The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

Only if you’re Alliance.


Yeah. Consider the vile repercussions of adding a faction that the lore has supported for twenty years.


Interesting way of reframing it. Unfortunately, for some reason, the people with a different opinion have a strange habit of trolling us.

Having a different opinion and trolling are not mutually exclusive.


That’s usually why people troll, yeah. But can you admit that the person in question just wasn’t trolling at all?

I hold a pretty nuanced view of different posters. For instance, Lydon only trolls on his really bad days. For the most part he’s a semi-constructive to constructive part of the discussion.

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Imagine thinking High Elves are some emergency money making tool Blizzard is saving for a rainy day, and that nobody at the company has thought to do it in 14 years.

Imagine thinking a company isn’t constantly trying to monetize its product and make profits at all times, especially in the wake of a lukewarm expansion.

:stopwatch: :vs: :moneybag:

One question guys, you want that HE were the HE that are already in the Alliance? Or would you accept an idea based in Belvs and/or Velfs who decided to change their mind and back to the lifestyle that they have when they were HE? This will be by joining to the Alliance if they are Belfs, and purging his being from the Void if they are Velfs.

Personally, High Elves that were already In the Alliance.


The High Elves.

When the Blood Elves split from the High Elves in Warcraft III, the High Elves kept being High Elves.

Those are the Elves we want to play.

Blood Elves are very culturally different. Also, I can already play a Blood Elf.

If you had an arc that said, “And then also Blood Elves” returned to the Alliance. Even if it was Blood Elves that had been purified by the Sunwell, they’d still be a vastly different group of people.


The crazy thing with Blizzard and High Elves is the following: Imagine a car company, that have a very popular car model, and they have it only in red, blue, white and black colors. But one day suddenly, a crow of customers or future customers, get into the forum of the car company claming for adding the yellow color to that model. What will do the car company? They will do what for logic and obvious reasons any other company would do when they have a big demand from his clients: make things happens and sell what people are claiming, create an stock of yellow cars from the popular model.

“The client is always right” it’s an old saying in world business, and a rule followed for most succed companys. It’s so hard for Blizzard understand this?


You’re likely overestimating how many people are die harding for High Elves, and also ignoring that everyone who has made a Void Elf and payed for them through sub or race change is one less person they’d need High Elf money from.

Void Elves were a car that they felt enough people wanting yellow cars would buy, without the downside of upsetting a larger amount of other customers.

It’s about net gain.

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I don’t know. Many people says HE haters are minority, a VERY loud minority, but still a minority. As far as i know every time that Blizz added a new race or class, it felt as if was xmas for most customers.


“allied races do not support the high elf demand because you choose to ignore two other very distinct races”?

Above is the part in where you ignore reality and everything against your position, so I can’t take you seriously. The existance of nightborne or zandalari do deny the existance of kul tirans, mag’har, lightforged draenei or highmountain tauren. It’s not up to you to say what can or can’t be an allied race, and you have no right to push what you like as law over what people can get.

You cherry pick what suits you while ignoring a metric ton of evidence on the contrary. I won’t waste time on someone who denies objective reality.

A bunch of nothing. Horde didn’t end up with high elves, it ended up with blood elves. And void elves are even further apart from high elves.

We. Want. High elves.

It’s a simple clear request. You don’t like it? Your problem, we will keep asking for them. Just don’t pretend that there’s any kind of objective reasoning behind your feelings.

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Have you been in this thread longer than 5 minutes?

If you read even 10% of the posts here you would well understand “most customers” got stinkers for Allied Races on the Alliance, at least, according to this thread.

looks at April 6th, 2018 date

What happened 20 days after this again? I feel like it was important.


20 days after that? A dev forgot to close his his fly and his Horde bias ended up sticking out.


Even in snark you can’t resist miniturizing the game director to “a dev”.


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cough Demon Hunters cough


I won’t show respect for someone who makes a blunder that big in PR management.