The Unofficial Saurok Playable Race Discussion Megathread! šŸŠ

Both and the Saurok just donā€™t know what to make of this guy. Meanwhile the Dracthyr are lowkey offended that heā€™s calling the Saurok dragon people and them the lizards.

Perhaps as the evil Mogu clans are going about, we get a friendly clan in the area. So Horde Saurok/Alliance Mogu?


Itā€™s a pretty interesting combination with a lot of story potential. And when dealing with actual good and friendly Mogu, the Rajani Mogu would be the best choice for that.

Going with the Unā€™goro Crater idea, the Rajani Mogu could have an interest in the titan related stuff there for current storyline reasons, which the Horde and Alliance could have an interest, especially after the evil Mogu clans are trying to control it, which the Horde and Alliance would also be concerned with.

Taking control of Unā€™goro Crater would lead to a Mogu conquest of Kalimdor while also being able to teleport to other places like Northrend, which they could also try and take over and utilizing undead there since there are Mogu Necromancers. Not a fun thought to deal with, is it?

Of course, the Saurok tribe there is not fond of the idea of any Mogu trying to take over the area they reside in, and you could have it where both the playable Horde Saurok and the Rajani Mogu have something needed to both kick out the evil Mogu and to make the titan stuff there functional for storyline purposes, complete with something happening in the near future that would be devastating if the Horde and Alliance canā€™t get them to cooperate and work together.

So you could have the Horde work with the Saurok there, given they have a lot in common and they can be separate from the Rajani Mogu while doing so, while the Alliance works with the Rajani Mogu for whatever their role in the storyline would be in the meantime. Both also would be doing different attacks on the enemy Mogu clan area as well while the Horde and Alliance act desperately as mediators while the clock ticks down to some event happening in the storyline.

Obviously, such details need a lot of fleshing out, but it is a really fun idea to think about. It also gives a reason for the Horde and Alliance to have an interest in Unā€™goro Crater and work together, since it affects all of Kalimdor, including Horde cities and Night Elf territory.

But itā€™d make for a fun event and would also be a great way to add in playable Horde Saurok. :lizard:

-44 days (40 days with early access) until TWW releases!-

-Playable Saurok for the Horde please! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:


A little late in posting this, but the TWW Pre-Patch officially launches on July 23rd:

This is mostly stuff like the Warband feature being implemented, which Iā€™m pretty excited for. The event with memories and big baddies you have to beat up begins on July 30th, which is a week from tomorrow.

Not expecting anything Saurok related in the prepatch, but Iā€™ll still keep my eyes out just in case.

Also, the jokes and flirts for Earthen have been shown off in the following Wowhead article, with both text and video links in the article below:

Whenever they are available, Iā€™ll be taking a look at the Horde and Alliance embassies to see how they look with a new banner placed in there. Iā€™m sure there would still be room for more Allied Race banners, of course!

Anyway, Iā€™m going to dream of having some Saurok characters in my warband someday. I think I would have at least one of them on the character selection screen if they do become playable someday. :lizard:

-42 days (38 days with early access) until TWW releases!-

-Playable Saurok for the Horde please! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:


MoP Remix is getting close to winding down, but there are still a few things to go over again. One of which is a reminder of another instance of Saurok forming a bond with animals:

If you quested in the Dread Wastes, you might have come across this Saurok with a turtle pet. This is a Murkscale Flesh-Hunter from the Murkscale Tribe:

They use these turtles as hunting pets:

When I first discovered this mob years ago, it was a pretty important thing to share. Saurok, at least at the time, were still viewed as mindless beasts that were mostly interested in eating your face. However, showing off that Saurok could form a bond with animals was and still is pretty important to go over.

Now, we donā€™t know how these turtles are raised, but seeing how Saurok of the Skumblade Tribe can form really deep bonds with their basilisks, which is another really important thing, I donā€™t see why these Saurok couldnā€™t form a bond with these turtles to that extent. It wasnā€™t like they saw the turtles and thought that tonight, theyā€™d dine on turtle soup either. Thus some sort of bond was created with them of varying levels.

As for them being a potential Saurok Hunter starting pet, Pandaren Hunters still start with dragon turtles, while these could work for Saurok Hunter starting pets, Blizzard might want something more unique to them. Still, they are an option among several others. A lot just depends on where playable Saurok would reside or if they took any animals with them as they traveled elsewhere.

Anyway, this is just another piece of evidence that Saurok can be a lot more than just feral beasts and could form bonds and work with others. Sure, they might not cuddle with their pets, but as weā€™ve seen with the Skumblade Tribe and basilisks, they can really hold animals in high regard and take care of them.

Saurok can be pretty complex when you look into them closer. Lots of potential to be more if given the chance! :lizard:

-41 days (37 days with early access) until TWW releases!-

-Playable Saurok for the Horde please! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:


So today, I went to open my mailbox and in the back, there was this really tiny grey lizard. Iā€™m not entirely sure how it got in there, but I knew it would be stuck there and possibly harmed if the mail got delivered, so I managed to safely get it out unharmed and let it go on its way and help control the bug population.

I think it may have been a common garden skink, as it looked very similar to this in looks and colors:

While Iā€™m at it, Iā€™ll leave a video of some general skink facts here to act as Saurok idea inspiration for scale colors and such:

Funny of all things in my mailbox, it was a lizard. Maybe someday, Iā€™ll get some Saurok in the mail that I can put in my warband and have them join the Horde. :lizard:

-40 days (36 days with early access) until TWW releases!-

-Playable Saurok for the Horde please! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:


Wowhead has posted an updated world (of Warcraft!) map from the beta for TWW below:

As you can see, Khaz Algar, the continent weā€™ll be questing on in TWW, is fairly close to Pandaria on the bottom left of the map.

Now as I said before, I donā€™t really expect to see Saurok on the new continent. However, given that Saurok have been sea faring since the mists were around Pandaria, with even more traveling after the mists disappeared, there still could be a chance that some Saurok arrived there. Maybe to take a break on the beach and try out the local cuisine. Who knows?

But that of course is just speculation. Iā€™ll be very surprised if we see Saurok activity next expansion. But regardless, Iā€™ll keep an eye out just in case there could be some Saurok activity, even if the chances are fairly low.

Makes me wonder how many more undiscovered continents there will be on that map in the future. Maybe weā€™ll find one with some Horde friendly Saurok someday if weā€™re lucky! :lizard:

-39 days (35 days with early access) until TWW releases!-

-Playable Saurok for the Horde please! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:


WoW Chronicles Vol. 4 came out awhile ago, and while I havenā€™t gotten it yet, I tried to see if I could find any Saurok info from those that did have it. However, from what I could tell, not much is said about themā€¦not that I expected a whole lot, of course.

There is an article here on the WoW Wiki GG if youā€™d like some general info on it, info on retcons, some artwork, a few sample pages, and such:

If I ever get my hands on it, Iā€™ll be sure to report any Saurok findings here, though as I said, I donā€™t expect much. MoP may just barely go over them, likely saying how they go RAWR and stuff, and BfAā€¦well, you know my thoughts on that from my general grumblings on missed opportunities and Chenā€™s blubbering over wasting his booze instead of considering helping free the enslaved Saurok tribe, so Iā€™ll spare you my rantings this time. :stuck_out_tongue:

If anyone happens to have the book and notices anything of Saurok interest, please feel free to share! :lizard:

-36 days (32 days with early access) until TWW releases!-

-Playable Saurok for the Horde please! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:


That would be cool or we could get some of the races of Khaz Algar expanding to Pandaria. Perhaps the Kobyss we meet in Hallowfall make it to more open water and end up clashing with the Saurok as they explore the nearby Pandaria. We then intervene and help the Saurok out, which could hopefully lead to a tribe joining the Horde.


I can see there being clashes between the Saurok and Kobyss, whether it is on Khaz Algar or on Pandaria. Iā€™m not entirely sure how big of a role the Kobyss will play as one of the enemy mook NPC races, but I can definitely see some strong words spoken amidst gnashing teeth.

I do think for a playable Saurok faction, evil Mogu clans should play a role in their story as an antagonist. The history of both races are very much important in their storylines and evil Mogu clans would be able to tie into getting the Horde involved.

Not to mention that itā€™s a pretty important rivalry that would feel a bit odd not to see the full picture. Itā€™d be like seeing Batman without the Joker, Link without Ganon, Adblockers without Youtube. Things like that.

Though come to think of it. if there are titan related things on Khaz Algar, you think the Mogu might have some interest in it? Especially with it being so close to Pandaria? Might be a good reason to have some evil Mogu clans interested in the area and with Saurok also residing on it for whatever reason, which fits in the ideas weā€™ve had. Not sure if itā€™d be the best place for it, compared to other places like Unā€™goro Crater.

Just a fun thought, of course. :lizard:

-35 days (31 days with early access) until TWW releases!-

-Playable Saurok for the Horde please! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:


Yes, I do. Perhaps they seek to become stronger than Lie Shen and so seek out Titan artifacts.

Perhaps when the Mogu clans arrive they do so with Saurok slaves. That way we can liberate them and being in a new strange land makes them more inclined for diplomacy over fighting against us or fleeing into the unknown.


Thatā€™s a neat idea.

Help them rebel and then after theyā€™re looking for direction. Hordeā€™s just like. Join?


The way I see it, the evil Mogu clans want to reclaim their power they once had, viewing their creation from the Keepers as a meaning that the world (of Warcraft!) belongs to them and it is theirs to rule over and shape.

So I can see an opportunistic Mogu wanting to seek out titan related artifacts and such as a way to get more power for them. This could involve forcing other evil Mogu clans into their ranks and to take whatever they have found. And of course, subjugating other races along the way to further their ambitions.

Itā€™s a reason why I can see them fitting in the World Soul saga as an antagonist, and by proxy, would be fairly easy to write in playable Horde Saurok as a result, since they likely would have some Mogu artifacts that this new empire forming would particularly want, along with the sense that the Saurok need to serve the Mogu again and pay for their disobedience.

Lots of storyline potential. :smiley:

Having the playable Saurok faction be in a losing battle would give a great reason for them to be open to joining the Horde. And it would be nice for someone to actually care about helping the enslaved Saurok for once as opposed to ignoring them or being apathetic (looking at you, Chen Stormstout. :rage: ).

I had an interesting thought: Remember how the Hozen joined the Horde? Instead of fighting an endless battle with them, they instead figured out how to establish relations with them and got an ally out of it.

I wonder if that line of thinking could go with Saurok also. Especially in a place like Unā€™goro Crater. Having an evil Mogu clan causing problems and instead of adding Saurok to that problem, instead the Horde looks into helping and establishing relations with the Saurok instead and making them allies instead of constantly fighting them in Horde territory.

Itā€™d be a neat throwback to that and Iā€™m sure Lorewalker Cho would be pretty happy and excited to know his advice lead to establishing relations with a tribe of Saurok finally. :lizard:

-34 days (30 days with early access) until TWW releases!-

-Playable Saurok for the Horde please! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:


That would be a nice call back to the Hozen becoming a part of the Horde. Would you prefer the Saurok being there beforehand, having moved in quietly before the Mogu showed up, or brought by the Mogu who are looking into the regions Titan artifacts?


Being there before makes their story work a lot better, IMO.

Going with the Unā€™goro Crater idea, I imagined the playable Saurok tribe looking for a place to settle, likely having dealt with evil Mogu clans along the way. Having them go to move into Unā€™goro Crater and establish their home, only to have Mogu show up because of the Titan related stuff there and then wage war on the Saurok would have a bit more of an impact to me.

And having an established home also just works more into a storyline where they work with the Horde and eventually end up joining them. Both directions you mentioned could work, of course, but this one just seems like it would have more storyline potential to me.

All in my own personal opinion, of course. :lizard:

-34 days (30 days with early access) until TWW releases!-

-Playable Saurok for the Horde please! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:


Iā€™m assuming weā€™re going to be having quite a lot of downtime from some important maintenance as more Warband features get implemented and for when TWW launches. Understandably so, given how complicated Iā€™m sure things are in trying to get stuff ready with as few bugs as possible.

Likely, several of yā€™all need stuff to do during said downtime. And what better thing to do than to increase your cooking skills and get some pizza power at the same time!

Chef Lenny the Lizard and his family can show you how to cook as good as a Saurok here:

And if youā€™re interested in making human sized pizza, the recipe for the ā€œCrispy Cheesy Pan Pizzaā€ from the video is here:

You can of course add toppings as you see fit. I have to imagine chefs would be pretty popular as a profession for Saurok. Especially when it comes to meat loverā€™s pizzas! :pizza::lizard:

-33 days (29 days with early access) until TWW releases!-

-Playable Saurok for the Horde please! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:


Iā€™m still hoping this will happen somedayā€¦ :slight_smile:


Weā€™re a little over 5 years of starting this megathread and the hope is still there with us. Donā€™t see that hope dying down anytime soon!

In fact, I still see other forumers here put Saurok on their most wanted playable race list. Quite a few of them were in a fairly recent topic asking what races people want to see. While I canā€™t say this megathread is responsible for that, Iā€™d like to thnk weā€™re inspiring quite a few people into seeing how awesome Saurok would be as a playable Horde race, which is pretty awesome.

Besides, Iā€™m sure a lot of people would love to have their own Saurok character to RAWR and take on the world (of Warcraft!) like this:

And of course Iā€™ll continue to dream of seeing Saurok on the Horde side of that character creation screen someday! :lizard:

-32 days (28 days with early access) until TWW releases!-

-Playable Saurok for the Horde please! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:


Iā€™ve just been thinking about future playable races and how I would go about it and realized that I donā€™t currently donā€™t have Saurok plans. Like I could do Mists, where they were introduced, but it also doesnā€™t feel right for some reasonā€¦

If I canā€™t think of a Chromie Time campaign to do, I might default to whatever standard path Blizzard has set up.


Iā€™d have mine show up in BfA times I think.

Saurok had several pirates then and it feels like theyā€™d branched out. Mine would have (in my head) joined the Horde through a third party sort of means round then. I.E. He worked originally as a corsair for the Horde until the Horde accepted the Saurok proper.

And then my Saurok hunter would happily begin tasting all the foods the world has to offer!


Normally with new alts, I level them in Cataclysm areas to get Orgrimmar/Stormwind rep. However, with those reps possibly being account-wide in the future and with mount skill costs being removed, Iā€™m not entirely sure what direction I would go with alts and where to level them.

With Saurok, Iā€™m tempted to go with BfA if only to help imagine what it wouldā€™ve been like had Saurok became a Horde Allied race during then. In some ways, I have a lot of nostalgia with BfA, since it was what got me to come to the forums and start supporting playable races I wanted to see. Granted, BfA had so many missed opportunities that itā€™s frustrating to see, but on the other hand, Iā€™ve met a lot of awesome people on the forums here because of it.

Guess a lot depends on how I feel and how fast I want to level them.


-31 days (27 days with early access) until TWW releases!-

-Playable Saurok for the Horde please! :meat_on_bone::crocodile: