The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

While we’re on the subject of customization a bit. It’s not just the Nightborne males that have issues. The Night Elves have one usable male face.

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Haha. We should just get a screenshot of a High Elf Wayfarer and a Blood Elf Wayfarer since they stand next to eachother and when someone says, “Blood Elves are High Elves” we can ask them to explain.


I’m hoping there will be a plot where all of the sunreavers defect and become void elves. perhaps with a new appearance customization for void elves.

while there are those for and against this idea I do want to point out it would make it even easier to make dalaran fully alliance as the sunreavers won’t need to be kicked out again.

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After the Purge, I’m not so sure the Sunreavers would be on board with joining the Alliance.

Considering anyone who studies the void will be “purged” from silvermoon? Maybe. And then there is that whole little thing about Darnassus.

isnt this a blood elf DK? :thinking:

If it was a Blood Elf DK, it wouldn’t say “High Elf” in it’s name, or have "High Elf’ voicelines…

Plus, Blizzard has occasionally used DK skins for High elves in the past. Its an oversight that they’ve done that they usually fix. Not always, but usually.


There’s nothing in recent lore describing the current state of the Sunreavers. Aethas rejoined the Kirin Tor during the Mage Campaign in Legion, but nothing indicated the fate of the Sunreavers. I think the most saying detail at this point is on the portals to Northrend Dalaran in the new Portal Rooms, in the Alliance Side the portal is maintained by Silver Covenant mages, while in the Horde side it isn’t maintained by Sunreaver (Silver Covenant counterpart) mages, instead it is Argent Mages who maintain it, which lead me to think the Sunreavers are still not allowed in Dalaran, or they were dismantled after Aethas rejoined the Kirin Tor.

In the end i don’t think it’s even safe to say the Sunreavers still exist at this point, they probably just returned to Silvermoon as they don’t have any position in Dalaran anymore. They were created to represent the Horde in the city in Wrath and now that the Horde probably isn’t allowed to maintain a military organization on it, i doubt there’s a reason for the Sunreavers faction to exist.


Politics, final answer.

Honestly, the names shouldnt matter ultimately.
When TBC was released I believe thenonly reason horde got them was due to population for both factions being imbalanced. Problem was it rolled from there with the alliance being the lower populated faction.

Entire issue could have been resolved by making them a proper allied race as mentioned before. So now, its become an issue, even more so with high elf release.

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tbf, the only reason there is a population imbalance currently, is because horde have better racials. not because it has pale pretty elves

Yeah but when the need for differentiation itself is to, let’s be real, not hurt BE players on the feelings, to say that any possible customization presented to separate the groups could instead just be added to Blood Elves not only misses the point, but comes across as self centered.

Like we are saying “then let’s make them as different as we can” and you are “But why can’t I have that customization.” You are taking a compromise presented to retain BE exclusivity of their model and saying you should have that too.

On an aside point, Blood Elves SHOULD have access to better beards.


Did they not correct the racial issue?
Besides, horde has historically had better racials and they still were underpopulated until I believe MOP

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but void elves do bring a new and compelling narrative? Like I get is all about subjective opinions, but can we at least have consistency?

To say that a faction of a race that inverts the themes of the rest of the race wouldn’t be “new or compelling” just feels like such a naive opinion.

World of Warcraft have many subdivisions in gameplay, but overall the Horde dominate most of them.
Overall there are more Level 120 Horde characters and overall active playerbase, Alliance outnumber only in roleplay.
In end game activities Horde outnumber Alliance in almost every way, from PvP, Mythic + to Raiding.

But then there’s high end pro player gameplay, in this niche Racials are everything. In high end gameplay, you are going to invest everything to obtain the best results possible, obviously you are going to do this in the race that offer the best racials resulting in better DPS numbers or ways to deal with mechanics. Trolls is the race that have the highest damage output in almost all DPS specs due to their active haste bonus that can macroed with damage cooldowns, which gives the Horde a edge in Mythic raiding, at this point 90% of the Guilds that killed mythic Jaina are Horde.

In the Arena Championship i have no idea which race is the best, probably Orcs because of the 20% stun duration reduction combined with the trinket making it better than Humans clean stun racial with 10% reduced crowd control PVP talent.

Last is the Mythic Dungeon Invitational, which 90% of the clears were surprisingly done by the Alliance, but how? Shadowmeld racial allowing them to cheese a affix, all of the groups were composed by Night Elves, except when protection Paladins were chosen.

In most levels Horde dominate, but when it comes to highest levels of gameplay, the only thing that matters are racials. Even Alliance being unfavored in everything else, one single racial give them a absurd domination in a esports event.


Agree on these, but I have never felt they should have been an Allied Race like San’layn could be, because in death, Humans and Elves are well, equalized.

I would have loved “undead elves” as a customization option for Forsaken that had worked like Orc Posture + Demon Hunter/Death Knight unique options. So more like the same Forsaken Model, but with Blood Elf animations and pointy ears.

But since wow has gone the route that it really just seems elves don’t rot as much, they could have worked as an AR, but at this point I kinda feel it has to be conflated with San’layn.

It’s a simmilar case than with High Elves really; you could represent them through VE so they look closer to their current look, or modify them enough so they look distinctively different.


I get what you are saying, but “WoW 2” is more like the idea of a whole different game with a new engine and all, not just a narrative or even gameplay revamp of the existing content.

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I’d add the Alliance bit in front of High Elf, that way we can weed out anyone but “the blood elves are high elves” by pointing out the title.

We’ll still have to deal with the “the void eves are high elves” bit tho.


What are still known as High Elves are in a spot.

They’re culturally identical to Humans.
They’re functionally identical to Void Elves.
They’re physically identical to Blood Elves.

This is what people mean when they say they don’t add anything new to the table, and would feel a waste of an Allied Race slot, especially post-Void Elves

I mean, I know this thread is all about High Elves and would trade pretty much anything for them, but if Horde got a cool, new Allied Race and Alliance got High Elves, the majority of the Alliance would be crucifying Blizzard over giving them a lazy race that in most facets has been done.

Also, I would say Blood Elves are the high elven people, not what are still called High Elves among the Alliance.

Until and if Blizzard gives them a better moniker, that’s what I’ll roll with. For the record, Silver Elves isn’t a bad choice I’ve seen posted here before.


Well it says High Elf Wayfarer doesn’t it? Are you saying that Blizzard has made a mistake? :thinking: