The Unofficial NAGA Playable Race Megathread

Why in the heck are there big threads begging for Sethrak and Saurok but none for the OG reptile race, the classic awesome NAGA?

We’ve all wanted playable naga since we first saw these badasses slither up onto land in Warcraft 3. Can the legacy of these other reptilians even come close to the story of the Naga? Not a chance. I’ve heard the naga were even originally planned to be playable in VANILLA WoW, but it was scrapped. Time to fix that mistake!

“But Naga don’t have legs!!!” I hear you cry. So what? That’s one thing that makes them awesome! Mechagnomes can’t see their Boots, Gloves, Bracers, and can only see a little bit of their pants - so there goes the argument regarding no transmogs for legs/boots.
“What about mounts and sitting down??” Just have them coil their tail up underneath them! Problem solved. They can coil it up so it hangs down a little on either side of the mount. Easy as pie. The animators wouldn’t even break a sweat.

The naga are leaderless now - outcasts, their Queen lost, their tribes scattered. What better time for the Horde or Alliance to pick up the pieces? We’ve fought alongside them before, like the tribe that was allied with the demon hunters.
I don’t even CARE which faction gets them - feel free to argue that out in the replies - but we need playable snake-folks. We already have TONS of mammals. Why not give scales a chance?

Blizzard really needs to stop talking about adding NEW playable races that have never existed in the lore before, like these Covenant weirdos, and instead go back to the OLD ones that people already know and love. And the naga are chief among those. Most of the NPC’s are already wearing player armor sets. Let’s get this thread a-going!


I would love to see playable naga, even if there is something fishy about all this!


I agree! There is the Playable Naga (Naz’dorei) Concept, on mmochampion. If I could post links that are clickable, I would.


This is the MMO Champion thread for the Naz’dorei concept, complete with customization options, jokes/flirts, and other ideas:

It makes me wish I had that kind of skill to make images/models like that.

I personally support Naga as a playable race and have been wanting them since I first started playing around Burning Crusade. I’m surprised it took this long to see Naga get a megathread, as I don’t believe I’ve ever seen one made before unless I missed it.

At any rate, I look forward to joining in on discussions and presenting ideas!


I can dig it. I’d play a naga.


well they almost were playable back in BC or vanilla, the mount animations were horrible so blizzard moved away from them.

The other options were demons and i think ogres

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I think the real questions are: How is this thread Mega? What does it take for a thread to achieve the Mega status? If a plate of waffles is traveling west at 120 mph and a stack of pancakes is traveling east at 105 kph, how much maple syrup does it take to fill a gallon jug?


The answer is 7.


stares blankly

scribbles calculations furiously on paper

punches numbers into calculator

stares blankly, runs out of time



(an accurate depiction of me in mathematics class)


I would love to play Naga. I would love to see the setup in character creation like the Worgen race. Elf form and Naga form customizations. This would be amazing :heart: :beer:


Do you think Worgen have problems with fleas? Do pancakes help with those?

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:face_with_monocle: :joy: :joy: :joy:

10 chars

Naz’dorei is Naga without any of the things that make Naga worth playing.


excuse me where can i find the official thread

A gallon. The rest is a trick question.


I’m all for the Naga allied race. For mounts they could make the tail coil around some part of the mount either chair/saddle/ wrap around body depending on mount

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What if their mounts were just a bubble full of water, like the aquatic battle pets?

I don’t support the Naga. Horrible creatures.

This is why I am going to study with you and use your notes

Seriously though, if you have trouble with word problems read them backwards.

Find what you need to know first, then sift through the question to see what information is relevant.