The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

Alrighty dude. I just mention the Discord cause it’s the most easiest way to communicate with everyone, particularly if you want to start sharing links and stuff, considering our folder and fan art being vandalised before.

I’m getting ready to pack it in. Out of curiosity, would you be interested in my most recent version of my list of High Elves? Its still not finished, but it could be useful. Its currently only a text document on my desktop as well, so it would make for a long post… I could post it if you’re interested. It’s basically my big contribution to the thread.

To make my contribution, i decided to group everything i learned and know about the High Elves into this single and large post, don’t take this as a official text for the repost but rather a big sum up for you people to freely use have you find anything useful or interesting here to add into the repost. :wink: Since i’m not part of the Discord feel free to take some parts there too if you want.

If i had trust 3 to put images this post would be way more interesting to read through, but trust limitations :sob:

My views and suggestions for the High Elves as an Alliance Allied Race:

Who they are: The High Elves of the Alliance are a subrace of Thalassian Elves formed by many groups of High Elves aligned with the Alliance over Azeroth and Outland. Despite people associating them with the Blood Elves from Quel’thalas, those High Elves remain as a distinct group as they didn’t followed the same steps Kael’thas and the Elves from Quel’thalas took, preferring to remain in the Alliance and keep referring to themselves as High Elves.

In World of Warcraft they are present in many places and events as part of the Alliance, their main faction is The Silver Covenant, which is still in activity as their mages maintain the portal to Dalaran in Stormwind. Representing the Alliance in the Argent Tournament, taking part of the Purge of Dalaran and leading the offensive in the Isle of Thunder are among their most important feats to the faction. In Legion they were one of the main forces in the Hunter Campaign and in the liberation of Suramar. As for BfA, they are mostly represented as mages, mainly in the 7th Legion as the Silver Covenant is so far absent.

The Dalaran High Elves are the largest population group of them, composed mainly by commoners and mages. The Silver Covenant is a military group of High Elves that have a district of Dalaran as their operational center, the Silver Covenant also serves as mediator to reunite the High Elves when a military effort is required.
The Allerian Stronghold is an Alliance settlement in Terokkar Forest build after the Second War by High Elves from Quel’thalas that volunteered to fight with the Alliance all the way to Draenor. They were led by Alleria Windrunner herself.

The Kalimdor High Elves are a group of elves that followed Jaina into that continent after the downfall of Lordaeron to the Scourge. After the Battle of Mount Hyjal, they assisted Jaina in building Theramore and fought under it’s banners as long as the city stood.
There are also High Elves from lodges around the Eastern Kingdoms, namely the Quel’Lithien, Quel’danil and Farstrider lodges. They are composed by more nature inclined High Elves and skilled Rangers.

Their possible classes:
Warrior: High Elves aren’t commonly known for their Warrios, but they make agile melee duelists, and in the Silver Covenant some of them combine magic with their skills to form Spellblades. Currently all races in the game are allowed to be Warriors, this should be no different for them.
Paladin: Some High Elves dedicated their faith to the Light and trained to be Paladins in the same way Humans and Dwarves did. Arator the Redeemer is a good example.
Hunter: High Elven Rangers are the most iconic figures of the race, it would be one of the most appealing Class + Race combos in the Alliance. Currently all races in the game can be Hunters as well.
Rogue: High Elves like other Elves are known for their Elusiveness, making them perfect spies and assassins.
Monk: High Elves are just as able as other races to travel to Pandaria and train in the way of the Monk.
Mage: Together with Hunters, Mages are the High Elves’s most iconic class, they are descendants of the Highborne, known for their affinity with the Arcane in magic. High Elves are normally specialized in the schools of Arcane and Frost.
Priest: The High Elves are skilled spellcasters and are known for their Priests. In Warcraft III they were the Priest units in the Human faction.
Debatable classes:
Shaman: Lorewise they don’t exist, but it was suggested that they could learn the ways of shamanisn from their Wildhammer allied in the Hinterlands.
Druid: High Elves are more inclined to nature than the Blood Elves, they can learn druidism from their Night Elven cousins. They could potentially link themselves to the Emerald Dream through Seradane in the Hinterlands.
Should not have:
Death Knight: Everything indicates that Thalassian Death Knights chose the name of Blood Elves and hold their loyalty to the Horde over the Alliance.
Demon Hunter: Only Night Elves and Blood Elves were trained in the Black Temple to become Demon Hunters.
And no Allied Races are allowed to be Heroic classes because of gameplay limitations.
Warlock: High Elves commonly are suspicious over the use of dark energies such as Fel and Shadow, the High Elves from the Quel’lithien lodge in the Eastern Plaguelands were exiled from Quel’thalas for opposing the use of Fel in Silvermoon.

Their potential visuals and customization options:

Eyes: Their blue eyes are their most iconic visual trait, there’s also the possibility of violet, purple and pink colored eyes through the intense use of Arcane in Dalaran.
Hair: They can use different hair from the Blood Elves that reflect their ways and visual preferences, such as simpler and more practical hair styles with braids and such. They can also use some of the hair styles that Void Elves have but without tentacles. About the hair colors, they can range from Black to White, Blonde to Golden and Brown, Silver to Light Blue.
Skin: It can range from Brown to White, with possibilities to add Ranger Tattoos (just like those that Alleria use) and Arcane markings. Modified textures that show more muscular builds are very acceptable.
Features: Beards and facial hair for the males and Silver earrings with blue gems for the females.
Half Elf features could be considered regarding their mingling with Humans.
To make them stand different from Blood and Void Elves they can use a different idle (stand) animation. All of that can visually set them apart from the Blood Elves without requiring a new model or anything exaggerated.

Suggestions for the recruitment scenario and future lore for them:

Going to all places with High Elves to assist and unite them into a single banner, maybe find a island on the coast of the Eastern Kingdoms to form a new kingdom of their own.
Gathering spellcasters and important artifacts that are part of their history to execute a ritual that dissociate them from the Sunwell, starting a new chapter in their story.
Calling them to elect a leader such as Vareesa Windrunner, potentially renaming them to Silver Elves as they want to made a new identity for themselves within the Alliance.
Develop relations with the Void Elves, as they are also Thalassians and are led by Vareesa’s sister, Alleria.

Allied Race features:

Tabard: HD Silver Covenant Tabard, maybe with cyan and gold instead of blue and white
Racial mount: Quel’dorei Unicorn
Hunter pet: Lynx
Heritage armor: Both robe and vest with pants versions. Silver + Light Blue or Cyan + Gold colors.

Suggestions for Racials:

Magic handling (passive): Reduces the resource cost (mana, energy, rage, focus) of your spells by 5%.
Rejection of Fel (passive): Reduces chaos damage taken by 1%.
Keen eye (passive): Increases cast range of all ranged spells by 10%.
Perseverance (passive): Reduces damage taken bellow 50% health by 1%.
Meditation (passive): Regenerates 3% of your total health points per second while out of combat
Wanderer (passive): Reduce the cooldown of all your Hearthstones by 5 minutes.
Loyalty (passive): Non gold currencies gained are increased by 10%.
Arcane Infusion (active): Increases your resource generation by 25% for 12 seconds. 2 minutes cooldown.


Yeah. I hate it when someone thinks they know something and it’s completely incorrect and they can’t be adjusted. It’s probably the one thing that actually gets to me.

But, considering people specifically troll us for exactly that, it’s all about identifying as soon as possible who is being insincere. Really just a problem with brand new posters.

I’m out of likes right now Mowa. :frowning: I’ll get this in the morning.

Sure thing dude! All the help would be very appreciative.

Use an alt, i do it with Markwachassa when i run out with my main.

I’d post the Callistus/Nyshant Theory (Not a law yet) of WoW cosmology Evolution, but it’d just start more pointless fighting. haha.

Maybe something for another thread.

Alrighty then! Prepare for a big list!


First things first, unnamed NPC’s marked with a (?) are randomly generated and have a chance of being a High Elf. So the number recorded is the number I saw, and could be higher or lower depending on RNG. Named NPC’s are not repeated if they appear in multiple locations.
These are also LIVING High Elves, so ghosts or deceased ones aren’t counted.
(apologies for misspellings- a good portion of this is from my hand-written notes)

Dalaran Northrend
Warcaster Faronoraithe, Warmage Yurias, Warmage Ilsuaria, Goldlily Gleamingfell, Metopious Loreseeker, Darthalia Ebonscorch,Fialla Sweetberry, Fabioso the Fabulous, Aimee, Teller Althiellis, Imindril Spearsong, Sabrina Sorrowgaze, Olisarra the Kind, Andellion, Mona Everspring, Ildine Sorrowspear, Enchanter Nalthanis, Kitz Proudbreeze, Paldesse, Karandonna, Dariness the Learned, Arille Azuregaze, Warmage Lukems, Vereesa Windrunner, Archmage John NIcholas, Arcanist Braedin, Arcanist Tybalin, Isirami Fairwind, Caliel Brightwillow, Valaden Silverblade, Elizabeth Ross, Mirla Silverblaze, Archmage Lan’dalock, Aemara, Kat Sunflower, Naseev, Rulen Lightreap, Ranger Selone, Pathstalker Ralsir, Matron Alesso, Arcanist Miluria, Arcanist Uovril, Arcanist Firael, Arcanist Ivrenne, Arcanist Adurin, Silver Covenant Guardian Mage x13, and Silver Covenant Agent x1 = 55 High elves in Dalaran

Windrunner’s Overlook
Gelendror Whitewing, Scout Captain Daelin, Scout Yrbria, Landual Silverhart, Aniduria, Miura Brightweaver, Silver Covenant Scout 13x, Silver Covenant Horseman 6x = 25 High elves

Icecrown- The Skybreaker
Skybreaker Shield-Mage x6

Icecrown- Argent Tournament
Arcanist Taelis, Averith Swiftstrike, Scout Shalyndria, Narasi Snowdawn, Caris Sunlance, Savinia Loresong, Hiren Loresong, Aspirant Forudir, Valiat Laradia, Champion Isimode, Arcanist Asarina Fael Morningsong, Liere Morningsong, Celian Daybreak, Hlidan Lightwing, Priestess Alorah, Silver Covenant Guardian x11, Argent Peacekeeper x7(?) = 34

Quel’Delar’s Rest
Caladis Brightspear, Silver Covenant Sentinel x2 = 3

Hrothgar’s Landing
Captain Elleane Wavecrest, Silver Blade Sailor x6, Wavecrest Mariner x7 = 14

Dragonblight- Wintergarde Keep
Vas the Unstable, 7th Legion Battle Mage x8 =9

The Hinterlands- Quel’danil Lodge
Jalinde Summerdrake, Gilveradin Sunchaser (technically in Shindigger’s Camp- but its close by,) Highvale Sentry x 14 = 16

The Ghostlands- Hatchet Hills
Silver Covenant Ranger x 23
(technically there are 24, but #24 is “glitched” inside one, so I don’t think he counts)

Dustwallow Marsh- North Point Tower (Yes it’s still there after Theramore’s destruction)
Captain Darill, Theramore Sentry x5(?) Theramore Infiltrator x9(?) = 14
(MIA Ysuria)

Isle of Thunder(INCOMPLETE)
Magister Lyanis, Magistrix Sanal, Vylene Amaranth, Magister Yalis, Silver Covenant Spellblade x 30(!), Kirin Tor Guardian x4(?) Kirin Tor Defender x2(?) Silver Covenant Ranger x 15(!) Silver Covenant Scout x ??? Kirin Tor Captive x3(?) Kirin Tor Scholar x1(?) = 59
(This area was difficult to count due to all the densely packed NPC’s wandering around, many were hard to keep track of. The (!) for the Spellblades and Rangers were due to me losing track of them and maybe counting one more than once or NOT counting one. There are a TON of them no doubt but I do feel obligated to do a recount and maybe averaging the numbers.)

Terrokar Forest- Allerian Stronghold/Post
Taela Everstride, Ros’eleth, Captain Auric Sunchaser, Aeman Brightsong, Theine Brightsong, Innkeeper Biribi, Theloria Shadecloak, High Elf Ranger x6 =13

Stormwind City
Elsharin, Caledra Dawnbreeze, High Elf Sorceress x2, Silver Covenant Guardian Mage x2 =6
(First Mate Wavesinger MIA)

Deadwind Pass
Archmage Leryda, Kirin Tor Mage x???

Broken Shore
Magus Solgaze

Dalaran Legion
Elizabeth Ross, Rachele, Catriona Macrae, Archivist Elysiana, Raethan, Dalaran Citzen x3(?) =8

Hall of the Guardian
Archmage Ominara, Ari, Chronicler Elrianne =3

Trueshot Lodge
Courier Larspur, Scout Brightspear

Yvera Dawnwing, Frostfencer Seraphi

Battle For Stromgarde
7th Legion Shield Mage x2

Island Expeditions
Apprentice Karyn

Finally, a quick roundup- 28
Area 52- Ravandwyr
Shattrath- High Elf Refugee x2(?)
Suramar- Silver Covenant Guardian Mage x2
Towlong Steppes- Silver Covenant Guardian Mage x2
Vale of Eternal Blossoms- Kriss Goldenlight
Borean Tundra- Magister Dath’omere
Grizzly Hills- Magistrix Haelenai
Farstrider Lodge- Vyrin Swiftwind
Ulduar- Kirin Tor Mage x4(?)
Ratchet- Captain Thalo’thas Brightsun
Thousand Needles- High Elf Boat Partygoer x???
Darkmoon Isle- Darkmoon Carnie x1(?)
Shadowmoon Valley (Draenor)-Azara Goldenwing
The Ruby Sanctum- Captain Iskandar
Mount Hyjal- Earthcaller Franzahl
Tanaris- Trenton Lighthammer
Stonetalon Mountains- Huntress Davinia
Eastern Plaguelands- Death Hunter Hawkspear, Kirkian Dawnshield, Adon
Highmountain- Zenobia
Kun-Lai Summit- Master Cheng
Gorgrond- Researcher Sarix


Golden eyes are much more interesting

Since you guys are a more organized group and have more tools to work than just a thread like this, i more than support you people in the discord doing it.

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I’m not saying don’t use it. I’m just saying keep in mind not everyone wants to click links or go to discords.

Just make sure all the relevant information is in the thread and only go outside when necessary.

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I think arranging your list by expansion instead of by precise location would be a better way to categorze the list, since you insist on maintaing a headcount.


No need for High Elves.

It is but at times the thread goes off topic on a tangent due to posters chasing “rabbits & squirrels” , but yes it is first and foremost about the NPC race that has been part of the Alliance or allied with the Alliance since the days of Warcraft 2 to be made playable.


There isn’t anyway you aren’t trolling dude.
Anyway, to be honest it is a surprise they were not a core race

Sorry if I’m changing the topic or something, but I just found this piece of artwork… it’s just sublime. It really expresses what many Void Elf characters feel right now.


…they feel like they wish they weren’t Voided and then on top of that also somehow not Blood Elves?

Like, this would be like a High Elf or Nightborne looking in a mirror longingly at the image of a Dark troll.

Well that’s not really a good comparison.

It’s regret. It’s understandable to not have willingly been voided a few months ago and/or having gone on a fel-sucking tilt after being massacred a few years ago… both within one’s lifetime.

And in the case of Void Elves in particular, one could also understand how someone would regret having broken off from who they were as High Elves in the Alliance only to later return vastly changed…and wondering if it was all worth it.

What a beautiful piece.


Not, but allow you for being in the two opposite factions: Pandarens. It’s more a philosophic thing for them, but the essence it’s the same, two different mind set that split a race and send them to two opposite factions.

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