The Unofficial NAGA Playable Race Megathread

Aren’t the Coilskar already rogue Naga?

Just say that now that Illidan’s gone they’re chilling with the Blood Elves.


Gotta say, I’m NOT a supporter of the proposed “two forms” for Naga. How often do we see naga transform into any kind of “elf form” or “land form” in the game? I can’t even think of one. If there are any examples, they’re extremely rare. That would be all but unprecedented.

And giving the naga legs would remove half of their appeal. I see absolutely no reason why the snake tail would be a problem. As I said in my OP, it would be simple as pie for an animator to rig up the tail to coil up under them in a chair or on a mount. Would that be so silly? In the world of Warcraft? I think not. And don’t get me started on “clipping issues” in this game…


I have been against playable Naga because it does not make sense for an aquatic race to be questing on land for the Alliance or the Horde.

However, this concept with that backstory would explain the reasons beautifully as well as deal with the mount issue. Hats off to the persons who came up with it.

So I am in for playable ‘Naz’dorei’. (But still not for playable Naga.)

Either Alliance could have Quel’dorei and the Horde could have Naz’dorei


The Alliance could have Naz’dorei and the Horde could have San’layn.

Time to soulstone this thread… FOR NAJATAR!

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This literally makes no god damn sense… they already come on land for their own reasons. No damn reason a lore reason can not be made for them coming on land for red or blue… my lord, you have been coming up with bad takes for YEARS, huh?

Big Mama’s naz’dorei backstory is hot garbage that renders them truly as little more than night elves in almost every way, and just gives us the same tired old redemption arc bullsh we’ve been fed for literal decades.

No explanation is needed for Naga to come on land to join red or blue (preferably red so we don’t have to try and write away naga and night elves hating eachother to death, a defining part of their characterization) than a group of rebels, (perhaps led by an upstart/usurper seeking to be the new emperor/empress) that are looking curry favor with a super power to get a promise of assistance with taking Azshara’s empire from her completely. No damn redemption or stupid elune conversion needed.

As… if none of the playable races aren’t ugly already? If you genuinely think Naga are uglier than worgen, dwarves, or half of the horde races… i am pretty sure you are a minority

They very much are reptiles. Sea serpents/snakes that just so happen to be able to breath underwater. In fact the old naga head model was practically identical to the cobra head model. Kinda preferred it tbh.

Yea, actually. Marduum. On the Fel Hammer. Was this supposed to be clever?

Why not provide evidence of this? Why troll if there is none?

Your headcanon doesn’t seem very unyielding if you genuinely like big mama’s lore explanation for naga becoming playable. Also the fact you’d care more about trash graphics on a mount than keeping naga actual naga and not just elves with a naga shapeshift form only further makes me question how rigid your headcanon could genuinely be…

Times have changed since then. Clipping is easier to deal with, or simply ignored… the amount of polish expected just isn’t the same anymore. And frankly… i am not convinced they really tried that hard to make the rigging work.

That being said, just letting them turn their tails into legs for mounts shouldn’t be a problem… i don’t want aqua elves. I want Naga.

Please lord no…

Nake Azeroth Great Again!

Indeed…?! Errrm…

Not trying to Necro, just here to invite and/or request all of you who support playable Naga to also post in my more recent Naga discussion thread, since this one is dead.

It is a bit more detailed than this one was, and needs your support!