The Unofficial Saurok Playable Race Discussion Megathread! šŸŠ

If there is one thing Iā€™ve learned from my adventures on Pandaria, is that the Mogu are jerks!..and that they also have a potential to make for great villains. Iā€™ve mentioned before that playable Saurok should have enemy Mogu involved in their story, but there is an important thing about them than just a great story.

With Mogu as villains to playable Saurok, it helps give Saurok both an evolved personality as well as gaining sympathy from players while getting invested in the Saurok storylines.

The Mogu make pretty good villains in general. Theyā€™re made for you to hate them and also have the power to back up their talks. Theyā€™re also versatile enough that they would work as villains of a smaller part of an expansion, something along the size of Mechagon, or would work great as a main villain of an expansion in general.

The Mogu are all about domination of everything and subjugation of everyone, whether it is through life or death. There are many instances of them using mind control or even spirits as slaves.

One example in-game is this rare in the MoP version of Vale of Eternal Blossoms:

Heā€™s flanked by two Paleblade Saurok who are under mind control. Sadly, killing him doesnā€™t free the two Saurok with him. Not to mention that the Mogu are trying to mind control the Paleblade Saurok in that area to be slaves.

There are also Saurok slaves under mind control on the Isle of Thunder Iā€™ve mentioned a few times:

Freeing them from the Mogu that drag them around in chains just causes them to go RAWR and despawn. They apparently use to attack other Mogu mobs and likely despawning when their target dies. I always free them whenever I go through the area.

Then there are the Clearscale mobs, who I can only assume are under a mind control of some kind:

There is something about the idea of a villain who thinks because they created you, through a painful manner of course, that you are theirs to serve and not even death will save you that is utterly terrifying. It does however have an opportunity to give some character to Saurok.

Imagine a tribe of Saurok that left Pandaria to get away from the Mogu, seeing the in-fighting with other Saurok getting in the way of fighting against the Mogu, and you go to a secluded, uninhabited continent. For many years, they form a civilization with their own beliefs, culture, and such that is miles better than being former slaves. Then, all of a sudden, your sworn enemy finds you and begins to destroy everything you have built in order to enslave you again.

Sounds like a pretty epic story, doesnā€™t it? Itā€™s something that would certainly give sympathy from the players to these Saurok, which would also help to get them invested in the storyline. It also helps play into the Horde getting involved, many members of which were former slaves themselves with some likely seeing parallels with what the Saurok have gone through with themselves, such as the Orcs. The Mogu would be a threat not just to Saurok, but the whole world if they were gaining in power again, and for something like the Horde, they obviously would fight against being enslaved both in life and in death.

There is a lot of great story potential reintroducing Mogu as huge villains again, and through that, it can really add a lot to playable Saurok backstory and personality. Not to mention that eventually defeating villains that you love to hate would feel really awesome at the finale of the expansion. As such, I feel like evil Mogu should be involved in playable Saurok storylines. Until then, when I see enslaved Saurok, Iā€™ll be sure to free them. :lizard:

More Saurok research to continue in the future! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:


That story offers the option for playable Mogu to the opposite faction.

Maybe not the exact ones being the villain but it could be used to give a race to both sides.


They can certainly do something similar to the Rajani on the Alliance side. It would also spark more of the faction war between the Horde and Alliance if Saurok did join the Horde and having their mortal enemy on the Alliance side.

In all honesty, playable Mogu would make me worry about playable Saurok chances, especially if they put Mogu on the Horde. Saurok working alongside Mogu willingly, even if said Mogu arenā€™t anything like the evil Mogu weā€™ve seen, is something I personally canā€™t see ever working and it is a reason I was very worried when I made the post about the Rajani Mogu as a potential allied race when we first discovered them.

However, I will say that I have seen people want Mogu playable and have see them mentioned more than Saurok. There is nothing wrong with wanting Mogu playable, after all we all have races we want playable, but my own personal opinion is that Mogu make for much better villains than something weā€™d see as a playable race.

As long as it doesnā€™t hurt playable Horde Saurok chances, low as it is already, then Iā€™m not entirely against it. Again, just my personal opinion. :meat_on_bone::crocodile:

It has been awhile since I did a real life lizard analysis in order to gain some playable Saurok idea inspiration. For this post, Iā€™m going to look at the Komodo Dragon!

First, a few videos about them:

With these videos, letā€™s see what kind of features they have that would work with Saurok.

First, komodo dragons are venomous. I donā€™t believe there is anything in-game that would imply that Saurok were venomous, unless a specific type of lizard got turned into a Saurok by the Mogu. Venomous features, in my opinion, are a thing better left for Sethrak, as itā€™s more character defining for them.

Second, Komodo dragons have tough scales for protection. Another reptile that supports the idea that Saurok should have natural armor of some kind as a passive racial.

Third, komodo dragons are excellent swimmers. Something that Saurok in general should also be with fast natural swimming and can hold their breath longer than other races.

Fourth, komodo dragons are excellent hunters while utilizing their tongues as a way to track others. This is something Saurok could use in order to have some innate form of tracking as a racial. Itā€™s also something that would work well with Sethrak.

Fifth, komodo dragons are sadly hunted illegally. This did give me the idea of quests Saurok could get of Alliance hunters trying to hunt them for their scales to make scale armor of some kind. I suppose Nesingwary could also be involved, but Iā€™d prefer to stop him in this particular hunt as opposed to joining him on his rampage against lizards.

Sixth, komodo dragons are able to climb very well. Not sure if this is something that could be utilized in the game for Saurok, except in very specific locations, but worth mentioning.

All in all, some ideas that Iā€™ve mentioned before with a few new ones. There were some beautiful scale patterns in the videos to show off as well. Iā€™m sure there are many more reptiles to look at for more Saurok inspiration, which I will do more of in the future. :lizard:

More Saurok research to continue in the future! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:


Since Iā€™m at three posts in a row and need someone to reply to the thread before I can post more, I wanted to share a cool website I found that you can design your own miniatures and share images of them online: Hero Forge

What is Hero Forge? Itā€™s a website where you can design your own miniatures for tabletop gaming and have them custom made. While I donā€™t know anything about the quality of the figures, the cool thing is their miniatures creator on their website!

The creator is free to use and has all sorts of neat options. For races, it has the usual human, elf, halfling stuff, but it also has creatures, such as centaurs, and many different beast races, including lizards, frogs, elephants, snakes, and more.

It also can create images you can download of your creations, so I made a Lizardfolk Necromancer seen here:

Theyā€™re made to be painted, so unless I missed the option, there isnā€™t a way to color the different parts to plan your painting ahead.

Still, this is a neat thing to show off race customization inspiration, such as making different Lizardfolk characters for Saurok inspiration! If anyone is interested, Iā€™d love to see your creations!

If you want to check out the website, you can find it here, where it loads the miniatures creation program in your web browser:

Hope people have some fun with it and share some creations! Also, if someone could please reply so I can continue to post more Saurok stuff, Iā€™d appreciate it greatly! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:

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Ah I remember when Hero Forge was new and smol.

I agree, especially since its more of a saliva thing with Komodo Dragons and an actual injected venom with snakes. :stuck_out_tongue:

I do think the swimming, the climbing and a lot of the general look of Saurok and Komodo Dragons has a fair bit of overlap. Certainly a good place for inspiration!

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I 'm not reading all that, but I 100% support this idea. Sethraks :snake: for Alliance and Saurok :crocodile: for Horde.


Cheers to that!



There is so much story potential with this race itā€™s unreal. Still bugs me that nothing came of a return to pandaria.


Potential in many ways is one of the reasons why I decided to start this megathread and keep voicing my support for playable Horde Saurok. There is a lot to their backstory that would make a great storyline for playable Saurok, complete with a clear villain (the Mogu) and many aspects that make them seem very fitting to be members of the Horde. Itā€™s a dream that would make my day to see become a reality. :lizard:

Speaking of Pandaria, I was trying to do some research on the Clearscale Tribe since Wowpedia as their affiliation to the Black Empireā€¦for some reason:

As I said before, I saw nothing in-game that gave the idea that they were part of the Black Empire. Nothing Saurok related is mentioned all in the Black Empire section of Wowpedia, and they arenā€™t listed in the racial members of the Black Empire either:

The only Saurok member of the Black Empire I can even find is the Clearscale Tribeā€™s leader:

Not to mention that there arenā€™t any Saurok enemies when Nā€™zoth attacks the Vale to my knowledge, and where the Clearscale goes during this time is unknownā€¦unless the Mogu take them elsewhere and only bring them out when they assault the area.

This is why Iā€™m confused as to why Wowpedia lists the Clearscale Tribe as being affiliated with them. As I said before, I view their leader succumbing to Nā€™zothā€™s power and getting corrupted while the rest of the tribe is left to fend for themselves, getting enslaved because of a lack of leadership.

Sadly, it seems like we wonā€™t get much an answer to the Clearscaleā€™s backstory, where they came from since they werenā€™t in MoP, and why theyā€™re so primitive compared to other Saurok tribes. Instead, we get a fat panda wanting us to kill everything without a thought while blubbering about his booze while the Clearscale remain slaves to the Mogu. A shame, reallyā€¦

Speaking of the Old Gods, I did see a comment on the forums a long time ago, in another thread, mentioning that Saurok serve themā€¦though, having gone through MoP recently, Iā€™ve seen nothing that really shows any Saurok doing such a thing, nor do I see them as members of the Old Godsā€™ forces:

Itā€™s always possible I could have missed something, but even then, it isnā€™t Saurok as a whole. If all Saurok did, itā€™s hard to see them functioning as pirates, let alone some being invited to the Temple of Xuen. Not to mention that the Skumblade worship a wild god, so thatā€™s kinda proof that they do have free will of some kind to worship who they want to.

The only real sign Iā€™ve seen is on the Saurok Stalkerā€™s armor, which has something on the belt and two dangling doodads with eyes that look Old God like:

On actual Saurok, the belt has a similar design in the middle buckle:

Iā€™m not really sure there is any significance to it, but I havenā€™t seen any evidence that any Saurok support the Black Empire/Old Gods. Wowpedia even says Saurok affiliation in general is independent:

If anyone happens to know of any mentions of Saurok and the Old Gods, please post and link to where it mentions it, but as it is right now, it seems like the tribes weā€™ve seen donā€™t follow any sort of god, other than the Skumblade and Kros.

At any rate, it shouldnā€™t hinder playable Saurok chances at all, seeing as the Old Gods really donā€™t have much to do with Saurok in general, and any playable Saurok faction may follow a more friendly wild god than Kros, though likely savage in different ways of course.

More Saurok research to continue in the future! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:


Yes. This would have given the pandaren a precise stake in helping their factions to increase their numbers and bring strength to both, by recruiting other races from other expansions.


So I was originally planning to show screenshots of all the animations and emotes that the Saurok model has in the game, which wouldā€™ve taken a lot of time to do and wouldnā€™t do the emotes justice in just still images.

As it turns out, Wowhead has a 3D model viewer that lets you play with the different animations! Below, I have linked the model to a random Saurok mob, where you can see all the emotes and animations they have (currently set to their models on the Shadowlands beta servers):

Special thanks to Nadezhdha for mentioning this feature in the Sethrak megathread! :snake:

If it doesnā€™t load automatically for you, you can click the red ā€œView in 3Dā€ button in the top right area of the web page. You can also set the model to be from Live, PTR, and Beta servers by going to the top left of the web page and clicking which server model you want to see.

So now you can see all the Saurok animations in action, including:

Roaring fiercely!

Dodging an attack!

Bowing gracefully!

Blowing kisses!

Clucking like a chicken!

And much more!

Interestingly, they have a mount animation even on the live servers version of the model, but attempting to mount while under a Saurok illusion causes the illusion to not show until you dismount. Itā€™s possible some of these animations are here because they come from using the male Worgen skeleton, even if some of the animations arenā€™t enabled in-game.

Another thing of interest is the Cower animation, because the tail is in an upright position. This would likely mean tail animations should be able to be worked with for player characters in different animations, something likely already shown off with Vulpera.

Also, all the Saurok mobs in the same should have the same animations, possibly with a few exceptions, but if I happen to see anything of interest on other NPCā€™s, Iā€™ll be sure to report it here. :lizard:

More Saurok research to continue in the future! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:


I thought I would look at another real life reptile for some Saurok inspiration, and for this post, Iā€™m going to look at the monitor lizard!

First some videos on monitor lizard facts:

Most facts are things gone over before from other reptiles Iā€™ve shown here, but a few things do come from looking at these lizards.

Monitor lizards are said to adapt to different environments very well. Likely, Saurok could adapt to different environments on Azeroth just fine, being able to traverse through things like jungles, underwater, and deserts just fine. Places like Northrend likely wouldnā€™t make too much sense, but probably wouldnā€™t be addressed. I mean, Iksar in Everquest went through the frozen continent of Velious just fine, so Saurok should be able to go through Northrend as well.

Monitor lizards are very intelligent. This reminds me that Saurok could become intelligent with some ideas presented in this megathread, such as pilfering Mogu artifacts or coming across some Kajaā€™Cola while traveling in the oceans. Saurok should be savage, but also be cunning in different ways in my opinion.

Monitor lizards can live for quite awhile. I imagine Saurok would potentially live long (and prosper!) lives, especially given that their creation was magical based. As such, having NPCā€™s in a playable Saurok faction that were slaves of some sort to the Mogu before their tribe managed to escape from Pandaria, possibly before when MoP occurred, would be interesting for storytelling purposes. Sort of an ā€œOld Onesā€ part of the Saurok tribe that gives wisdom and guidance.

Thatā€™s about all for now. Iā€™ll continue to look at more real life reptiles for Saurok ideas to share for some inspiration. If anyone has any suggestions or if you want to talk about reptiles you like for Saurok ideas, please feel free to do so! :lizard:

More Saurok research to continue in the future! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:


Reminds me. If Saurok do make the cut I hope they give them unique animations. :heart: Currently they share all animations with the male Worgen.


If weā€™re lucky enough to get playable Saurok, itā€™s very likely theyā€™ll have some unique animations, even if they use the Worgen skeletons for them. It could go either way with Saurok, either using some Worgen animations and some unique animations for them or possibly building the model and skeletons from the ground up. With the latter, you could add quite a lot of neat customization options and animations that really give them a personality. Female Saurok would need the most work as well, since there arenā€™t any female Saurok represented in-game at all to my knowledge.

Either way, the important thing is getting playable Horde Saurok. :lizard:

I also played around on Hero Forge to attempt another Lizard Man creation. This time, I went with a sorta Death Knight/Warrior type of character. The result:

Again, Iā€™m not especially great at designing models and such, so itā€™s something I need to work on more. Still, itā€™s fun to play around and share off creations. If anyone wants to share any of their creations, please do! You never know what they could inspire! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:


I think this race is a strange choice for an allied race but best of luck to you (no sarcasm there)


doing island expeditions If only that lore and stories on there was expanded a bit more. Ah well. I keep seeing them and itā€™s mighty interesting. Thereā€™s a lot of stuff and while mechanically people hate the IEs, it could have had a lot of lore potential for the Saurok included.


I actually have not done any island expeditions at all. At the time BfA launched, I was more interested in doing stuff to unlock allied races and focused on that, thinking that island expeditions wouldnā€™t really play into it at all. Eventually, I read how people werenā€™t very fond of the PuG mentality of being kick-happy at the slightest thing, so I never really bothered. Iā€™m hoping we can do them solo eventually as we move forward into other expansions.

However, the one thing they did do is show that some Saurok are traveling somehow and seeking places to live. Itā€™s unclear how theyā€™re doing it, possibly swimming like the Deepscale Tribe, or how many tribes have left Pandaria, but it still shows that it is possible. Itā€™s very likely that we could see Saurok in other locations in the future, with some possibly having different cultures and being slightly less RAWR and more willing to work with other races, as shown with the Brinescale in BfA.

Itā€™s kinda why I lean more towards an expansion where we come across a continent with a settlement of Saurok being best for story opportunity, especially given the space on the world map for undiscovered continents. Not to mention that Mogu have been traveling as well and likely up to no good, which would work well as villains for the Saurok storyline. There is just a lot of story potential in that regard while also giving Saurok a reason to work with and join the Horde.

All of it is just me thinking out loud and some wishful thinking, though. Whatever they do, the important thing would be playable Horde Saurok, of course! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:


Iā€™ve mentioned the ā€œDagger in the Darkā€ scenario a few times, where you go with Volā€™jin into the Darkhatched Saurok territory with some Korā€™kron jerks who attempt to assassinate Volā€™jin. You can actually do this scenario, along with any of the others, solo to check it out and also earn some achievements!

First, youā€™ll want to go to the MoP version of Vale of Eternal Blossoms. Thereā€™s a NPC you talk to outside where Lorewalker Cho is, building in the northeast section of the map, to change between the two Valeā€™s.

Once in the correct Vale, go into the same building. Youā€™ll see a row of three male Pandaren, who allow you to queue solo for normal/heroic scenarios and LFR versions of dungeons/raids. The one you want to talk to is this guy:

Here is a video to show where to go if youā€™re more of a visual person:

The only thing of note doing ā€œDagger in the Darkā€ solo is that there is a section intended for someone to be on the boat while others walk alongside you in a cavern. The only thing is that you have to get on the boat solo, where the only obstacle during this section is some Saurok stopping the boat with magic, which you need to use your boat skillbar to slowly deal with them.

As for achievements, there are four of them:

If you want to see the scenario being played out, this video shows the majority of it back in the day with a group of people, though the oath with Volā€™jin isnā€™t shown:

And if you want to just read the spoken text, you can read it here:

So an interesting thing about this is that Garrosh was interested in the flesh shaping magic, though the specifics of what he wanted to do with it arenā€™t really explained. Itā€™s possible Garrosh couldā€™ve attempted to create his own slave army of Saurok, and likely they wouldā€™ve also rebelled eventually.

If that was Garroshā€™s plans, there is an interesting thing to consider if we ever got playable Horde Saurok. Garrosh wouldā€™ve forced Saurok as slave soldiers within the Horde while the actual Horde wouldā€™ve allowed Saurok in as equals to stand together with. Itā€™s an interesting contrast to think about, and in some ways it would be a way to stick it to Garrosh.

Anyway, I actually have not done any of the scenarios aside from this one. There are a few general related scenarios, so I may explore some more of them and report anything of interest I discover.

More Saurok research to continue in the future! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:


Give Alliance Sethrak and Horde Saurok.