we possibly donā€™t know about.

For those interested in doing the scenario, you can solo queue for it from this NPC:

There are three achievements you can get from this specific scenario also:

With that last achievement, youā€™ll have to do the scenario a minimum of three times. It involves killing all three possible final opponent, which are randomized. Itā€™s not long at all, especially at the current max level where you one-shot everything.

Anyway, this NPC is very interesting even if the intention was just a ā€œhereā€™s a cool thing for you to fight and not think too deeply on like a nerd.ā€ Iā€™m not sure if he signed up willingly to be a combatant, but I have a hard time seeing him forced into a gladiator slave. Interesting thing to note is that the Brinescale Saurok seem to like the gladiator pit in Tiragarde Sound. If Saurok like arenas and such, then the Horde is even more fitting for them since there are different types of arenas the Horde has in Orgrimmar and other territories.

Still, we have another instance of a Saurok being able to be among others in a society, as well as a Saurok that is able to become something that requires a lot of hard work and self-control rules of conduct. If one Saurok can do this, then surely other Saurok are capable of doing it as well, and maybe they would be capable of working towards a bigger goal, such as helping to save the world (of Warcraft!).

More Saurok research to continue in the future! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:


Blizzard recently announced that Blizzcon will take place online on February 19-20 of next year:

As I said before, Iā€™d be surprised if I see anything Saurok-related during any part of Shadowlands, but if anything gets mentioned, Iā€™ll be sure to report it here. :meat_on_bone::crocodile:


Saurok will never be playable.
So are sethrak.

Ok level 10. Lol


No bully, I just started.
Baby steps :baby:

Thatā€™s an interesting post history for a new player.

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I am very interesting person in general :kissing_heart:

Are you?

The majority of your posts the last few days have been in multi boxing threads, among the most common threads on the forums, and you have a few posts in threads telling people the things they want to see wonā€™t happen, with the pretend authority common to the most negative of players on these forums.

You seem rather baseline.

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There is another MoP scenario that has some interesting Saurok activity:

A couple of things of interest with this scenario:

First, this is where the idea of Saurok being able to climb things like cliff walls comes from. In this scenario, they climb up the side of a cliff while it is raining without any equipment, from what I can tell. If they can climb up a cliff, I imagine they would be able to climb over something like the walls around Stormwind very easily.

Second, the background description text, posted on Wowpedia, poses this question: ā€œAnd what is it about heavy rain that always brings out the saurok?ā€ I think I recall a mention during the scenario somewhere that when it rains heavily, the Saurok seek higher ground for some reason. Not quite sure what that reason could be, unless thunderstorms get them riled up from their dealings with the Mogu.

For those interested in doing the scenario, there are a few achievements for doing this scenario:

I believe if you do it on Heroic, youā€™ll get both the regular and heroic completion achievements, and this applies to every scenario with a heroic version if I am remembering correctly.

To solo queue for the heroic version, talk to this NPC in the MoP version of Vale of Eternal Blossoms:

To do the regular version as a solo queue, talk to this NPC in the MoP version of Vale of Eternal Blossoms:

More Saurok research to continue in the future! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:


Hey! You! Yeah, you! The person reading this! You like reptiles? Well, you likely do if youā€™re checking this thread out. I like reptiles myself, if you canā€™t tell. However, you may have noticed a bit of a problem when checking out the character creation screen. No playable reptilian races!

Such a shame, isnā€™t it? Perhaps with all that new room on the new character creation screen, weā€™ll see some existing reptilian races get some love and achieve playable status someday. Now, weā€™re here on the Saurok side to show support for Saurok becoming playable, but our friends in the Sethrak megathread are also working hard in supporting Sethrak to be playable too!

In fact, theyā€™re organizing a couple of in-game rally events, one for the Horde and one for the Alliance, in order to show off support for those who want Sethrak playble. Youā€™ll get to hang out with others with Sethrak illusion forms on and show off how neat itā€™d be to see player Sethrak running around Stormwind and Orgrimmar!

If youā€™re interested in more details, such as event start times and locations, check out this thread for more information:

We here at the Saurok megathread stand with the Sethrak megathread, sharing in the common goal of getting some reptilian races playable. We firmly believe that having both playable would add in a lot of flavor to the character creation screen while offering unique character customization, culture, and gameplay.

So go check out the event, take some screenshots, share them online, and have fun! And most importantlyā€¦

Letā€™s get some reptiles on that character creation screen! :snake: :crocodile: :turtle:


I already bought my crystal. Now, Iā€™m torn between going as sethrak or saurok.


If the event is suppose to be Sethrak specific, it would be more fitting to be a Sethrak there, in my opinion. :snake:

I did consider doing some sort of ā€œSauroktoberā€ event in the month of October, likely just a small event to take photos in Orgrimmar. However, I currently canā€™t pinpoint a specific time and date because I have some final exams for my current class coming up soon, another class Iā€™m worried about starts mid-October (Business Finance, oooooooo spooky!), pre-patch stuff coming soonā„¢, and then Shadowlands launching later in October. So Iā€™m not sure what a good time is to do such an event. Being a responsible adult can be annoying and time consuming. x- x

If anyone is interested in doing a Saurok event of some sort in Orgrimmar, please let me know! Iā€™m sure I can figure out something and I might be able to plan something out as we actually get to October. In the meantime, Iā€™ll have to consider how to celebrate ā€œSauroktoberā€ in other ways. :meat_on_bone::crocodile:


Iā€™ll have to get a Drakonid thread going eventuallyā€¦

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Anyway, I would participate, even if I had to create a level 1 toon on any server you choose.

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So Warhammerā€™s Lizardmen/Seraphon are great sources of Saurok ideas, and I figured I would link a two part video review of the current (as of this post) Seraphon Battle Tome in case anything of interest is shown in them for Saurok idea inspiration.

So what is a Battle Tome? Itā€™s a Warhammer book that you buy that gives you details on the army it is themed after, such as rules, their attacks/skills, different ways to paint them, some lore, and also some artwork here and there. There is one for each Warhammer army and are quite lengthy.

There are quite a few video reviews on YouTube, but Iā€™m linking a two part video done by Crendor, who occasionally does WoW content. He shows off the book in a better detail and goes over the majority of it, granted the lighting is a bit dark so it is hard to see the artwork.

They are rather long videos that do have a lot of Warhammer terminology talked about, but itā€™s still interesting to see what exactly is in a Battle Tome.

Anyway, here are the videos:

Warhammer is something I plan to get into one of these days when I can afford it. Iā€™m sure you can tell which army Iā€™ll go with whenever I do. :lizard:

More Saurok research to continue in the future! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:

Iā€™ve mentioned the idea of Mogu being the main enemies of playable Saurok, and I wanted to go into a bit more detail as to what I would expect from these Mogu in particular in terms of personality and such.

As it stands right now, the majority of enemy Mogu are scattered clans trying to gain power. Theyā€™re more or less jobbers with the attitude of ā€œI AM ABOVE YOU AND WILL FORCE YOU INTO SERVITUDE OH NOES I AM TEH DEADZ HOW COULD THIS HAPPEN ARGHRARGHRARGHRAGH!!ā€ Not exactly something that would strike fear into the minds of most people.

If Mogu were to ever become a huge villainous force again, they need to be a threat. In terms of some of the higher ranking Mogu NPCā€™s and especially their leader, there needs to be a feeling of dread. Something that gives a feeling like this:

There is also motive to consider. If a Mogu leader was able to actually gain in power and start taking over other clans, what would they want? Well, world domination and a new empire are some general goals. Iā€™ve seen Mogu think that they are the so-called saviors of this world, chosen by higher powers to rule over it.

I imagine their leaderā€™s personality in such a case to be similar to this example I thought of:

ā€œIt is sad to see you children so misguided; squabbling amongst yourselves in your perpetual war. You have yet to realize that the world is Moguā€¦and that your purpose is at our feet as you bend the knee. For now, you are lost and angryā€¦but in time, youā€™ll open your eyes and understand, even love us for this boon of servitude we bestow upon you. The privilege of serving the world-shapers that we saviors and protectors of the world are.ā€

In other words, someone who is extremely full of themselves that they truly believe that the world is theirs. Someone who does not get angry with events, feeling that world domination is inevitable, and that they are saviors of the world (of Warcraft!).

Getting back to motive, where do Saurok fit in all of this? Simply put, the Mogu would view Saurok as their creation and as that they are theirs. To allow them to have broken free is a problem that needs to be fixed, with them back under their power:

ā€œWhy do you fight against us? Surely you recognize that we are the ones who granted you life. We gave you meaning in this world and offered you shelter. So much anger in all of you, but not to worry. You will realize just how lost you are without us, and you will accept us again in time. Yours is a role that will lead to greater things and allow the Mogu to spread its benevolence across all beings.ā€

So a view that the Mogu own the Saurok is one of the reasons they would hunt them down. In terms of the playable faction of Saurok, I offered an idea that they managed to get an artifact or so needed for the evil Moguā€™s plans in gaining power. It gives another reason why they would hunt them across the world (of Warcraft!)

Now, letā€™s look at the idea of the Mogu being a threat again. Iā€™ve mentioned different debates of how Lei Shen was close to if not as strong as Arthas, so having such power is important. There is also the idea that Mogu also have the ability to deal with the death in a bit of a terrifying thought.

Death can not help you escape from the Mogu in this case, as they can take your spirit and force you into servitude while you are conscious and aware of it. You canā€™t pass into the afterlife at all, but instead of being a mindless undead, youā€™re a spirit that is forced into labor or shoved into a construct for Mogu purposes. You are stuck being their slave while they are in power.

ā€œDo not worry, for not even death can take you away from us. We have the ability to make sure that you are under our care both in life and in death. This is but a most precious gift the Mogu bestow among all of our servants.ā€

Having this type of villain also has some meaning to the Horde, who many of its members were previously slaves in some fashion. A lot of races within the Horde also have different rituals and beliefs in death, and to have someone who is denying friends and family from even passing over to the afterlife and making them slaves, both living and in death, would give the Horde something to fight for. It also allows a bond between the Horde and Saurok to form, eventually giving way to having the Saurok join the Horde.

What I typed is hypothetical, of course. A lot depends on if this is the direction Blizzard would go with playable Saurok, and then it depends how grand of a scale it would be. However, if it becomes a theme of an entire expansion, there is a lot to it that would make for a great storyline and fun quests and dungeons to explore.

Itā€™s a big reason I believe that enemy Mogu being involved in a playable Horde Saurok storyline is so integral. Not to mention that getting a playable lizardman race in WoW would be a huge deal. There is a lot of potential here, and it would be great to see this fully realized in the game. :lizard:

More Saurok research to continue in the future! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:

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So Iā€™ve been trying to do some weekly farming for the Son of Galleon mount, in which itā€™s a very low chance of dropping, and also for that last belt transmog item I need for the red Saurok armor set:

The item Iā€™ve been trying to get is this:

Iā€™ve been farming both Oondasta and Nalak, in which the belt item I need in question is suppose to drop from a fail bag. I got a belt in the fail bag for Nalakā€¦only to find it was the heroic version, which is the blue Saurok armor. Itā€™s weird, as WoW has this item as a potential drop from Nalakā€™s fail bag, but comments mention Oondasta and not Nalak at all.

Thus, Iā€™m unsure if it even drops from Nalakā€™s fail bag. I donā€™t know if it use to, since itā€™s listed on Wowhead still, and was changed, but it seems like only the green armor pieces drop from Nalak while blue armor pieces come from the fail bag.

So in order to finish the transmog, as far as I can tell, you have to either:

  1. Get it as a fail bag drop from Ooondasta, in which you need to be a class that wears mail as their primary armor (Hunter/Shaman). Annoying you have to have the chance to get the fail bag, and then a low chance of having the item you need given in said fail bag.
  1. Get the belt transmog as a random drop from a crate via dubloons from Island Expeditions in BfA:

Itā€™s rather annoying that I canā€™t get all the pieces from just farming LFR Throne of Thunder. Speaking of, if you want to access the LFR version of Throne of Thunder to farm the other pieces or access LFR versions of other MoP raids, you can talk to this NPC in the MoP version of Vale of Eternal Blossoms:

Hope this helps anyone who is trying to get this armor set. I know it has been annoying for me to try and finish it. ā† <

Also, since Iā€™m at three posts in a row again, if someone could reply to the thread, I would greatly appreciate it! I canā€™t post more than three times in a row in a thread, and that way I can keep showing off Saurok support and idea inspiration! :lizard:

More Saurok research to continue in the future! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:


You could even link this artifact to the expansions premise. Have a raid dedicated to trying to protect it or recover it.

OK yeah that is terrifying. Lol

I know I bring this up every time but you could also use this enemy Mogu taking over the others to give the Alliance Mogu.

A clan that resists and sees (like the rajani) that this new Mogu empire is not the way.

Could be a real neat idea.


Itā€™s October 1st, so happy Sauroktober everybody! :lizard:

Iā€™ll be trying to think of some things to do this month, such as some special posts and also some plans to revamp the megathread with some sections. Not certain on a Saurok in-game event this month, but Iā€™ll play it by ear for now. College work and exams are keeping me busy, but I also want to see when the prepatch stuff occurs, as well as Shadowlands potentially launching this month.

As I said before, being a responsible adult can be annoying in terms of free time and energy. x- x

The idea I had behind this is to reach the players emotionally with dread and gives a reason to view the evil Mogu with disdain. Itā€™s something Iā€™ve seen in a few games done decently, such as a few of Guild Wars 1ā€™s villains. Works really well with villains people would love to hate. There is quite a bit you can do with this type of thinking in terms of storylines and quests.

It can definitely work, and it would offer some interesting storylines. It also can keep friction between the Alliance and Horde with their respective new members. It would also give more reasons for the Saurok to hate the Alliance and join the Horde, aside from the Alliance likely viewing the Saurok as uncivilized beasts. Lots of potential there.

The important thing is that we get Horde Saurok, of course. As long as I get that, playable Mogu are fine with me. :meat_on_bone::crocodile:


Oh very much! Honestly Iā€™m not that big on Mogu, they just fit well with possible stories that show the Saurok.

Saurok need to be Horde and the game needs reptile races! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:

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