The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

These arguments are a result of two issues:

  1. Core factions are called races with their own racials because they were indeed unique races, with the exception of Worgen and Undead which are just Humans but were worth being made distinct anyway. Pandaren broke the mold, but they just went along with it. Allied Races are just more “races” in the character creator.

  2. High Elves are high elves called High Elves.

Had they been called Allied Factions (as they are) and had High Elves been renamed to Silver Elves or whatever, a lot of this argumentation would have been easier to avoid.

Damn, that’s actually really good.


Man seeing that list of High Elves a few posts back made me laugh

Yeah, the, “Core Race” bit is dumb. It’s just part of the meta.

High Elves are definitely an Allied Race, because it’s a meta term and that’s where they fit in.

Being a “Core” race has nothing to do with being more important to the Horde or Alliance.

They are… They were a core race in the RTS and they’re the original Allied Race having literally represented the Alliance on multiple accounts yet not having been playable.

It’s gonna be funny seeing High/Blood Elves on the Alliance again in Reforged. I’m really hoping they insert some more context for them.

Also can’t wait to see updated Kael’thas. <3

Yeah, I know it’s a mess right now. That’s actually a pretty good idea. It would make the last list of “misc” elves less clumped and disorganized.

You could do both has well, but Lydon is right though, it’s important to know how many of them live and how relevant they are through each expansion

I guess the only question is whether I should start with the Burning Crusade elves (since it’s now the oldest content in-game) or the “revamped” old world introduced in Cataclysm.

I would categorize it has pre-cata first

Yeah, plus they’ve made several additions to the “revamped” world over the various expansions.

Is there a story behind the “High Elf Partygoers” in Thousand Needles for example?!

No way to know how many live unless you see them die in a quest or read it in a book. If I’m a Wow developer and writing quests, if you haven’t shown me a body then it’s fair game.

It’s schrodingers cat between expansions. They are both alive and dead until you see them again .


If an event is not shown nor told, then you can assume it didn’t happen.


Pokes shoulder and leans in to whisper

Many just like to equal NPCs being present to revelancy, watch out.

Having voices in your head is not fun, and they were kicked out of Silvermoon by their fellow Blood Elves. Plus Umbric mentions something about already doubting the Horde being right for Blood Elves before Alleria goes after him.

Gotta say, it’s pretty bizarre of Lor’themar to exile yet another group of Blood Elves for dissent after his whole emotional trip to Quel’Lithien in the short story.

“You send us here to be ignored, inconvenient as we are, and then dare to call us traitors?”


it looks like he misses his people and homeland back in quel’thalas. thats so sad :sob:

anything to push your agenda huh?

Actually if you look at the picture, the Elf is a former High Elf from Dalaran. Not Quel’thelas.


i thought void elves were blood elves and not alliance high elves :thinking:

Read the comments of the picture. The artist comes out and says the character is a High Elf regretting his decision becoming a void elf.

Its actually canon that some Void Elves are High elves, as there are High Elf Wayfarer’s in Telogrus Rift.

Regardless, the artist draws all sorts of characters from Warcraft, and if she intended for the character to “miss Silvermoon” she would have drawn the character with green eyes like a Blood elf, and with something that resembles Silvermoon and not Dalaran.

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Well it’s not canon yet. There may be High Elves in Telogrus, but for now there is no way to make more Void Elves yet. Blizzard said Umbric and Alleria are working on a way to do so safely though.