The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

I highly doubt the alliance would be mad. Literally almost everywhere on the internet you go there are more high elf supporters than they are people opposed to them. You’re a smart man Lydon, but you can’t possibly deny the demand for High Elves


Nah. Developers comments reveal that Blood Elves were added to the Horde because specific Asian regions Horde players girlfriends wanted something pretty to play.

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Mmm. I don’t know. Nobody shouts, “For the Alliance.” Partly because it has too many vowels. But more than that, they really built up Horde culture at events like Blizzcon… and maybe that was fine back when the Horde were under dogs with a lesser population… but now they have a greater population and they’re not really doing anything to shore up making Alliance proud to be Alliance. They did burn down Teldressil. But right now I feel like their culture is pretty one sided.

Also… it’s strange that there aren’t that many anti-Horde trolls. I’d have thought that they’d come and prop up my Leper Gnome thread. Where are all the human males when you need them?

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This is the bit were I mighty disagree. You are not wrong in those appreciations even if they are reductive, but to dismiss the obvious fact that mixing those three things together creates a whole different context, is a HUGE oversight.

You also miss the “War2 nostalgia juice” that’s a big thing as well, and that’s a liminal space that is just mostly unexplored in the current game and lore.

Would that be as different than any other Alliance AR? To pretend there is ever going to be ever an AR everyone will love is kinda fraught. KT, LFD and DI are as niche as they can be, so either saying HE’s -THE most requested AR before AR were a thing- are either too done or wouldn’t make enough people happy is not untrue, but is not something that we can’t apply to other AR.

Blood Elves are the high elven people
But High Elves are also “a part” of the high elven people. You can’t just erase them because they are a minority. When you speak of “the high elven people” you ARE talking about both groups, also about Void Elves, because they are all part of that set.

But only one group still uses that name as a self identifier, and in that aspect, is just pedantic to use the term high elf as the racial group, it simply muddies the discussion at hand. You can use the term Thalassian -which literally means of Quel’thalas- it raises no confusion regarding what groups we are talking about.

But to be pedantic about Blood Elves being the high elf people when there is a group that is not them that calls themselves High Elves just obfuscates the whole conversation.

And this is a problem created by Blizzard, they could have given the HE’s any other name by this point.


Not really. Not any more than every race is culturally identical to humans because they were made by human developers.

They’re still Elves. They’re basically split between Mage and Ranger culture.

Nah they’re not. First of all, Paladins. Or Holy Priests that make sense.

Also. You can’t put a Void Elf in Suramar, or Isle of Thunder, or wherever and have it make sense.

They don’t hear voices in their heads. Don’t do Void Magic. Try to burn down Old Gods in traditional ways.

Even the way they hate on Blood Elves is different. Void Elves are former Blood Elves. High Elves are not power at all costs. Pretty different from the other two races.

They’ve got different eyes. Otherwise, sure. But, who cares? Pandaren are physically identical to eachother. Dreanei and Lightforge-… You get it. You know

Ugh. They add High Elves to the table. You know… here…

Take a Void Elf. Stand next to a High Elf and a Blood Elf. Guess what. Three different experiences standing right next to each other. You can do it right in the Rift.

Nah. They wouldn’t.

High Elves have been the most requested race in a long time. You really think anybody is gonna complain that we get the faction we’ve wanted forever instead of some Lightforged Undead?

Also… the other options are gonna be just as lazy anyways. That’s what Allied Races are about.

I mean… they were High Elves before they changed their name. But considering that they’re all a bunch of Dark Trolls I’m not sure that they, “Are the High Elven People.”

They’re Blood Elves. Different folks. Different cultures.

The Shal’dorei aren’t still the Kaldorei. Just because they were.

The Void Elves aren’t still the Blood Elves just because they were.

I get what you’re saying. But it’s not particularly true.

Blood Elves have got their own steps. They’re a new thing. I’ve said it before, but I really wish you’d start appreciating that.

Let the High Elf stuff go. The Race that’s known as Blood Elves have.

Drink some wine and do some Bloodthistle with some Blood Knights and Blood Mages. Or Sun Knights and Sun Mages the way this sunwell is headed.


What’s the difference between Blood Elf and Human culture anyways?


We drink wine and wait for our opponents to die over time.

Humans live short petty lives which involve a lot of yelling.

You skip the quests where the three elven factions in Suramar were playing tricks on each other?

Also, is this the Shal’dorei response? Because I specifically remember, “Something’s not quite right!” being yelled constantly.

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You know that this is inaccurate, Alliance players ask for High Elves before even Allied Races were a thing, the problem is is that you are trying to project your opinions about High Elves “they are boring and didn’t offer anything new” over Alliance players, and this isn’t applicable.

Players in the faction complain how they got experimental Allied Races instead of traditional and familiar ones, Lightforged Draenei over Broken, Void Elves over High Elves, Fat Humans over Vrykul, and Dark Iron Dwarves are the only exception here, but people still are interested in Wildhammer Dwarves regardless if Dark Irons are “cooler” (cool is subjective).
Alliance players at this point much rather receive Allied Races out of races they’ve grown up with than flashy experimental rule of cool-based races like Void Elves, they were a good addition, but then going for even more experimental races over traditional Alliance demands at this point is dangerous business, disappointing Alliance players once again is asking for the faction to wither even more. Void Elves and Lightforged are fine because they are the first experimental kind of Allied Races in the Alliance, but at this point going for even more is over saturating.

Don’t say they aren’t interesting or didn’t add anything new to the table, if people really thought this way the demand for High Elves wouldn’t even exist, people don’t ask for things they aren’t interested or don’t find appealing, neither they would want new stuff just because it’s new stuff. For example, i’m not going to ask for Lightforged Undead just because “they bring something new to the table”, it doesn’t matter if they are a new concept, it’s a stupid concept regardless, rejected by most people.


I tend to enjoy my dk,pally,dh over my nh warrior and monk.

You are right…somethings not right…
Might even say…an illusion…

Jokes aside, elves are generally more snooty.

I want Void Elf Death Knights now.


Need to wait until wotlk 2.0.
Need to also wait for dk to not be garbage outside its tank spec too.

No offense, but I think if they gave Void Elves Death Knights, a LOT of people would be upset as no other allied races have access to them.

Humanity has traditionally spread and carved out tons of little fiefdomes over Azeroth, with these human nations as individualized as they are spread. Strom. Gilneas. Stormwind. Lordaeron. Kul’tiras. They’re all over the place and all developed their own kings and cultures. Human nations all for and about themselves.

In the greater picture of WoW, the Stormwind humans, the players, follow a traditional monarchy, with the other races within the Alliance swearing fealty to the “High King” and crown of Stormwind. Anduin inherits the title by birth and lineage.

Elves in general, Blood Elves especially, have been traditionally isolationist and centralized. Ancient Night Elves were pretty much localized to Zin’azshari and Suramar, modern Night Elves to Teldrassil/Ashenvale Forest to Hyjal, and High/Blood Elves among Quel’thalas. Night Elves used to follow a monarchy, but post-Sundering have never answered to a Queen.

Throwing Nightborne in there, they pretty much mirrored their High Elven cousins in almost every aspect, isolating themselves around a magic well and changing physically and culturally because of it.

Modern Blood Elves, similar to Night Elves, no longer follow a royal line, instead opting for a regent lord presiding over three equal advisors in Halduron, Rommath and Liadrin each representing the major thirds of their forces, Farstriders, Magisters, and Blood Knights respectively.

Remaining High Elves, which is really the subject matter here, not Blood Elves, don’t really have their own system of government and have instead been absorbed into that of the greater Alliance, and thus humanity’s system of monarchy and fealty.
They are forces at the king’s disposal, even if groups like the Silver Covenant are more affiliated with Dalran, it remains in the name of Alliance aid, especially when acting against the neutrality Dalaran has exhibited in the past.

I don’t think it’s inaccurate at all to label what exists as High Elves still among the Alliance to have a culture mirroring that of the human nations they have sought life, refuge and shelter.

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Just have Bolvar go nuts.

Just joking over Fyre obviously trolling.
Dude is literally called “High Elf Wayfarer” and she called it a Blood Elf DK

I haven’t been paying too much attention to DK’s lately but I’ve been hearing that he’s been acting kinda suspicious lately.

Actually, considering the current Allied Races, Void Elves are the only one who could reasonably get Death Knights for lore reasons, you could have a Death Knight among Umbric group. The other Allied Races were absent in the war against the Lich King.
A Allied Race perfect for Death Knights would be San’layn.

He has you slaughter a large population of red dragons…and raise it as your mount.


The void elves were locked away during the time of arthas iirc. I am not sure its possible unless the dk went with the blood elves and then became void touched, but almost all dks are part of the ebon blade.

Everything you just listed is just human stuff.

and that’s always going to be a thing because Kal’dorei are just humans in Greek/Japanese buildings.

Shal’dorei are literally just some humans. High society humans?

Blood Elves have got magic brooms. So I guess they’re some Dalaran humans.

Kal’dorei are probably your best shot of saying, “Hey this group has a culture that isn’t standard high fantasy human.” Since they’re some… like… Appalachian Trail humans.

Orcs, Tauren and Trolls are just tribal humans. Well. The Zandalari are some Aztec/mayan humans.

Pandaren are obvious.

Every race has got just human culture. It’s an issue when your game is made by some humans.