The Unofficial NAGA Playable Race Megathread

Or they could just sit normally on their curled up slithery tail thing.

This is essentially not getting them.

I have been wanting them for 2 expansiona now. They recently made female Naga able to use mounts which I found interesting.

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whuu where huh?

You are far more clever than I :slight_smile:

So you would play Naga if they were added without the Naz’dorei idea but wouldnt play them if not?


What’s the point of playing Naga if they are smoothened and homogenized into another “muh elf” race.

The point is mostly the lack of mount issues.

While I do think corrupted orange/green/blue nelfs with coral highlights would be cool I do absolutely loathe Velfs so I have no reason to trust that Blizzard would handle this concept well.

BUT. This would deal with the mount issue. If they cant get the mounting right and everytime I mount up as a Naga I am forced to look on some unconvincing cobbled awful graphic that is WORSE to me than the “muh elfs”.

I would much prefer getting them either way to not getting them at all. I think perhaps either your head canon is actually more unyielding than mine (which is difficult to believe) or you’re commenting without really much of a horse in this race.

This is my #1 AR wish. Ill take what I can get.

Regular naga don’t have mount issues. There’s nothing about mounts that makes legs mandatory.

Show me a Naga on a Horse please.

His image.


I’ll never get enough of that face. He seems so pleased with himself.


Naga is my most wanted race.

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You can at least post links we can drag to the address bar, or copy/paste if one prefers.

Put the url between two backquotes (on the tilde key). Then:



Yeah thats a fan made drawing.

Not even a rig made with in game graphics. Its useless beyond just being fun.

Im not trying to ruin anyones fun here.

I want Naga as much or more than any of you.

But if we are to get them we need to actually have a good argument for Blizzard to implement them. And how to deal with some of their issues.

“It’ll work fine” is not doing us any good.

Which is why the Nazdorei concept IS actually useful, well thought out concept art and ideas. As well as Gnomest’s ideas.

You realize how easy it would be to rig that, right?

It would be exactly the same process as rigging any other race for mounts.

There is no extra effort here. They just have to actually do it.

“They were one of the first races to go due to their home being underwater and, ironically enough, because their tails caused a lot of clipping issues. Kern talks about the Naga for around 5 minutes and mentions they were mostly just looking for excuses to be able to let Metzen down easily”

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Yep, which is why we are here. Not just supporting the idea but advocating for ways to make it work.

Don’t know. I been killing nagas since the beginning ,never thought of playing

Easy enough to explain with a Rogue faction of them separated from Azshara since Nzoths influence is done.

Or Azshara joins the Alliance? FOR THE QUEEN