The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

10 years is a long time for things to change. and I personally like the idea when it comes to basically restarting the story with WoW 2.

The only way that works is for this WoW to not be the true timeline. Otherwise WoW 2 is a timeline we are destined to lose.

I thought about that, but does it really matter if we play in the “true” timeline? Plus I’m pretty sure the warcraft 3 we play isnt in the true timeline, has tyrande and the night elves did not recognize the orcs in Kalimdor when they have meet with Broxigar before

oh that is easily explained.

the warcraft 3 we play takes place before the war of the ancients was altered when broxigar and rhonin were sent back in time. vanilla starts after this has happened.

To me, next expansion may be WoW 2. I’ve been saying this for a while (it was my expectation for 8.0). In essence, we get a timeskip and the “new” continents are Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdoms completely remade. This is not a revamp of old content, but new continents in new servers. The old versions remain and you can Zidormi-travel between old and new. You can choose to level up a new character in the old versions or the new ones. Some few areas (think the old 1-20 areas from Cataclysm) are for low-levels, others are for the new expansion levels.

There could even be a Warcraft 4, showing events that happened in the timeskip. I imagine something like 10 years.

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So is Broxigar from an entire different timeline? Because the course of events can change, it’s why we fight against the time corrupted dragonflight back from BC-Cata so our timeline itself doesn’t change?

Or does wow now have a different story?

I get there must be a start of a cycle, but this event was never corrected, so it should have had a change on the timeline and we didn’t get to see what it was

This is another idea I get behind.

essentially make this new old world scale from 1 to max level. New characters dont have to deal with timeline issues while leveling.

They could even make new starting intros for night elves and undead.

Undead start in stratholme which is their new capital.

night elves start in darkshore.

both quel’thelas and the myst isles would be brought into the same map being fully updated as well.

the only answer is that it was the start of the cycle and it is the way events are meant to unfold.

Yes, that’s what I think as well. All the old expansions become optional content. You go there to level alts or to get transmog, achievements and so on.

Blizzard could cut off resource spent on leveling by focusing only in a few questlines per leveling zone and using bonus objectives (like in WoD) all over the maps so characters can level quickly.

Yes, that’s the idea. We’d have full EK and Kalimdor updated into the “new” continents.


Idk, maybe the bronze dragonflight erased the night elves memory of Broxigar and Rhonin later on?
Because it should of at least change the encounter they had with Grommash, and everything else after folded into place the way it was meant too.

to my knowledge this isn’t how it happened because it was malfurion that brought the axe of cenarius to saurfang. or was it tyrande? I dont remember. Hell it could have been hamuul.

I don’t mean for this debate to spill into the real world. I work in public safety myself, and this stuff is always going to fall as meaningless and “firtsest-of-world” problems that are ultimately inconsequential.

I just want Kalimdor & EK redone. Fix what’s broken, repair the fissure, get rid of the random hurricanes.

WoW 2 sounds great for that. If the Earthen Ring can’t fix in 10 years what Deathwing did in a single cinematic, what are they even good for.

Blizzard has said at least two things that leave me hopeful for a “WoW 2” expansion:

  • There was some recent interview (sorry, don’t remember which one) that said BfA was going to end with Azeroth radically changed.
  • Ion talking about how leaving Azeroth would be wrong for the franchise, mentioning a “WoW 2” and then saying how they love the old world, specially EK and Kalimdor.

The work they are putting in places like Arathi, Darkshore, Uther’s Tomb and even the battlegrounds (Warsong Gulch, Arathi Basin) could be a benchmark for them on how to redo zones for “WoW 2”.

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exactly. also we are bound to get wrath 2.0 with updated northrend sometime soon.

everything MoP and up looks fine environmentally. MoP stiff suffered from some low res armor textures.

also I agree we likely won’t leave azeroth for a long time as our home planet. We may get a few expansions set someplace else but I doubt no “space exploration” expansion like some speculate. Instead we will likely get confirmation that what we have in WoW currently all takes place in one hemisphere and that we have 3 others to explore.

I personally hope for this and the backside of azeroth to have another massive supercontinent the size of the original kalimdor and we spend 2 or so expansions on this continent after an expedition to explore the unknown has us learn the truth of why ships always disappear when they go this way. (that being there is some kind of magic somewhat like a bubble that prevents all methods of travel and communication.)

It’s not like there’s much left on Azeroth to explore, at least not things that have been mentioned before. And by the Old Gods, I do not want to go back to SPAAAACE ever gain.

I have a long commute so the diffuse thinking does some work. I wouldn’t say it really spills over. It was just a funny thought. I’m a pretty relaxed person, unless you’re trying to fall on me.

I always felt like that was there go to though. Since their pacing sucks and you murder someone critically important every expansion. You can just planet hop.

I feel like if I was WoW’s lead developer we’d probably finally be getting around to killing Arthas right about now.

okay that seems like way too long for THAT.

sure. don’t kill your characters off so fast but arthas not being taken care of for this long is just crazy.

also there is a lot of room opened up that they are exploring. We have largely dealt with the major fel threat. now is the threat of the void, the threat of the light’s crusade, the threat of death and the shadowlands, we can still get an emerald dream expansion focused on life, and finally aluneth and other beings provide knowledge that there is some sort of arcane dimension that we could eventually go to.

I’m just saying, the Burning Crusade Arc and The Wrath Arc could have easily each spanned three expansions.

And think about an Outland built out of three outlands basically from each expansion. Could have really built the remains of that planet up and made it an interesting place.

This interview, which I mentioned before