The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

I doubt it be has close has next patch, Ion did say in a German Interview that 8.2 is close

But we have seen customization improvements over past patches. Orc posture, blood elf golden eyes, night warrior skin.

I don’t expect new customization categories soon, but other improvements should be possible.

They said they wanted to review the preorder allied races back in April 2018, for instance, and one of the devs (Muffinus, I think) asked in Twitter when night warrior was datamined what other unlockable customization would like to see in the future.

I even made a thread at the time and sent it to him.


I laughed and I am mad I laughed.
Personally, i would like to see better options to create more differences. Being a blueberry elf should be more distinctive

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Re-recruit the Taunka for the horde
(Taunka customization for tauren)

Build and reinforce the Hinterlands with the RevanTusk tribe
(Forest troll customization to the Zandalari)

The eradar are without home, help the dreanai with peace talks to enlist them to the alliance l
(Eradar customization to the dreanai)

The eredar part I don’t see happening, and the problem with the taunka or revantusk is that they’d require model changes, so they’d be need new races rather than just unlockable customization.

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They are just suggestions. They are many tribes of races that aren’t playable (like the sand and frost trolls) and I would rather give races more customization options than adding more races where they are not needed

(Like the mag’har, Highmountain, Lightforged and Kul’tirans.)

Haha. That was nearly a spit take.

Don’t worry about that. We get that all the time here… and it looks like the European forums are the same.

Wanting something gives you a vulnerability. Trolls home in on that.

Just have to keep on keeping on.

I’m sure when people were asking for Worgen and Goblin updates that people were talking down to them too.

Customization options for the allied races have been quite lacking.

Actually the character creator as a whole needs a rework. It’s pathetic.

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Haha. I was thinking on the commute home the other day where you were like, “You’re the “Anything is possible guy.””

and I was thinking, “Man, getting people who might never walk again to walk is my 9-5. I’d be real crap at it if I wasn’t the anything is possible guy.”

I can tell a patient what’s likely. What’s normal. But it’s not my place to tell them what they can and can’t do.

Asking for stuff for a videogame you play is some simple stuff. Nightborne, Quel’dorei, San’layn. Whatever.

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Yeah. Hasn’t changed too much since 2005.

Which is why I think they need to drop WoW for WoW 2.0

While they are at It they should start over with the story and have it start right after the events of warcraft 3, so they can make the story better and not have to worry about past mistakes

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That didn’t work out so hot for Everquest.

I don’t know how you pull that one off to be honest.

I was thinking earlier that instead of keeping all the old stuff for nostalgia they could let Classic WoW servers take care of that. But then the servers may split off to many people.

So maybe like… one Classic WoW server but you can choose your expansions.

That way they could overhaul whatever. But their game engine is old.

Which may be why they were hesitant to do classic wow servers.

Splitting your fan base isn’t idea. But I think that if it’s planned well that it could be the beginning of a not WoW 2.0 version of WoW 2.0.

the thing is though that now allied races are a thing I take it as an insult to these groups if they are made base customization instead of an allied race.

It worked for Runescape though. I was in a debate on the classic forums once and mentioned that at Blizzcon they left the door open to new Classic exclusive content and they were not a fan of that idea over there. Most of them are #nochanges.

Well. There is the other backup plan. They figured out how to replace zones by zoning them with Bronze Dragons.

That works the same way. They can just rework the continents.

So it’s more of an issue of figuring out how to get people to level up in a different manner.

I’d personally like to see a Warcraft 4…

and then a WoW reset after whatever that looks like.

But with Warfronts that may not be necessary either?

It becomes a question of, “Can they do it with expansions?”

Honestly what I am suspecting is a 25 year anniversary WoW 2 release.

An announcement of it happening at least. AT that point they would need a new engine for the game to stay technologically competitive.

There is also 2 routes they can go. Continue the story from WoW or start over from the end of warcraft 3 as a new timeline while the last expansion has us lose and azeroth is destroyed. The result being the bronze dragons were wrong in their calculations of what is the true timeline and this new game is the true timeline. This allows them to get the story right this time from the get go. There have been a lot of wasted plot lines and characters especially in early WoW where the most epic thing devs could do with a character is make them a boss we kill.

In the recent German interview they talked about wow 2.0 and said they would not have azeroth destroyed, has that would destroy the essence of wow

at a certain point what I suspect is we will get a new “zidormi interface” to the ui that allows us to swap being different eras of WoW.