The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

okay. then humans are vrykul and all elves are trolls.

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But gameplay differentiation does.

Worgen, kul tirans, humans and undead are biologically the same.

But magical conditions make them different, and the game acknowledges them as different races.

We don’t care if high and blood elves are biologically the same, they do not need to be the same in gameplay.

We are asking for playable high elves, not for an entry on them in some biology encyclopedia.


The High Elf Request is a request for this to be playable.

It’s a specific request for a specific group of Elves that exist in wow right now.

If you respond to that by saying, “You guys want to play this:”

Then you’re trolling because you’re purposely derailing the thread.

Nobody has asked for that.

It doesn’t matter what your views are on Blood Elven Physiology.

People are talking about Elven organizations.


Then they’re all Night Elves. Full Stop.

“we are no longer High Elves!” - Kael’thas Sunstrider

They aren’t. There is not a single player in-game that is ever referred to as a High Elf in any way shape or form anywhere.


A review of the American War between the States, and the years immediately preceeding, would seem to be in order here.
Flips hair

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But that’s not true. Because they had years of evolution in a different area, climate, and culture.

WoW doesn’t have evolution. They use the word Evolve, however;

High Elves looking like they do has nothing to do with years of evolution, different area, climate or culture.

It has to do with distance from the well of eternity and the lack of Nozdormu’s spell.



Dath’remar went from a tall dark-skinned Night Elf to a shorter fair-skinned High Elf in his lifetime.

That’s not evolution in any way, shape or form.


In World of Warcraft yes it does

It’s in Chronicle. Night elves turned into high elves within the same generation. As soon as they reached Tirisfal, mere months after leaving Kalimdor, they started to change. When they settled in Quel’thalas, founding Silvermoon mere 500 years after their exile, they were already high elves.

Mind you, elves can live thousands of years. We are not talking about children being born different (like happened with Vrykul becoming humans), but living adults transforming during their lives.


Negative you are misunderstanding the basis of the argumrnt. Considering you posted the definition of a troll, you should refrain from using it. Particularly since it is dome jn an inflammatory manner and is not conducive to the xonversation.

The dtatement was. “High elf as a race is not playable. We want it playable.”
I’ll t was cou tered with “they are playable for hordeys as blood elves.”

Then someone said “They are not the same race.”

Counter argumrnt “They are.”

This is entirely different than someone saying “we want them playable as a race for the alliance” which is YOUR view and noone disagreed.

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Again, proof? Because I seriously doubt this.

And even if this is the case, that they changed from Night elves. Drastically altering their skin tone, eye color, height, etc.

Sure their race changed.

Show me where this happening the Blood elves on such a drastic scale. Show me when the Blood Elves became so altered by magic that they are now considered a different species(as night elves and High elves are)

Keep in mind that Chronicles also supersedes the encyclopedia as far as canon is concerned.

Its well written about. The night elf race came into being when trolls were changed by elune while dancing in the well of eternity.

Illidan is also a weird night elf and demon cross breed.

There are cases of races changijg into another in the same lifetime such as the nightborne race which were changed by the nightwell.


Which is an absurd idea from the point of view of biology, as ill-defined as “race” is.
Yet people keep trying to apply it to the game.

all of them.

All races in WoW are changed by some kind of magic. Except spawn of the old gods.

Humans, Gnomes, Dwarves exist because of the curse of the flesh.

Ogres exist because their ancestors got softened by fungal spores.

The Elves exist because Dark Trolls got close to the well of eternity.

etc. etc.

WoW doesn’t have evolution. Even if they use the word, “Evolve” it’s always used referring to how a magical transformation has occurred.



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It is the case. WoW has creationism because it has a literal pantheon.

No Elves have “Evolved” without magical intervention ever.

So if you think Felblood Elves a different race from Blood Elves because they’re full of a lot of Fel magic. then you have to accept that Blood Elves are different from High Elves because they’re full of some fel magic.

The alternative is deciding that Void Elves, High Elves, Blood Elves, Felblood elves aren’t separate races. But if you make this decision that magic intervention doesn’t make them separate races… then they’re all Night Elves.

Because High Elves are just Night Elves that didn’t get Nozdormu’s boon and sailed away from the well of eternity. Then made their own dinky sunwell with the waters of the well of eternity.

They’re short and pale because of an absence of magic.

High Elves are, essentially, A Withered form of Night Elves.