The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

Yeah I meant Blackwing Descent, but upon reviewing their abilities, looks like most of their stuff is warrior related, and the things I THOUGHT were Paladin were from a Priest (Spirit of Ironstar) who can heal and has an ability that is VERY SIMILAR to a paladin ability (summon a large hammer overhead that does massive damage when it connects)

The gimmick of the fight is that each time one dies, their abilities are passed onto the rest, so eventually they all can heal and to that ability.

So I basically mistook a priest that was casting paladin looking abilites for a paladin… but his other buddies were warriors (and a mage) that could inherit those abilities so I think it was kind of an honest mistake as I didn’t really raid in cataclysm.

So, my bad. :sweat_smile:

Yeah, that was the fight I was talking about.

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Got it! I totally forgot about that prelude to the Blind Dragon boss!

It was a PAIN to do when I was soloing the place fairly early on for gear. Kill Ironstar early and you’ve got a group of Dark Iron Ghosts spamming you with Hammers that lock you in place! XD

So I read some of the replies to my post earlier. Not convinced by the arguments:

  • “High elves left the Alliance!”
    So why does the silver covenant exist? I’m talking about current Alliance allied high elves. We saw a fighting force of them assemble to assault Suramar…
  • “tbf”

Meh they’re just meme responses pay them no mind.

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I personally had no dog in this fight but I’ve read the arguments from both sides and I can only really agree with the creators of these threads at this point.

Some of the blood elf players here are roleplaying to the extreme, chill guys


I’m glad you see this way.

Our request is not complicated: we want to play as a race that has been part of the Alliance since Warcraft 2, and still is part of the Alliance currently. We do not want to take away anything from the Horde, we are willing to see some adaptations so the high elves do not look nor act too much like blood elves. And we feel cheated by the inclusion of lore-deprived void elves.

The antis mostly feel like we are stealing from them.


Side note, but does it bother anyone that the accepted term for our opposition is, “the antis?” I mean it doesn’t seem to bother them at all, but I feel as though it naturally paints those we disagree with in a negative light, which I’m not really on board with

Eh, it’s quick and people understand it I guess. Just food for thought

well we can either call them antis or the opposition. There isn’t much else to call them as a group.

The Most Holy Defenders of the Sanctity of Quel’thalas


True, but they aren’t really an organised group as we are. I dunno I’m probably thinking too much into trivial things lol

I am sure that is why fyre sees. unfortunately they often do the opposite and insult the very group of people they wish to defend.

Well. We all want the same thing. Which makes us organized by default because of a common goal.

They’re pretty split between people that just want to troll Alliance players, people that just want to troll and then Lydon I guess.

The majority of them don’t feel strongly against playable High Elves (not that it should matter.) They just see a group of people who:

A: want something
B: are in a position because of the lead developers comment to be easily trolled.

That’s red meat if you’re a sadist.


I would really appreciate High Elves relating and interacting with the Void Elves, the only small bit we got of this is the Void Elf and the High Elf walking in the Mage Quarter.

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Yeah. It would be nice if there wasn’t a major Alliance group that they were using just to be a foil to the Horde.

It isn’t just some groups of the Alliance that are being used as foil to the Horde history, the Alliance itself is.


An utterly fascinating thread! Herewith, this thought…

Presented, for your consideration, two horses. One is a Frisian; tall and strong, the steed of the knights of old. The other is a sweet little Shetland.
Both are exceedingly different and, yet, they also are both HORSES!
And there are many MANY other breeds, of different size, coloration, and general appearance.
Yet they, too, are still of the genus EQUUS CABALLUS.

Food for thought, on a Saturday.
Flips hair


We are literally arguing what is the threshold of enough differentiation. How is it not really the point?

It’s a bad comparison because one group currently lives outside their homeland with a different lifestyle, and the other used the equivalent of Nuclear Reactors everywhere that gave them radiation. “Republican V/S Democrats” is a bad argument also because both parties are part of the same governmental system, and they don’t enter in open violent conflict with each other. Nor one party slaughtered the other on another country that used to be open to both but kicked one.


I mean you are right, but you can’t also avoid their paths crossing and their stories being relevant to each other. In a perfect world all group interactions would serve to develop both groups, each one taking something different from it.

“High Elves can enrich Blood Elf history” doesn’t mean that has to be their role, just an effect of their place on the narrative and natural collision courses.


Primarily because you are seeking for me to establish the differentiation which already exists, for the hope of supporting your argument. If you wish to establish the differentiation between races to suit your core view, then it is up to you to argue for it and not the opposition.

It is perfectly acceptable as an example because there is NOTHING to suggest that the high elves and blood elves are biologically different.
You are trying to say “well the blood elves lived diferently so they are different from high elves”, but there is nothing to suggest they became an all new race.

The only example we have in which this occurred was with nightborne, where the nightwell changed them so greatly that they ceased being night elves and instead became night borne.

Sorry, but the republican v. democrat is a perfectly good example because the only thing that denotes a high elf from a blood elf is a political view.

As I said earlier, if high elves are included I don’t care, but don’t try to support your view with an incorrect statement.