Unlockable customization suggestions!

8.0 gave us golden eyed blood elves and straight back orc options.
8.1 now introduced night warrior skin for nights elves. Unlike the previous examples, this one is unlocked through questing.

So, here are some suggestions for extra customization that that could be unlocked through special quests. Just like night warrior, the quests are not race-locked. You can do the questline with any character, and the options are enabled for your account.

Questline: Help the Wildhammer clan defend their home in Aerie Peak.
Reward: Wildhammer skins + a Wildhammer transmog.

Questline: Bring the Dark Horde clans back to the Horde.
Reward: Blackrock (Azeroth), Dragonmaw and fel-red skins for normal orcs, and alternate recolor grunt armor (from WoD).

Questline: Help secure Quel'danil as a new home for the united thalassian exiles (high and void elves).
Reward: High elf-like skins and hair colors for void elves, for the new recruits that weren’t transformed via Ethereal meddling. Plus, a new small town for Alliance.

Questline: Help Jevan Grimtotem and his kin repel Magatha’s loyalists.
Reward: Grimtotem skins for tauren, plus alternate color for tauren heritage armor (if you have unlocked the original color).

Questline: Stop an Alliance elven operation on Suramar.
Reward: Golden jewelry options for nightborne, plus alternate red-and-gold nightborne heritage armor (for those who unlocked the original color).

Questline: Defend the council of human kings (Danath, Jaina, Genn and Anduin) from Horde assassins.
Reward: Unlock the Human Potential. (New awesome beards for humans, and kul tiran, stromgardian and gilnean voice/emote sets for humans, and black, green and red variations of the transmog footman armor from WoD).

Any other suggestions?
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Questline: Help the ponies survive
Reward: Unlock being a pony
Questline: Drink that badly preserved arcwine.
Reward: Sick nightborne customization option.
Questline: Drink that badly preserved arcwine.
Reward: NPC nightborne customization options.

Questline: As a Darkspear, secure diplomatic talks between Sin'dorei and Amani to prevent an offensive by the Exiled Thalassians under Alleria, and prevent Quel'thalas to fall to alliance aspirations.

Reward: Forest Troll customization for Trolls (Same model, more beef)

Also, the ability to change your "tooltip" name like RP addons do, maybe while keeping the "race" sufix, like "Human" "Elf" "Orc" "Tauren"

As well as the ability to choose "Voice Sets" that give your character a different "origin"
FFXIV does stuff like this for additional character customization and I quite enjoy it tbh.
Please no.

doing this would be an insult to those races.
only alliance high elves get a new hub? bias!

*spray with hose*

humans get multiple recolours? BIAS!

*throws rotten fruit*
Questline: Make a High Elf whine thread on the forums that gets 300 pages of people calling you an annoying idiot.
Reward: Blue blood elf eyes and a bottle of Alliance tears.
11/08/2018 12:37 PMPosted by Helaina


Way to ruin a post.
Some of these are bit of a stretch but some are fan favourites.
Wildhammer and High Elves are good picks for these customizations.
11/08/2018 01:26 PMPosted by Swiftraven
only alliance high elves get a new hub? bias!

*spray with hose*

humans get multiple recolours? BIAS!

*throws rotten fruit*

I mean what would you want in terms of added customization to one of the races you like?

11/08/2018 01:16 PMPosted by Käyn
FFXIV does stuff like this for additional character customization and I quite enjoy it tbh.

I was thinking that even LotRO does something like this, by allowing certain options based on the "origin" of your character.
11/08/2018 01:14 PMPosted by Talendrion
Questline: As a Darkspear, secure diplomatic talks between Sin'dorei and Amani to prevent an offensive by the Exiled Thalassians under Alleria, and prevent Quel'thalas to fall to alliance aspirations.

Reward: Forest Troll customization for Trolls (Same model, more beef)

Also, the ability to change your "tooltip" name like RP addons do, maybe while keeping the "race" sufix, like "Human" "Elf" "Orc" "Tauren"

As well as the ability to choose "Voice Sets" that give your character a different "origin"

I thought about an option to add forest, ice/frost and sand troll skins to Darkspear trolls (no different model) by helping some other minor tribes, but I couldn't think of any particularly good questlines.
Yeah, just do a Troll Confederation to add the other tribes to Troll Race.
Quest: help a shoe maker set a shop in orgrimar.
Reward: troll shoes.

Seriously blizz my feet are cold
11/08/2018 01:53 PMPosted by Alamara
I thought about an option to add forest, ice/frost and sand troll skins to Darkspear trolls (no different model)

so you want a copy of the most played horde race while not wanting to give forest trolls a unique model, even though physically they are different from jungle trolls

y'all wonder where your bad rep comes from lol
My suggestions
Night elf: Druids of the flame skin tone (dealing with fire lands and teldrassil's ashes) Unlocking shamans.
Dwarves: WIldhammer tattoos and heritage armor. Unlocking druid as a class.
Dark Iron: Fire lands and finding druids of the flame to teach you fire forms.
Also Ice skin tones from recruiting ice dwarves.
Orcs: GOing to outland to recruit felorcs. New class demonhunter and shadow priest lore with fel orc heritage armor bonus.
Highmountain: Feltotem skins. New classes. Warlock and Demonhunter
Lightforged: Seraphic customization (Naaru wings and halos) New classes: Monk shaman and demonhunter (with angel forms instead of demons by taking in naaru or something there magic comes out as holy instead of fel)
Nightborne: Felborne customization. And unlocking shamans and druids via other storyline arc (recruiting / reviving the former forces with new time magic advancements. Possibly recruiting there old leader via time loopholes and alternate dimensions).
Tauren: Loving the grimtotem customization. Grimtotem heritage armor and new classes: Mage and rogue.
Trolls. Unlikely allies. Recruit some sand trolls into the horde. Get new skins and hairstyles. New heritage armor.
Undead. New kultiran undead or drust customization. (new classes druid and shaman).
Blood elf: Fel infused elves like The BC raids. New classes druid and shaman via botanists and elementalists/battle mages via story developement.

Pandaren. Furlborg skin tones (pandaren with browner and pure white skin tones. New classes (Druid, Warlock)

These wouldn't happen at once they would happen as the story progresses and some times between expansions.
11/08/2018 02:20 PMPosted by Swiftraven
11/08/2018 01:53 PMPosted by Alamara
I thought about an option to add forest, ice/frost and sand troll skins to Darkspear trolls (no different model)

so you want a copy of the most played horde race while not wanting to give forest trolls a unique model, even though physically they are different from jungle trolls

y'all wonder where your bad rep comes from lol

Forest trolls will require a new model. In this thread I'm talking about options that are simple and cheap to develop. If we go too far, it's better to ask for an allied race (which I totally support the forest trolls as), but that's beyond the scope of this thread.

11/08/2018 01:26 PMPosted by Swiftraven
only alliance high elves get a new hub? bias!

*spray with hose*

humans get multiple recolours? BIAS!

*throws rotten fruit*

Why not make your own suggestions?

For instance, there could be a mag'har storyline that gives them their own hub. But that's a side effect, the main point is more customization, and I just couldn't think of a proper new customization for them right now.
Questline: Bro it up. Go out drinking with your bros and arm wrestle each other.

Unlocks: Tribal tattoos for Orcs.
Questline: catch 100 rare fish and deliver them to the Kal'uak.

Reward: unlock playable Tuskarr. And let them be demon hunters -- flying walruses for the win.