The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

Biology in World of Warcraft don’t work the same way it does in real life, in the game being infused by a cosmic energy does make you a different race, and Blood Elves are indeed changed by Fel and Light whereas High Elves aren’t. If Void Elves are treated as a “different race” just because they were changed by the Void, Blood Elves also are. “But Void Elves look different” because they are a playable race and High Elves are not, there was no point in putting resources in a NPC race, the only way High Elves can be made different from Blood Elves as they are in the lore is making them playable, a clear incentive for the developers to work on this.

By World of Warcraft standards based on other playable Core and Allied Races, Blood Elves and High Elves are a different race. Don’t like to call them High Elves? Is Silver Elves good for you?

You: “High Elves and Blood Elves are like Democrats and Republicans”
Tal: “This comparison is invalid for X reasons”
You: “Republican v democrat is a perfect good example” (without any proof)

Quit trolling


this is only an assumption that can be made. From what we know of their cultures and the typical lifestyles of both blood elves and high elves. A blood elf will typically be not as fit because they can just laze about all day as they use magical servants to cater to their whims. While high elf mages exist they typically wouldn’t act in such a vain way and use magic more conservatively as is typical of the kirin tor.

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Simply because you say it is so, doesn’t make it so.
The lore of the game as well as the representation of the game explicitly states the only difference between a high elf and a blood elf is a name difference, which is a representation of politics and nothing more. Simply because you claim that the nightborne were changed by their nightwell, does not mean the same occurred for the blood elves and the sun well. One cannot make the assumption for the sake of supporting one’s argument when the game itself and lore doesn’t support it. Blood elves are red high elves. high elves are blue high elves.

Void elves are an oddity, where they are claimed to be changed by the power of the void, but even then Lorthemar himself still calls them traitors so they probably are simply void touched blood elves.

By wow of warcraft standards and lore Blood elves and High elves are the SAME race. Repeating the same flawed argument does not fix it.

You: High elves and blood elves are different because other races were changed by magic.
Me: That is invalid for X reason
You: High elves and blood elves are different.

Quit trolling.

See? I can make declarative statements too, the only difference, is what I stated is actually supported. You’re so emotionally caught up in what you desire you are failing to look at it from an objective point of view.

Sorry, high elves and blood elves are the same race. The lore states it. The in game representation states it.

Find a different argument to support high elf inclusion and not a flawed one.

I want you to read outloud what you just said.
High elves and blood elves are different because blood elves have magical servants so they can be lazy!
Just because someone is fat does not make them a different race dude. Let alone, explain the blood elf champions who constantly fight and train everyday. They must be high elves by your logic.


Void elves are infused with one of the strongest and potent cosmic energies in WoW lore.

SOME blood elves were exposed to Fel radiation because of crystals powering the city.

It is nowhere near the same thing, don’t pretend that it is. Blood elves and High elves aren’t biologically different.

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I don’t like the whole race argument because yes they are a different race. They are the same species however. race is determined by small physical differences between groups of the same species.

blood elves do possess certain physical traits that high elves do note have. the most major would be skin color. While blood elves can have pale skin similar to that of high elves the average is a fair skin with reddish undertone. High elves have been shown to have only pale skin however. There is a possibility to have darker skin due to mixed heritage with humans but it would be darker in a different way. It would be more “soft” rather than the reddish hue of blood elves.

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Race and ethnicity are social constructs. There is no such thing as race in nature.
Let alone blood elves have the same very pale skin as high elves. So, swing and a miss again.

Let alone in warcraft, outside the mis-termed allied races, every single race is drastically different. Furthermore, warcraft encyclopedia explicitly states blood elves and high elves are the same race.

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by that logic the names we have given to everything that exists doesn’t exist because we use social constructs to label and identify everything.

No. You have just encountered something that defeats your argument that everyone can plainly see so therefore you try to make the obstacle go away and not exist so your argument is no longer countered. You can keep trying but facts are facts.

Yes…actually. Things such as gender, race, ethnicity, culture, religion, political identification, are SOCIAL constructs. This means they only exist because we say they exist and not because they objectively do exist.

Genetically speaking, on a biological level there is no such thing as race or ethnicity. They do not exist at all in nature and never have.

You cannot state “I defeated your argument with a social construct which doesn’t exist!” and state it is true. That isn’t the case. Prove that a thing such as race and ethnicity exist, or that WoW goes off such a view. It clearly doesn’t considering pandaren is a race that is very different from trolls.

Let alone you have the WoW encyclopedia which explicitly states “High elves and blood elves are the same.”. So as much as you want to deny it, official lore makes it a fact.

You want high elves for alliance? Fine.
Don’t state they aren’t playable though, they’ve been playable since TBC and it gives Blizzard reason to flat out ignore the community.


keep on spouting your nonsense. We all know you lost. You just can’t take the defeat.

Every time someone says it I log into the game and fail to find the high elf race option. Weird.

Lol, now it’s our fault that you don’t get to fly or your class was nerfed?


I want proof of this (again, you ignored me earlier in this thread), I want a screenshot showing a lvl 120 high elf player please.

:clap: chop chop, still waiting

We aren’t requesting blood elves, were requesting high elves.

HOW DARE we ruin the game by requesting something entirely cosmetic within the lore that would have zero effect on you. /gasp

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Happens all the time. See, they changed the name to suit the lore of the story. They’re under Blood elves.

This doesn’t make any sense to me.

Read my above response to Alamara. I get you guys are stuck on nomenclature, but if Blizzard states blood elves are high elves, then blood elves are high elves.

Oh cool, we doing this now?
If I start typing in all caps does this mean I win because I say I win?


High elves are blood elves because Blizzard says so. I win.

Edit: I’d like to point out that none of you have bothered trying to point out any information that might contradict the statement of blood elves being high elves. I’ve provided lore information, information from Blizzard’s own article, and the most I’ve received is troll like answers. I am disappointed in you guys.
Anyway, it is clear you have no desire to consider being incorrect.
I do hope you guys get what you want so long as it makes sense, god knows everyone is willing to accept any kind of quality these days.


Yeah. They mention that in the latest interview with Ion how the Alliance is basically just being used as a prop for the Horde on this expansion.


Until you show me a playable high elf, your arguments have zero value.

Currently the playable alliance races are the following: human, night elf, gnome, dwarves, worgen, void elf, lf draenei, DI dwarf, KT, draenei

And the current playable horde races are: undead, orc, tauren, troll, blood elf, hm tauren, Maghar, zandalari, nightborne.

Hmm…not a single high elf in any of those playable races.

You can keep screaming that they’re playable though. I won’t believe you until you provide an ingame source of a playable high elf.

:clap: chop chop

It feels weird to see “biologically different” as a thing that keeps getting strutted out as a prerequisite for Allied Races, especially when we know diddly squat about how the “biology” of any particular race in the game actually works, and when it’s exceedingly likely that none of the other ARs actually follow this rule (at least without interpreting “biology” as so arbitrarily vague as to rob it of any meaningful distinction).

Kul Tiran humans are not “biologically different” from Stormwind Humans.

Zandalari Trolls are not “biologically different” from Darkspear Trolls.

Maghar Orcs are not “biologically different” from Vanilla Orcs.

Highmountain Tauren are not “biologically different” from Mulgore Tauren.

We can’t even say with certainty that Void Elves are “biologically different” from Blood Elves. We have no idea how their biology even works or if it was meaningfully changed.

Hell, the closest clear example to “biology” being changed or not changed is with Worgen, who turned into an entirely different creature and it didn’t “change” their base biology (two Gilnean Worgen will have a human child offspring). So who can really say aside from Blizzard how any of this works.

Is that a “slam dunk, add them yesterday” case for High Elves? Of course not. But it’s a bizarre line to draw for suddenly ruling out an allied race candidate.


I never said that it had to be a requirement lol. Just correcting someone.

You may not have, but a lot of dissenting voices have. Apologies if I misinterpreted.


You see everything in front of you that proves the opposite of your view, and yet you continue to argue otherwise.

Look at the wow encyclopedia on high elves and blood elves. They’re the same race.

If you do not wish to add to the discussion, simply say so. Otherwise, you’re not assisting anyone.

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Cool, doesn’t change the fact that high elves who still identify as high elves are alliance.

Still waiting for your source! :slight_smile:


Seriously self-righteous the world revolves around me behavior here

Thanks, I hope so too. If it doesn’t happen, oh well! :slight_smile:


You’re wrong about the different races thing…

However, it doesn’t really matter.

Your best case scenario is you argue to an agreement that High Elves and Blood Elves are physiologically the same.

Then you run into the Pandaren issue. Being physiologically the same, only being politically different, isn’t enough to exclude a race.

So, if you ignore how WoW cosmology works, how the difference between Mag’har Orcs and Orcs is the same as the difference between Blood Elves and Elves…

It doesn’t matter.