The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

they said its happening in the near future. 100%

Locus Walker was pretty surprised. He said the same thing.

Iā€™d be ok with that. Highmountain, Lightforged, Magā€™har, Dark Iron even to some extent could have just been extra options for the base race.

Many of these AR donā€™t exactly stand alone that well anyway.

Well. If you read Three Sisters itā€™s not like sheā€™s having a great time.

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There IS a fel ā€œvolcanoā€ in Shadowmoon tho, so for me the wild thing is that she thinks -with no evidence of it- that emanations of it reach Terrokar and have seeped it in fel.


Murlocs for me.
I just want to be a fishman.

See that is whatā€™s frustrating. I think itā€™s stupid that Three Sisters is the only media that depicts this.

Like, why werenā€™t we seen a mirroring whisper when Anduin and Alleria and co. confront Sylvanas in Loraeronā€™s throne room?

ā€œSee what she has done?! Kill her, kill her now before all is lost!ā€ playing right before her line ā€œI should have killed you, when we last metā€ would have had so much more weight to it.

Itā€™s not even that Alleria has paid no price, but that she is rarely even shown to be struggling against her power at all.

nagrand is much further away from shadowmoon then allerian stronghold and clearly the landscape hasnt been corrupted as much as other parts of outland :smile:

Ugh. I hate it when you write stuff that wastes my time like this.

Normally Iā€™d write the actual developer comment. But since they talk about this for minutes, Iā€™m just going to link it.

Iā€™m not the one whoā€™s making huge jumps in logic here.

If the Fel spreads to Terrokar, what WOULD stop it from spreading it to Nagrand?


Not like we see much of Umbricā€¦ or the Void Elves at allā€¦ but the Island Expedition team definitely has a few screws loose.

Not like Nightborne or Zandalari and Kul Tiran had to be brand new races either.

Nightborne couldā€™ve as easily been added to the Alliance, and the Zandalari couldā€™ve just been a straight back option for Troll like the Orcs got.


You guys are taking the sub discussion me and Nyshant had a little far.

I think we agreed that fel corruption and radiation was handwaved in certain cases (Outland High Elves, Magā€™har, Alleria/Arator/Veressa) and used as an explaination in others (Blood Elves around SMCā€™s old Fel crystals).

Fictional universes are difficult because the writers are playing god. Unfortunately, humans are not god, and rarely think of every little thing like we can later nitpick as we do.

You got to be ignore some stuff, especially as minor as this.

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But Hellfire (where maghar ALSO live) Is not seeped in fel?"

Jesus Christ


tbf, dont they live up in the mountains? cleaner air and ground water up there im sure

We have seen more of Umbric and others during the War campaign, and yeah, the Void really doesnā€™t seem as urgent a threat there.

True, but itā€™s not like there arenā€™t possible explanations. That groups like the Maghar and the High Elves can exist on Outland without getting corrupted implies that Outland is not ā€œbathed in felā€ specially when those groups have settled in places with little apparent fel corruption.

But you canā€™t use that logic to explain why High Elves in terrokar have blue eyes.

Dear Lord.


I had to flag Fyrebusche for that. Thereā€™s no way sheā€™s not trolling.

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Why do you keep extrapolating real world events to WoW?

I went and fought a giant fire elemental inside of a volcano in classic WoW.

I essentially Fought. The. Volcano.

I jump off cliffs all the time and Iā€™m fine.

Everyday in real life I deal with people who have fallen ten feet, had their ribs broken, a lung collapse and got a traumatic brain injury that essentially makes them a different person.

I donā€™t like how he says height is tricky.

Itā€™s not. They could easily give players a hidden buff that scales them up or down similar to how potions or toys do that retains normal collision boxes.

It wouldnā€™t have to be as extreme as the examples he gives, like a slenderman figure, but a scale slider that goes maybe up or down 10% would do a lot to vary one to another.

I mean hell, when I stand next to Zandalari I think of that 5ā€™11 vs. 6ā€™0 meme every time. Thereā€™s wiggle room there.

Heā€™s talking aboutā€¦ likeā€¦ Aion style slider bars and the nightmare creations that can come from them.

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pls dont insult me and call me a ā€œtrollā€ for having an opinion. the flag button is literally there so you dont have to announce your intentions and insult people