The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

Real talk, if this thread is any indication of the larger fan base, what incentive would blizzard have to add high elves?

80 percent of this thread has been a back and forth that clearly hasn’t gone anywhere or come up with any solutions.

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Players obviously want High Elves. They’ve admitted it’s the most requested feature for WoW.

Allied Races generate revenue through subscriptions, paid race changes, paid level increases, etc.

So …. the thing WoW is about.

And like I said, if this thread is any indication of the larger fan base, players obviously don’t want high elves to be playable.

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It says they’re physiologically the same.

However… it’s likely they’re “Physiologically” the same as Night Elves, Nightborne and dark trolls too.

They’re shorter and paler because they moved away from the well of eternity and didn’t get a dragons boon. Not because of natural selection.

Nope, I’m actually still waiting for your proof that high elves are playable. Don’t know why you’re so afraid to show me, maaaybe it’s because you’re wrong?

Current blood elves do not identify as high elves.
Current high elves STILL identify as high elves.

Your prententiousness is very cringy.

You’re literally posting arguments that are countered directly in the OP. You’re only ~6 months late to this thread, friend.

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I think you are confused. Here, let me help you.

These are blood elves:

These are high elves:

Please, do not confuse either with void elves:

Oh, so is this about lore? Here’s some lore for you:

“And so I say to you that, as of this day, we are no longer high elves!”
Kael’thas Sunstrider proclaims the rise of the blood elves

I hope you have learned something. Have a good day.


The Blood elves are high elves who changed their name after the Scourge Invasion of Que’thalas.

Simple maths. High elves are playable, just on the Horde with a different name.

https ://wow .gamepedia. com/Blood_elf

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And? Players don’t want there to be mythic dungeons, warfronts, islands, pet battles or loot for anyone but raiders.

That doesn’t make people play more.

Additionally. They stated in an interview that they had an internal battle among development staff over giving the Nightborne to the Horde and knew it would upset players.

If they’re willing to knowingly upset people to give the Horde a race they requested then it’s only fair they do the same for the Alliance.

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As far as the game devs are concerned, even Ion in his “infamous statement” claimed that “Blood elves were LIKE High Elves” he never stated that they were the same thing- only that if you wanted a “pale skinned, blonde haired elf,” Blood Elves were (currently) your only option.


They’re not. The source everybody uses to prove it doesn’t even say they are.

He’s not saying that Blood Elves are High Elves. He’s saying that if you want to play a fair skinned, light blonde haired, tall majestic elf then those are Blood Elves.

We want to play the High Elves. Which aren’t Blood Elves.

So his misunderstanding.

High Elves aren’t playable. Blood Elves are. they’re a different culture.

That’s like saying Zandalari were playable because Darkspear were.


My point is it’s the same race. I’m not arguing that they shouldnt be playable, don’t make it about that.

People keep saying they’re not the same race, they are.

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Not those High Elves

Just to clear out we support the idea of Alliance Non-Blood Elf High Elves to be a Allied Race in the Alliance.

Quit saying Blood Elves are High Elves, not only this is false but it’s a offense to the Blood Elves themselves, and it should matters not because the High Elves who still remain in the Alliance and are treated as High Elves even by the Blood Elves themselves are the ones we are interested.

Saying “Blood Elves are High Elves and are playable in the Horde” will not make us stop asking for the actual High Elves


All Blood Elves were exposed and have sickly green eyes.

Please, define race.

Because whatever definition you’re using is different from the one used in-game.


I’ve just updated my hall of in-game and lore citations where characters aknowledge that high elves and blood elves are different, including the blood elf leaders saying it clearly.


Yeah… and I probably started that bit because I pointed out that as far as WoW cosmology is concerned they aren’t the same race.

If Void Elves, Felblood Elves, Night Elves and Nightborne are different races… then High Elves and Blood Elves aren’t the same race.

Also keep in mind that WoW uses, “Race” as a misnomer. Kul’tiran’s and Humans aren’t different races. Neither are Highmountain Tauren or Tauren. Highmountain Tauren just got hit with a cenarius spell. Lightforged Draenei and Draenei aren’t different races. One is just infused with the light.

So in the WoW sense of the term of Race then they are a different race.

But also, in so far as Elves are different, Blood Elves are different because they got exposed to the Fel.

Though, I don’t particularly think very many people are making that argument.

What I’m observing is people claiming that Blood Elves ARE High Elves… and they’re not talking about biology…

Also… Real Talk.

High Elves isn’t a species. They were the Highborne and changed their name… and were Night Elves before that… Because they’re Night Elves. Which are Dark Trolls. They didn’t “Evolve” over thousands of years. They went away from the Well of Eternity before making their own dinky Well of Eternity they call the Sunwell.

The Highborne - Night Elf that crossed the ocean was a “High Elf” when he made it to the other shore. It wasn’t like his kids were selecting those traits. This is about magic.

So High Elves as a term really only ever described a political organization, which the Blood Elves also no longer fit because they changed their name. When Kael made that performative action, “We are no longer High Elves.” it actually made them no longer High Elves. Because High Elves is a political organization.


Don’t forgetti

Quel’dorei means High Elves in Thalassian, but Highborne in Darnassian. They never even changed their name.


According to this in game book, It’s just a name Azshara gave some Night Elves.

That isnt why they are considered a dofferent race. Continimue mak8ng dumb accusations of racism. I am expecting a hitler comparison soon.

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I just wish they would go back to the argument that “I don’t like high elves and think they shouldn’t be playable”

That is the only legitimate argument they have and ultimately that is down to how each individual feels about the race and not any facts on high elves.

I see you’ve got no counter argument since you’re playing a victim and throwing insults.

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