The Unofficial Saurok Playable Race Discussion Megathread! šŸŠ

Hopefully the lore indicates nuance and creative directions that will allow for Saurok to be playable. We already know thereā€™s tons of rich lore there, letā€™s see it expanded.


Metzen seems like heā€™d be more interested in the guts of lore and world building overall. I think this is a good sign.


The thing to keep in mind is that it is a recent job promotion. So assuming there is ever a significant change in the lore department, we may not see that until after the next expansion at the earliest, maybe even after the expansion after next.

Plans and resources have been set into motion for what is to come next. Small details can change, but the overall picture likely canā€™t for various reasons. As such, it will be awhile before we see what the effects are of this change, for better or worse.

I will say for world (of Warcraft!) building, it is a good sign. I canā€™t say itā€™ll be the best thing ever and itā€™ll be all ice cream with sprinkles and happy puppies and kittens to cuddle for all eternity under rainbows and a smiling sun and moon dancing in blissful harmony as all our wishes come true. The only thing we can really do is just see how things go next expansion and maybe even after the next one before we can give decent judgement.

Of course, a lot of it also depends on what is done with said lore. A lot needs to be fleshed out or expanded upon. Saurok being a good example of having the tools to do more with them, with it being a matter of what is done with said tools assuming Blizzard doesnā€™t ignore it entirely. Thus a reason why this megathread exists and weā€™re here to show the possibilities.

All we can do is keep at it and hope for the best as we keep an open mind. Blizzard has been listening to some feedback lately, so if weā€™re lucky, maybe ours will get considered also. :lizard:

ā€”36 days until Blizzcon starts (Nov. 3rd)!ā€”

-Playable Saurok for the Horde please! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:

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Octoberā€™s Trading Post items have been officially revealed:

And the reward for doing enough tasks is this broom mount:

Nothing Saurok specific again, which I wasnā€™t expecting anything to begin with in all fairness. A few items of note:

-The Caged Eye of the Wanderer looks very similar to the eye on most Saurok NPC belts and the eye on the Saurok Stalker armor sets, which Iā€™m wearing. I assume this item is demon related, seeing as other items are, but I have not seen anything demon related with Saurok. Not sure what that eye thing could be that NPC Saurok related stuff has, but still something worth nothing.

-The Headmasterā€™s Skullcap looks like it would look really good on Saurok. Granted, it looks like an edited helm transmog of the Necrolords armor, but still neat looking.

-The Well-Worm Grimskull Cinch would also look pretty good on Saurok. Maybe for Saurok Warlocks even.

-Headmasterā€™s Command would look really neat for Saurok Warlocks or Necromancers if that ever becomes a class as a staff.

Seems to be all I can comment on at present. I was thinking of getting that Imp in a Ball toy as one of my purchases to ask it some questions. Depending on its answers, Iā€™ll either keep it safe as an advisor or proceed to drop-kick it into the nearest lava pit. Guess weā€™ll see what happens when I can ask it questions.

Iā€™ll continue to report on the Trading Post each month just in case anything Saurok related does pop up on there.

ā€”35 days until Blizzcon starts (Nov. 3rd)!ā€”

-Playable Saurok for the Horde please! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:

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This level 1 Saurok is ready to take on the world (of Warcraft!) as a champion of the Horde! Unfortunately, Saurok havenā€™t become playable yet, but you could help with a new round of in-game playable race suggestions for races you want to see playable!

With the beginning of each month, I make in-game suggestions for each race I want to see playable along with a mention of their respective megathreads on these forums. While it is far from a guarantee of seeing our dreams come true, I do think every little bit helps, and doing it monthly I feel is reasonable and not that intrusive or annoying.

If youā€™re interested in doing the same for races you want to see playable, I made a little guide on how to do so in-game here:

Lets hope we see that Saurok above and many others get to adventure as champions of the Horde someday! :lizard:

ā€”32 days until Blizzcon starts (Nov. 3rd)!ā€”

-Playable Saurok for the Horde please! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:

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Work on revamping the main post of this megathread is slowly underway. It will likely still take me a lot of time to type up each section and figure out what to add and so on.

In the meantime, with talks of an old world (of Warcraft!) revamp eventually happening, I wanted to talk some regarding Saurok and Unā€™goro Crater.

As you may know, Hearthstone has Saurok in Unā€™goro Crater, along with that one Saurok Dinomancer in the micro holiday. So it isnā€™t completely out there that Unā€™goro Crater could be a good place for Saurok to set up a home in WoW.

The way I imagine Saurok getting there is a tribe escaping from an evil Mogu clan on Pandaria. Likely not wanting to deal with them again, this tribe would travel the ocean, either by boat or swimming which at least another Saurok tribe has done, to find a new place to live. This could lead to them landing on Tanaris. From there, they would travel to Unā€™goro Crater and make their home somewhere in the area, with plenty to hunt and dinosaurs to tame and such.

Unā€™goro Crater is pretty important for Titan related stuff, which could lead to a storyline of the Mogu clan I mentioned heading there to claim it for nefarious reasons, seeing that Saurok tribe there, then deciding to force them into indentured servitude again, complete with the lousy Mogu brand of health care benefits.

This of course would lead into the Horde, realizing there is quite the kerfuffle close to their territory, to arrive, help fight off the Mogu in a series of questlines and maybe even a fun event like the Cataclysm pre-expansion events, and then lead into the Saurok joining the Horde afterwards for mutual benefits. The Horde get more territory and the Saurok get support in their new home.

Obviously, all of this needs to get fleshed out more (and not with the Mogu flesh shaping methods), but this could lead to a beginning questline for playable Horde Saurok and would also give some new stuff to do for a revamped Unā€™goro Crater. Not to mention giving the way for Devilsaur mounts to be a thing thanks to Saurok being able to somehow tame them, likely leading to Zandalari jealousy.

I might look into typing up a scenario to show off how this could work in better detail. However, I need to do some research on Unā€™goro Crater in general to be better at explain why the Mogu would have interest in the area to begin with. But still, itā€™d be a great questline to lead into playable Horde Saurok! :lizard:

ā€”30 days until Blizzcon starts (Nov. 3rd)!ā€”

-Playable Saurok for the Horde please! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:

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Sharing another art piece from DeviantArt today, with this one being of a Lizardfolk. It was created by Shinsen and uploaded to the website on January 24th, 2009.

ā€œMight of the Tribeā€ by Shinsen on DeviantArt

In my last post, I mentioned the idea of Saurok taking residence in Unā€™goro Crater. This art piece helps to imagine what they could look like in there. Standing strong, armed to the teeth (and with teeth for that matter), ready to take on several hunts of beasts and dinosaurs!

Iā€™ll continue to look at more art pieces to share for playable Horde Saurok idea inspiration! :lizard:

ā€”28 days until Blizzcon starts (Nov. 3rd)!ā€”

-Playable Saurok for the Horde please! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:

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So I have accomplished the first revamp of the megathread, huzzah!

I edited a few sections while moving some around. I also deleted a few sections that were a bit outdated, like the player-character animations for the NPC model section. I felt that it was great at the time for BfA with the potential for Saurok as an Allied Race, but nowadays if they ever became playable, theyā€™d likely have models built from the ground up. Maybe utilizing skeletons from other races as well.

I did remove a few screenshots I took as a result of the revamp, and for those wanting to see them, Iā€™ll post them here:

Saurok were capable of swimming backwards since they were utilizing the male Worgen model.

Saurok do have a fishing animation. Likely from utilizing the male Worgen model again.

This was the Heart of Azeroth animation from the beginning of BfA. It was a bit of a big deal to see races have such an animation. In the case of Saurok, it wasnā€™t perfect to look at, but it was something important to note at the time.

If youā€™re wondering about the name, I used one of my Rogue characters to do the beginning section with the Saurok illusion on via Glyph of Disguise. Unfortunately, I forgot to turn off names and since I did the questline, I couldnā€™t redo it with the name off and had no other Rogue characters to do the questline again. So I had to make do, unfortunately. I think I was in a rush to get to that part with the small timer that Glyph of Disguise illusions have.

Iā€™ll be going over the megathread post again in the near future and making more edits and adding sections as I see fit. Until then, I need a break, so please enjoy the changes. If anyone has any constructive comments or if you see an error that needs fixing, feel free to mention it. Any help is appreciated!

Maintaining a megathread is a lot of work, but it is well worth it at the end. Hopefully, Blizzard will take a look at our feedback and ideas and consider playable Horde Saurok someday! :lizard:

ā€”26 days until Blizzcon starts (Nov. 3rd)!ā€”

-Playable Saurok for the Horde please! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:


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Edit: Ok, finished the post. Not sure what exactly I did to post this post in the middle of typing it, but Iā€™ll try to be more careful next time. x- x

Word is that the next Dragonflight patch will be the last major patch:

Assuming that is true and aside from any .5 patches, that could pop up, weā€™re likely to start looking at next expansion news come Blizzcon.

From the sound of it, it seems like WoW may get the biggest focus at Blizzcon, so it makes sense to announce the next expansion there. Feels like Dragonflight kinda came and went doesnā€™t it? Ah well. It was still a breath of fresh air compared to Shadowlands.

While there are all kinds of ā€œleaksā€ and speculation of the next expansion, it sounds like Avaloren could be the place we go to next:

Not sure really what to think about it, since popular speculation is it could be Dwarf related. Storms are also a popular discussion over it, so maybe enemy Mogu could be involved if they wanted to take over it. Probably not, but still an interesting thought. Especially if Saurok happen to be around we could ally with.

With Saurok, it is a possibility to see them around on any continent we go to. After all, many were able to get past the mists around Pandaria, so it could be possible some managed to get to Avaloren somehow. Not to mention weā€™ve seen many of them on various islands and continents, so they could be seafaring or swimming to and arrive on any continents we visit in the future.

Still, going to keep an open mind on what is to come next. But hey, I can keep some hope. :lizard:

ā€”23 days until Blizzcon starts (Nov. 3rd)!ā€”

-Playable Saurok for the Horde please! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:

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So far, Exploring Azeroth: Pandaria is still scheduled to come out on October 17th, which is the next Tuesday from this post. Also in good news is that my pre-ordered copy now has release date shipping, with the ETA on the 17th!

I also saw that there were a few sample pages that have been shared online, which the other Exploring Azeroth books had sample pages to go with them. If you want to see some for Pandaria, Wowpedia has them here:

The only mention of Saurok in any of those pages is in the Krasarang Wilds sample page, where it just briefly mentions hostile Saurok in general in the area. Not surprised that some of the tribes of Saurok on Pandaria are still hostile, but that doesnā€™t account for all Saurok on Pandaria of course.

That said, while Iā€™m excited for potential Saurok research, Iā€™m going to temper expectations. It wouldnā€™t surprise me if it just mentions Saurok as all RAWR and wanting to eat peopleā€™s faces at best, but who knows? Maybe weā€™ll get lucky and get something more on them, such as negotiations actually working with the Pandaren on the continent and a tribe of Saurok. And perhaps getting some neat artwork of a Saurok or two as well!

But hey, that is why Iā€™m here: to report on Saurok mentions and the like. Soon as I get it, Iā€™ll read through the book and talk about any mentions of Saurok. MoP is also my favorite expansion, not just for Saurok of course, so if anything, Iā€™ll still enjoy it for that.

Also as a reminder, the book is told from the perspective of Chen Stormstou, Li Li Stormstout, and Catelyn the Blade, so that could affect the point-of-view with the text, as opposed to it being from a Horde and Alliance perspective. Hopefully Chen wonā€™t get all blubbering and salty about wasted booze while Saurok continue to get enslaved by the evil Mogu Clans this time like in BfAā€¦sighā€¦

Anyway, assuming the book doesnā€™t get delayed, Iā€™ll be sure to post when I get the book in my hands and will be reading through it as soon as possible. Iā€™m sure Iā€™ll have plenty to report here and any other related megathreads that would have interest in it, like the Rajani Mogu and Jinyu/Ankoan megathreads.

Keeping expectations low, but still hopeful for Saurok stuff to report back! :lizard:

ā€”22 days until Blizzcon starts (Nov. 3rd)!ā€”

-Playable Saurok for the Horde please! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:


Posting this in both of my megathreads since it is pretty big news.

As you might have heard, the Microsoft buyout of Activision-Blizzard has officially closed today, complete with this video to go with the event:

I honestly canā€™t say whether this will be a good or bad thing for WoW in the long run. We likely wonā€™t see the effects of it for quite some time, and in the case of Elder Scrolls Online, Microsoft seems to be hands-off with them as they do their own thing for the most part. Likely, WoW would have a similar hands-off approach as well.

Iā€™m not expecting WoW to suddenly become the magical land of happy puppies and kittens with cupcakes and all of our dreams coming true. However, I do hope that more resources would be available to allow implementation of a lot of our feedback and requests. Hopefully that is a reasonable expectation, even if it may not be realistic one.

Best to keep an open mind and see where this road takes us. Granted, Iā€™ll still keep hope for my usual wishlist of course. :lizard:

ā€”21 days until Blizzcon starts (Nov. 3rd)!ā€”

-Playable Saurok for the Horde please! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:

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So most people tend to think reptiles are kinda dumb with little emotions. This is actually far from the truth, and I thought I would show some videos to showcase reptiles showing some form of emotion and intelligence. By doing this, I wanted to show that Saurok wouldnā€™t be dumb, as well as having more emotions than just ā€œRAWRā€ and ā€œHUNGRY!ā€

Note that each reptile is different, so itā€™s not like youā€™ll be able to turn any one into a cuddly pet that acts like a dog. Videos are below:

Something Iā€™ll likely do for future posts is to show videos like this and reptiles being intelligent. I imagine with the various reptiles that the Mogu used to make Saurok, that several of them would be rather cunning, so the more I can show that they can actually be smart and not a one-note mook race, the better.

And who knows? Maybe with enough meat lovers pizzas, youā€™d get some cuddly Saurok out of it too! :pizza::lizard:

ā€”19 days until Blizzcon starts (Nov. 3rd)!ā€”

-Playable Saurok for the Horde please! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:


Couple of things to report on. First, the next patch comes out Nov. 7th:

Not really expecting anything Saurok related. Although, since we are going to see some loa/wild gods, maybe we could see one that I could see Saurok easily worshipping. Iā€™d be surprised if Kros, the Devilsaur wild god the Skumblade worship, was anywhere there, but who knows what could be there? Not expecting much of anything, but if I see anything of note, Iā€™ll be sure to post it here.

The other thing I wanted to mention is that my Exploring Azeroth: Pandaria book has shipped! ETA of delivery is tomorrow, assuming there are no delays. Iā€™ll likely post when I get the book in my hands, though it wouldnā€™t surprise me if it was later in the day. And of course Iā€™ll need time to read through the whole book, as Iā€™ll have to document all mentions of Saurok, as well as Jinyu and Rajani Mogu for their respective megathreads.

Still keeping an open mind for what could be in the book, but new opportunities of Saurok research can be exciting! :book::lizard:

ā€”18 days until Blizzcon starts (Nov. 3rd)!ā€”

-Playable Saurok for the Horde please! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:

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My Exporing Azeroth: Pandaria book has arrived! Huzzah!

I took a quick flip-through of the book and didnā€™t notice any Saurok artwork other than artwork of the Saurok Stalker armor Iā€™m currently wearing at the time of this post, but Iā€™ll be going through the book more thoroughly as soon as I can.

Iā€™m going to take some notes of any mentions of Saurok within the book and make a post talking about them. It may take me a day or so to properly go through the entirety of the book however, so I may get to that post tomorrow. Iā€™ll also be noting anything of importance in the Jinyu and Rajani Mogu megathreads as well.

Also, if anyone has any particular questions about Exploring Azeroth: Pandaria, feel free to ask and I will answer to the best of my abilities. Until then, time for some proper adventurous music:

Saurok research has begun. Tally-Ho! :open_book::lizard:

ā€”17 days until Blizzcon starts (Nov. 3rd)!ā€”

-Playable Saurok for the Horde please! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:


Well, I have read through Exploring Azeroth: Pandaria. While it was an enjoyable book, it really didnā€™t go into much detail of some of the denizens of the continent as Iā€™d like, much how the other Exploring Azeroth books were.

Not a lot of Saurok stuff with in it, barely anything Jinyu related, Rajani Mogu get a brief sentence mention with little else, and Hozen get very little aside from some slight backstory of them getting helped by and then turning on the Jinyu during the big Mogu wars. Artwork that wasnā€™t either areas visited, different sha monsters, and armor sets were rather sparse, with no Saurok artwork (other than the Saurok Stalker armor set) as I was kinda hoping to see.

Also oddly enough, a few pages were not in the correct order. For example, Iā€™m on page 89 of the Townlong Steppes section, only to turn the page and be on P. 94 and 95 of the Isle of Thunder and Paladin armor set, then back to Townlong Steppes on P. 92, where there is talk of going to go see the Isle of Thunder. This happens a couple of times in the book, and as far as I can tell, Iā€™m not missing any pages (I hope). It just seems to be in the wrong order at times.

Anyway, before I begin my post of Saurok research, I will link to the article on the new Warcraft Wiki website of the book, which lists a couple of inconsistencies that may or may not get updated in the future and a list of characters in or mentioned in the book:

Right, letā€™s get some music going, as this will be a bit of a hefty post.

-Saurok Mentions and Sections of Interest-

Before I begin, as a reminder, the book is told through the eyes of Li Li Stormstout with comments from Chen Stormstout and Catelyn the Blade. Anyway, with my notes and my trusty crocodile bookmark, lets begin! :lizard:

-Krasarang Wilds, P. 10-

This is from the sample page that I talked about before. Just a brief mention of there being hostile Saurok in the area.

As a bit of an aside, Krasarang Wilds is said to be a dense jungle in the book, so it makes me feel like Saurok would be at home in Unā€™goro Crater, which Iā€™ve mentioned as a possible starting area for a playable Horde Saurok faction.

-Dawnchaser Retreat, P. 20-

This was an outpost that the Tauren built:

The book mentions it being attacked by Mogu and Saurok for some time, which the Tauren abandoned. Saurok then burned the outpost to the ground.

-Sentinel Basecamp, P. 22-

This is a Night Elf base:

Li Li thinks it still stands because it is beyond the reach of the Saurok in the area. Not sure how it could be, given that Saurok were known to climb walls, and navigating jungles come naturally to them.

-Ruins of Dojan, P. 22-

This briefly tells an abridged version of the story of Emperor Dojan, who wanted to destroy all the Saurok. Instead, all the Saurok climbed cliffs and walls to throw him to his doom. Guess he got caught up in the moment of tooth after his trip down south.

-Windward Isle, P. 56-

This is an isle that has cloud serpents living on it:

The Saurok that were on here, where they stole eggs and killed the cloud serpents, were driven away. Not sure where they went, since they lived fairly close by.

-Gate of the August Celestials, P. 70-

Nothing Saurok related here, but Chen still mourns the booze that was utilized during BfA to fend off the evil Mogu clans in the area. Just a bitter reminder of how there couldā€™ve been a questline to help free the enslaved Saurok from the Clearscale Tribe and have them potentially be a Horde Allied Race, which Chenā€™s booze couldā€™ve been saved as a result. Oh BfA, your theme of missed opportunities still stings to this dayā€¦sighā€¦

-Isle of Thunder, P. 94-

This one was a bit disappointing, as there was no mention of the Skumblade Tribe at all. I mean, I get that the area wouldnā€™t be fun to have a picnic in and all, but there is no mention of them period.

Either they all got taken to Orgrimmar during the Siege of Orgrimmar and they scattered afterwards or some that escaped before being rounded up by Garroshā€™s forces are still in the area and/or left to go elsewhere. So no idea where the Skumblade Tribe is or what theyā€™re up to.

As for the Throne of Thunder itself, it was taken over by the Horde and Alliance, where they craft weapons of some kind with a claim of using them to protect Azeroth. Seems kinda suspect to me, especially given that this is where Saurok were created to begin with. Makes me wonder if there was a playable faction of Horde Saurok, if they could take over the area still.

Bit of a let down about the area in general, but who knows if weā€™ll ever revisit in the future I guess.

-Lake of Stars, P. 106-

Just a very brief mention of Chen trying to avoid crocolisks and Saurok while getting some flasks of water.

-Armor Aside: Battlegear of the Saurok Stalker, P. 147-

This is the section that has the only Saurok-related artwork of any kind, which is the armor you see me wearing regularly at the time of this post. Unfortunately, I have no way of sharing the artwork.

Since the section is short, Iā€™ll type it out here:

ā€œThis armor was made for hunters in Pandaria, not on the Wintering Isleā€¦yet being here reminds me of it. When the Skyseeker struck Shen-zin Suā€™s side, saurok began attacking as well - itā€™s still not clear from whence they came. They did great damage and attacked the survivors of the airship. Hunters were particularly effective against these saurok, camouflaging themselves with masks and scales so that they could follow them to where they gathered. The cunning of hunters is celebrated with this armor that mimics the look of the saurok and strengthens the hunterā€™s attack with the power of lightning.ā€

So it isnā€™t an armor made of a Saurok, aside from some scales potentially. It just looks like a Saurok. Guess it wouldnā€™t be too odd to see a Saurok wearing itā€¦well, still odd, but still.

And with thatā€¦that is about all the mentions of Saurok or things of Saurok interest I could find. As I said, not really a whole lot. Itā€™s a shame considering that there is suppose to still be attempts of peace being made between the Pandaren and the Saurok tribes on Pandaria, so no word on the success or failures of them. There also were no mentions of any Saurok tribes in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms, the ones there before and during/after BfA, so who knows what happened to the Clearscale Tribe afterwards.

Donā€™t get me wrong. I still enjoyed the book, but as with the other books, there just isnā€™t as much info on certain things or denizens of the area the book is focused on. Part of me wonders if there is a bit of a tight lease on what can be written, since some things would be better to be shown in-game than in a book (if it ever gets shown in-game).

Whatever the case, it is what it is. On the bright side, it doesnā€™t hinder Saurok as a playable race at all, as things can always be written and aspects of them fleshed out more (and NOT in the Mogu way) like other NPC races that became playable, so there is that.

Again, if anyone has any specific questions on anything in the book, please feel free to ask me and Iā€™ll answer to the best of my abilities. Iā€™ll continue to keep an eye out for opportunities for future Saurok research! :open_book::lizard:

ā€”16 days until Blizzcon starts (Nov. 3rd)!ā€”

-Playable Saurok for the Horde please! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:


This neat video popped up in my Youtube Recommendations of 15 beautiful iguanas that I wanted to share for Saurok customization idea inspiration:

Lots of beautiful scale colors and features that would look amazing on Saurok!

Also, Wowhead has gone over a few highlights in general from Exploring Azeroth: Pandaria. Iā€™ve gone over everything Saurok specific I could find, but if youā€™re interested in Pandaria in general, the article is here:

Lastly, Reptile Awareness Day is tomorrow! Iā€™ll be doing a special post here and the Sethrak megathread when I get a chance to celebrate it! :lizard:

ā€”14 days until Blizzcon starts (Nov. 3rd)!ā€”

-Playable Saurok for the Horde please! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:


Happy Reptile Awareness Day!

:warning:- Video below has some dull flashing lights.

Reptile Awareness Day is a day to learn about reptiles and their importance in life, such as in various ecosystems. Itā€™s also a great time to support some reptilian races as new playable races! :lizard: :snake: :turtle:

To celebrate the occasion, Iā€™ll be listing some fun related videos both here and in the Sethrak megathread. That said, here are some fun videos:

Sometime in the future, Iā€™d love to organize some kind of in-game event for Reptile Awareness Day. Unfortunately, I donā€™t have the time or resources to be able to manage something at present. Maybe sometime, Iā€™ll be able to think of something and do an event of some sort.

And there is always plenty of room for more reptiles on that character creation screen! :lizard: :snake: :turtle:

ā€”13 days until Blizzcon starts (Nov. 3rd)!ā€”

-Playable Saurok for the Horde please! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:


I was wanting some opinions on a possible new section of the megathread: A list of all known Saurok tribes.

I was debating on whether to include a section that details what all we know of current Saurok tribes. Aside from promoting playable Horde Saurok, I have been trying to gather as much info on Saurok in general to have in one place. I figured having a list of known Saurok tribes might be somewhat helpful in some way.

The main issue with it is that there isnā€™t really much on each Saurok tribe. Barely any of them could work as a playable Saurok faction, and what is possible could need some heavy fleshing out (without the Moguā€™s ā€œhelp,ā€ thanks), in which you may as well just create a brand new Saurok tribe to begin with.

I feel like the most realistic path with playable Saurok is a brand new tribe, since you effectively have a blank slate with them and can write lore more easily as needed. One idea I had was for a tribe that doesnā€™t live on Pandaria, could have been an exodus to get away from the Mogu, where like-minded Saurok gathered together to swim to another continent or even eventually to Kalimdor if the Unā€™goro Crater idea were to be implemented.

I did do a post a long time ago going over the Saurok tribes, which might have been before the Clearscale Tribe in BfA, so itā€™s likely Iā€™d need to do an updated post. Still, Iā€™m debating the practicality of it in the context of this megathread, since as I mentioned, itā€™s more likely to see a brand new Saurok tribe if they ever were to become playable.

Any thoughts or comments on the idea? I can still do an updated post in the future of course. I just donā€™t know if it would fit in the megathreadā€™s main post or not is all. :lizard:

ā€”11 days until Blizzcon starts (Nov. 3rd)!ā€”

-Playable Saurok for the Horde please! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:


Time for another art piece to share from DeviantArt! This one is a lightning themed female Lizardman sniper. It was created by captdiablo and uploaded to the website on Oct. 9th, 2020.

ā€œLizard Storm Sniperā€ by captdiablo on DeviantArt

One of the reasons I wanted to share this is because I know some players wanting Saurok Hunters will have guns on them instead of bows. This helps to visualize it.

Second is showing off a female Lizardman, which I look for examples of that to help inspire female Saurok designs.

Third is the usual customization options inspiration, such as the tail in this case.

And fourth, the lightning theme is something to help inspire effects like that. Especially if the next expansion area may be related to storms, even if it may not have any Saurok on it. Still a neat thing to think about, as well as imagining Saurok taking thunder powers from the Mogu and turning it against them. A fun thought.

As usual, Iā€™ll continue to keep an eye out for art pieces to share for playable Horde Saurok idea inspiration! :lizard:

ā€”9 days until Blizzcon starts (Nov. 3rd)!ā€”

-Playable Saurok for the Horde please! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:

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