The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

All they had to do is mirror Alleria’s story with a group of High Elves instead of Blood Elves. None of this being turned into void nonsense, the Void Elf intro should have had you absorbing a fallen lesser Naaru or something. They they should have looked like Alleria, warpaint and all, and only went dark with Entropic Embrace, which also should have been an active ability.


Not to mention that it would really tick us all off and then we’d have to demand they Mag’har us some High Elves.


why do you think the allerian hold elves are somehow protected from fel corruption while the wildlife and orcs next door arent. at the very least they should be showing green eyes

either way that outpost is defunct. the elves have either become fel corrupt or killed

And I’m not sure half of Dalaran being schizophrenic would be the most logical development

But if you take that away from Void Elves, all you have left is… Blood Elves drenched in purple. They have purple skin, purple hair, and their magic attacks are purple, oooohhh.

The whispers are kinda the only meaningful part of a “Void Elf” identity.

I dunno, maybe the Draenei artifacts they were sucking.

Says who?


People wonder why I hate void elves, kultirans, and most of the allied races. They were donne so very lazily when there were tons of races and options available

The outpost is literally fine. They heard what was going on in Azeroth and stayed…

and the reason why the Allerian Hold Elves are protected is because they had a quest where they were getting their magical energy from some Draenei magic vessels.


I guess that’s the subjective sentiment at the heart of the matter. Where is the middle?

I don’t think High Elves with new idles and hairstyles is a compromise either, it’s just enhancements that could go to existing Blood Elves.

I’m already peeved I can’t have a dashing Void Elf beard, or a real beard at all, really.

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And this is how you DON’T headcanon.

Headcanons to explain why something is like it is? Good!

Headcanons that literally go against observable facts? Bad!

Seriously, I can’t stress this enough. If you have to make up reasons why High Elves eyes in Outland should be green, instead of understanding context to explain WHY they are blue, it’s nothing but simple bias.


yea ikr. jinyu are one of the most popular AR suggestions imo. would have loved to have seen them

Something along the lines of the Nightborne.

Paler skins. Tattoos. Different stance…

the issue is they gave the Horde what they wanted but didn’t give the Alliance what they wanted.

So now fair is fair.


We might as well stop making new races at all and just focus on the core races then. All the effort that goes into a new race could’ve been put towards making already existing races more customizable.

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Source on that fel corrupted wildlife.

More made up stuff. Just like the pyroplastics coulds traveling from Shadomoon Valley to Terrokar.

Seriously I still can’t get over this.


in the last q&a ion announced they want to add eye color customization in the near future :+1::+1:

Yeah. That’s always the end result of the Lydon line of reasoning, “Never add a new race ever again.”

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Sure the place was kinda run down a bit, but it was in no danger- especially after all the questing the player does.

As for “corruption-” Well if the elves in the Allerian Stronghold got corrupted, then what’s stopping the corruption in Nagrand and the Mag’har when Thrall came to Nagrand shortly before the Cataclysm? They seemed normal and uncorrupted.

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More like Alleria should have given up the ability to stay a pretty High Elf after literally sucking all the Void out of both an aberration and an entire Dark Naaru.

Like, that’s the kind if power that reignited the Sunwell. It’s not something a mere mortal, not even a spellcaster mind you, should be able to just keep under wraps.

Alleria is an interesting one. She’s a rarity in that she is a character who has been granted great power at no price, yet. Most characters in WoW have paid a price for power; it’s a recurring theme throughout Warcraft. The fact she hasn’t paid her price yet leads me to believe she is the one who ushers in the Old Gods/N’zoth, unintentionally, possibly combined with the actions of the player and Heart of Azeroth.

KInda, but even now they seem to be drawing away from the “whispers.” At best, they are a nuisance, Umbric barely mentions them.

So IDK, if there was a way to use the Void “on the safe side” I could see it becoming interesting for a considerable number of elves -but obviously not half of Dalaran-


They talked about it. They certainly didn’t say it would happen in the near future and they didn’t particularly say how it would be implemented…

Since you struggle with saying things the developers didn’t say, I’ll help you.

Here is what you can reasonably say after the last Q&A, “They may add more customization options in the future for things like eye color.”

Yeah. Fyre just makes up stuff.

I think “Fel Volcanoes and Fel ash” may be the best though.

Why would Outlands Volcanoes be Fel?

On the other hand, if the prize you pay for power is a blue dipping, that feels less like a relevant plot point and more “yeah we just wanted to make them look different”

Cosmetics over narrative.