The Unofficial NAGA Playable Race Megathread

Playing a Naga would be fun, I think. So, I’m going to support this thread.

There are certain mounts already that a Naga can easily use such as the magic disks. Oh, and ladies used to ride sidesaddle on horses so it could work.

How about this for a racial mount? A chariot! :smiley:


Highly support this thread as its my favorite Race wish in Wow!
I see the naz’dorei idea has already been listed - which has a nice idea for delaing with mounts and naga by having them have a two-forms approach like worgen.

Whether we got that or another idea for dealing with mounts Ill just be happy to have them be playable!


I think they’re ugly…

Ahh yess the playable naga but removing the fun parts about them concept.

No thank you.


To add to what Bagzak said. I also made a concept for an aquatic themed class which has a naga like transformation playable by several races which I think ties in nicely with what the Nazdorei concept proposes. Right now this one only shows what the transformations would look like for goblins, but once I get a new computer I will begin working on the new skins for some other races.

I am frankly surprised there hasn’t been a consistently maintained on going thread about naga in of all expansions a one that involves a lot of naga.


Supported but… Naga are fish not reptiles.

I do like that one but I know many Naga fans will hate it.


Whats fun about them NOT getting added to the game because the devs refuse to do so since they would look terrible on all the mounts? This is a decent work around.

I’d prefer that over never getting them.

Recall they were planned for vanilla but got scrapped.

The devs have said before that the amount of legs is not a limiting factor so the way naga slither, shouldn’t be an issue.


Im talking about the mounting issue.

Slither movement and lack of leg transmog are non-issues to me.

I don’t think the mounts thing is really that important.

Gear was always an issue, devs even said so, but MGs make that argument null.

Ever see a Naga any place there was no water?

Sure it’s been suggested before, but can’t you just have them semi cure their curse?

Make them like worgen. So they are elves walking around,maybe some gills or whatever to make them different. Then in combat they change.

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What if we got naga that looked like this or those crab like naga?

Ever see a night elf any place there was no land?

This is a dumb argument. They can go on land and water. Where they live though is obviously where they would come from.


Right! And…for the shoes and leggings… Think of the lack of transmog for Mechagnomes. This could also be implemented. For riding a racial ground mount, I think should be either side-saddle, or a toggle option slither around, as fast as any mount, like how Worgen have Running Wild. Helmets would be hidden by default, as for leggings and shoes.


I mean… the devs want things to look polished. Any mock-ups I have seen thus far for a naga on a mount have looked pretty bad. Not saying they couldn’t make it work but the sheer exhuasting amount of mounts we have could really make just the mounting animation enough to not want to bother with it.

Thus the naz’dorei concept makes a lot of sense.

With N’zoths influence weakened I dont see how it would be an issue for them to revert to Nelfs (though twisted forms) and in combat switch back.

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I, too, want to play as a Razor Naga.

Does the OP have trust level 3?

Tell that to the little races and their mounting animations. Vulpera have the most issues I’ve personally noticed.

I’ve seen plenty that are fine.

Well I mean it’s a neat concept at least.

But even worgen do have the ability to mount in their worgen and human forms. Don’t think a two forms approach will change much there.

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As I said I am all for ANY way we can have playable Naga. I’m fine without the naz’dorei I just think its convenient.