The Unofficial Saurok Playable Race Discussion Megathread! šŸŠ

Youā€™ve convinced me! They would make an awesome playable race.


As you likely have heard, the 19th WoW Anniversary event has gone live, with several events and goodies available:

19 years. My how time flies. I started during BC and took a hiatus for most of Legion, but itā€™s cool to see the game still chugging along with new features and stuff added as time goes on.

Hopefully it wonā€™t be another 19+ years before we see playable Horde Saurok someday. Iā€™ve no plans to quit WoW anytime soon, and Iā€™m still insane enough to keep at it, so hope still persists! But in the meantimeā€¦

Happy anniversary, WoW! :fireworks: :lizard:

-Playable Saurok for the Horde please! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:


Iā€™ve been thinking some regarding Saurok being given the Vulpera treatment as an Allied Race, utilizing the Worgen models, and also a variant of the Worgen Running Wild racial.

Since the inception of this megathread, people have suggested Saurok getting a form of Running Wild. It isnā€™t too far out there of a racial, given that Saurok NPCā€™s in-game have been running on all fours, can climb walls, and even jump pretty high. Now, most of those Saurok are the ones that lean towards the feral side of Saurok personality, but it could be possible to see Saurok who have evolved some to still utilize that type of movement.

Given that the Allied Race system is still being utilized, then I could see Saurok being given the Vulpera treatment, where the Worgen skeleton is utilized for them and some of the animations edited, removed, or new ones created. Even as a Core Race, I could see Saurok still utilizing Worgen skeletons to help the development process some.

So the question is: if that did happen, would it be possible to see Saurok have some variant of Running Wild? And if so, how would it be different from the Worgen version?

If I were to guess, it could be something that acts as a timed dash as opposed to an alternative permanent mount thingie. Otherwise, Iā€™m not entirely sure how to differentiate it much. It could also give Saurok water walking while running, though stopping on water for more than a second would likely lead Azerothā€™s laws of physics to suddenly go ā€œHEY! WAIT A MINUTE!ā€ and sink your Saurok faster than Facebookā€™s stock market presence.

Of course, it is also possible that Saurok wouldnā€™t get a form of Running Wild, as either Core or Allied Race. And if they did get it, by no means does it mean that Saurok should not get a racial mount of any sort. That would be rather lazy to me; moreso since Worgen have mounts in addition to their Running Wild.

So I wanted to ask if anyone had any thoughts on Saurok having a form of Running Wild and if they got one, how should it be handled. I could see Worgen skeletons fitting fine for male and female Saurok, while still retaining unique characteristics, but it was something to think of if we saw them get the Vulpera treatment. Granted, Iā€™d prefer them as a Core Race as theyā€™d likely get more love, care, and customization options as such, but they can work fine as an Allied Race.

Hopefully Saurokamania will run wild on Azeroth someday! :lizard:

-Playable Saurok for the Horde, please! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:


With US Thanksgiving coming up in just a few days, I thought I would leave some fun videos below of some reptiles a a few amphibians getting to enjoy the occasion. Videos are below:

Hopefully Saurok will be able to enjoy Pilgrimā€™s Bounty sometime as well! :lizard:

Iā€™ll be making at least one other US Thanksgiving related post, but as always, whatever your plans are this week, please have a fun, happy, and safe US Thanksgiving! :turkey:

-Playable Saurok for the Horde, please! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:

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With giving thanks being a big part of Thanksgiving, I wanted to give some thanks in both of my megathreads. Iā€™ll edit the posts to make them more specific to that particular megathread.

I wanted to thank everyone who comes here to check out our work and ideas and even contribute to the megathread. It really means a lot to me to have gotten so much support and warm reception over the years of supporting playable Horde Saurok.

One of the worries I had when I first started this megathread was how people here would respond to the idea. Much to my surprise, a lot of people have gotten into the idea of playable Horde Saurok and would even list them on their wishlist of most wanted playable races. I even saw a forumer mention how Saurok are one of the top requests for playable races before, which I was very delighted to see mentioned.

With that in mind, I must be doing something right. And next June, weā€™ll be hitting our 5 year anniversary, which I wouldnā€™t have even lasted a single year if it werenā€™t for the support of others here.

So for anyone who comes in here, whether you contribute and show support or even just come here to read the posts we make, I am very thankful of all of you. It helps to keep inspiring me to continue onward, and I have no plans to stop any time soon. I feel blessed to see several people interested in and supporting playable Horde Saurok.

Iā€™ll continue to hope that somewhere in that 20 years of WoW planning and beyond that Blizzard is doing, that there is room somewhere within for there to be Saurok as champions of the Horde and among the saviors of the world (of Warcraft!).

Thank you all so much! :lizard:

-Playable Saurok for the Horde, please! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:


Still wanting to see Saurok added into the game and would be really eager to see an expansion of their lore, too. Lore is underestimated in this game and hasnā€™t been taken seriously since Shadowlands, when I left.

Iā€™d love for lore to be fleshed out more like for these folks. There is a ridiculous amount of potential here, what with their origin being as interesting as it is.


Happy US Thanksgiving! :turkey:

As you can see, our Saurok Ambassador is enjoying Pilgrimā€™s Bounty. Hopefully, weā€™ll see Saurok in general get to enjoy the holiday someday! :lizard:

Whatever your plans are today, please have a fun, happy, and safe holiday!

-Playable Saurok for the Horde, please! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:


I was looking at the official website for The War Within and saw an interesting text blurb regarding Khaz Algar under the Isle of Dorn in the Journey to Khaz Algar section:

ā€œDiscover the land of Khaz Algar, off the western shores of Pandaria and home to the Earthen.ā€

If Khaz Algar is suppose to be somewhat close to Pandaria, Iā€™m wondering if any Saurok could have arrived on there since many tribes have been seafaring before and after the mists disappeared. Not to mention there has been Saurok presence in Unā€™goro Crater on Kalimdor, so it wouldnā€™t be too out there to see Saurok on the next expansion area.

Granted, I was under the impression most of the areas weā€™ll be going to there would be underground and weā€™ve already seen most of the denizens already, so I donā€™t really see Saurok as the down-to-earth type that would dig the new locations. Itā€™s also not likely that we would see Saurok anywhere at all in the new expansion area and if we did, it would probably be an antagonistic tribe as opposed to a friendly one.

Still, it was worth a mention. Iā€™ll add the map location of Khaz Algar to my ā€œthings to post on in the futureā€ list. Unlikely as it would be to see Saurok in the new expansion area, Iā€™ll keep an eye out for anything to report back on as we learn more and eventually when the expansion comes out. :lizard:

-Playable Saurok for the Horde, please! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:

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This would be really neat to see. Weā€™ve seen Saurok in so many other seaward places now it would make a lot of sense.


Decemberā€™s Trading Post items have been revealed:

And the reward for doing enough tasks is this baby moose battle petā€¦not really the combination of words I planned to type today, but still neat:

Nothing really Saurok related that I saw,ā€¦not that I expect anything to be honest. Still, Iā€™ll keep an eye on each monthā€™s Trading Post rewards just in case. :lizard:

-Playable Saurok for the Horde, please! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:

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Happy December everyone! :christmas_tree::lizard:

Next to Halloween, this is another favorite time of the year for me. Iā€™m planning to make the usual festive posts once Winter Veil starts in-game for here and a few other race request megathreads. Iā€™ll likely make the usual couple of New Yearā€™s posts as well when it gets to the end of the month.

Hoping everyone has a fun, happy, and safe holiday season! :snowman_with_snow:

-Playable Saurok for the Horde, please! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:

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I feel like almost any continent on Azeroth has the chance of having Saurok on there.

Saurok have been leaving Pandaria since the mists were around it, which means there was some way past them at that time. And with the mists having disappeared, weā€™ve seen several tribes leave Pandaria in different directions. So itā€™s very much possible that any future expansion areas could have them, as well as Saurok even reaching Kalimdor if we go with the Unā€™goro Crater idea.

As for why they would leave Pandaria, I can think of a few reasons:

-Evil Mogu clans still being around trying to force any Saurok they come across into servitude. Very much something that should be part of a playable Saurok tribeā€™s storyline.

-Competition from other Saurok tribes when it comes to territory and hunting.

-Pandaria being a bit too crowded in general when it comes to expanding territory, resources, and so on.

So it makes sense why several tribes would be leaving to seek their fortunes elsewhere.

Of course, some tribes may not be that friendly, but given what weā€™ve seen of some Saurok working with others, it wouldnā€™t be impossible for us to run into more friendly tribes. Especially if there is a mutual benefit to working with each other.

As for method of travel, we know Saurok can swim long distances in the ocean, but itā€™s also possible they took ships, likely from Mogu, and learned how to travel the sea somehow. Maybe they found some ā€œShip Navigation for Dummiesā€ books or something. Not impossible that theyā€™d take boats instead of swimming, though swimming is a bit more of an epic story.

I imagine Saurok on ships would have to face some dangers on the ocean, such as in this dramatic acting with no lizards being harmed:

Guess it depends on the location and storylines going on. :lizard:

-Playable Saurok for the Horde please! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:

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This lizard is excited for Winter Veil coming up! Theyā€™re looking forward to asking Greatfather Winter for playable Horde Saurok under their tree. You can also wish for that too and help to make this lizard and several Saurok very happy!

With the beginning of each month, I make in-game suggestions for each race I want to see playable along with a mention of their respective megathreads on these forums. While it is far from a guarantee of seeing our dreams come true, I do think every little bit helps, and doing it monthly I feel is reasonable and not that intrusive or annoying.

If youā€™re interested in doing the same for races you want to see playable, I made a little guide on how to do so in-game here:

I know Iā€™ll continue to wish to see a few new playable races under my Winter Veil tree! :lizard: :japanese_ogre: :bat: :tiger2: :polar_bear:

-Playable Saurok for the Horde please! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:


Ummmmā€¦please GOD NO!!! lol No freaking Murloc race! That is the most terrible idea anyone has ever mentioned in WOW when it comes to races. I could roll or roll without Sauroks, but NO sane person wants Murlocs! lol

With snow being a pretty big theme this month, at least for places where it is actually Winter in December, people might be getting into the fun that is making snowmen. And in some cases, it can be snow reptiles!

I thought Iā€™d link a few Iā€™ve found for fun:

Maybe if it snows where I live, I could look into making a Snow Saurok. A Snorok perhaps? :snowman_with_snow::lizard:

-Playable Saurok for the Horde please! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:


I have discovered that snow iguanas are a thing and I wanted to share some videos showing some off for playable Saurok scale customization inspiration. Videos are below:

They have some really beautiful scale colors. I could kinda imagine a Saurok Frost Mage with that type of scale color, which would be kinda fitting in a way.

Iā€™ll continue to keep an eye out for other things to share for playable Horde Saurok idea inspiration! :snowman_with_snow::lizard:

-Playable Saurok for the Horde please! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:

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Iā€™ve been trying to find videos that show off Dragonborn creation in Baldurā€™s Gate 3, but havenā€™t really found any that show off their customization as a whole.

Instead, I did come across a couple of playlists of soundless tutorial videos on how to make certain designs of Dragonborn, both male and female. And while these are more Dragon related than Lizard related, they would still be good sources of inspiration for playable Saurok idea inspiration. Having more examples of female reptilian races is also good to help inspire female Saurok designs.

Playlist of male Dragonborn tutorial videos here.

Playlist of female Dragonborn tutorial videos here.

I know that the devs wanted to focus on primarily the core races to D&D being playable, but I do hope there will be other races added in the future like Lizardfolk. It would certainly get me interested in the game, and of course Iā€™d look for videos of Lizardfolk creation and customization to share here as well. :lizard:

-Playable Saurok for the Horde please! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:

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I have survived the horrors of LFR and beat up Fyrakk! Huzzah!

We wiped at Fyrakk once and did it the second time, though Fyrakk mustā€™ve had a Taco Bell binge or something beforehand because at some point, a quick blast caused me and a few other raid members to fall faster than CM Punkā€™s AEW career.

Weā€™re nearing the end of Dragonflight, with only a few minor patches before The War Within begins. I wasnā€™t really expecting much in the way of Saurok activity this expansion, but it still has been a fairly enjoyable one. Much much much better than Shadowlands, in my own personal opinion.

And even if there may not be much in the way of Saurok stuff next expansion, Iā€™m not giving up. Iā€™ll still keep at it here and keep my eyes peeled for anything to report back. Saurok research is an ongoing process that continues to be more of a marathon than a sprint.

So if anything of Saurok interest pops up in the near future, you can bet Iā€™ll be here to report on it. Until then, Iā€™m going to try and have a meeting with the Horde Council again since they owe me several favors for saving the world (of Warcraft!). Again. Many times. They always seem to be ā€œtoo busy to meetā€ until theres some threat and then itā€™s all ā€œHelp us champion! Beat up the big bads while we sit here and have milk and cookies!ā€ Least they could do is let me sponsor a few new members of the Hordeā€¦sighā€¦maybe somedayā€¦ :lizard: :japanese_ogre: :bat: :tiger2: :japanese_goblin::trident:

And for those looking to brave the nightmare that is LFR in general, I wish you the best of luck!

-Playable Saurok for the Horde please! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:


Winter Veil is now live in WoW Retail. Huzzah!

Even our Saurok ambassador is excited, pointing at the giant tree and the magical sleigh ride in the distance! Hopefully Saurok will get enjoy the holiday someday!

Iā€™ll be taking some festive screenshots like I usually do each year, some of which will be for a few other race request megathreads. Iā€™ll also make my usual end of the year and beginning of next year posts like I usually do as well. Itā€™s a busy but fun time!

Hope everyone has a fun, happy, and safe Winter Veil! :christmas_tree::lizard:

-Playable Saurok for the Horde please! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:


As is part of the usual tradition of Winter Veil in this megathread, Iā€™ve gone and taken several screenshots of the Winter Veil sleigh ride, which is one of my favorite parts of the Winter Veil features. Iā€™ve chosen another Saurok to be Santa Saurok as usual, off to spread holiday cheer to the Horde and to hopefully grant some Saurok wishes to come true!

Enjoy the screenshots with some fitting music below:

More festive screenshots to come! :christmas_tree::lizard:

-Playable Saurok for the Horde please! :meat_on_bone::crocodile: