The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

Would you honestly put it past Blizzard though?

Probably not.

…They did just put that really cool toy on the shop…

As much as it might make business sense to do it, I think the possibility that just some Blizz Devs hate the idea or resent it is a strong possibility. High Elves is a good idea, but for whatever reason Ion doesn’t like the idea. Why? Who knows. I think some people have invested too much of their identity into “MUH FACTION” and can’t really see past that.

Like if High Elves exist on the Alliance that “Robs the Horde” or something, despite the fact that people can play both factions and High Elves would be available for all.


I think having blood elves on the “horde” robbed them of their identity more than anything else.


Yeah, and despite community backlash, that has made them money. Think about the money made if they put an extremely popular AR on the store, for says $25 to $30. The backlash would be huge, BUT you’d still see people playing them.

I mean… if it was $25-$30 between me and High elves… :expressionless:

…As long as it wasn’t a simple Blood elf customization for the Horde…

Considering the entire reason for Quel’Thalas/Blood Elves ect being on the Horde was a bit of a series of retcons and retcons purely for the sake of achieving a gameplay objective, it did kind of wreck their story. In Vanilla there was little reason to believe that would be the direction it would go. Early on in TBC it seemed as if Blood Elves/High Elves would go Alliance and Ogres for the Horde as in keeping with the War 3 Aesthetic.

But the Horde had a really low population. Not many people liked its prolifically ugly races and ugly aesthetic. All the faction pride aside, the decision was purely “The Horde needs one race that isn’t an eyesore to look at” and thus Draenei were retconned into existence and given to the Alliance and the Blood Elves were retconned onto a path of being comfortable in the Horde. And thus today half of Hordes playerbase plays blood elves.

In order to prop up this faction, lore has been written and twisted and bent and buckled. Today player balance doesn’t really matter at all, but given the willingness of Devs to give the Horde plot armor a mile thick and write races into existence and rewrite a lot of lore for the Horde factions benefit, it isn’t surprising that High Elves are hard for them to accept.


Yup. Always the chance Bobby Kotick might rise from his tomb and take a break from drinking the blood of small children and wrap his claw around Ion’s throat, demanding he put high elves up for sale.

Honestly lobbying Bobby is probably the best way to get High Elves. Ion will never change his mind unless forced to by people above him.

That is because Ion is a Horde lifer. So unless forced to, fat chance he will do it.

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Who would have thought the faction war expansion would be on track to being the least popular.

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The people who are sick of the faction war to begin with because it stopped making sense a long time ago.


I think I’m prettier and paler than you. Plus I have this glorious beard.

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It’s because the time for a faction war expansion was like three expansions ago. BfA would have conceptually worked maybe after Wrath, or between TBC and Wrath.

It also feels really contrived because you have mustache-twirling supervillain Sylvanas launching an inexplicable war for REASONS?!, we are told there is some deeper plot but we just sense that we are going to be forced through another Horde centric plot, in which Sylvanas gets the Sarah Kerrigan arc and we are all force fed her as “The Hero all along”.

The faction war thus far feels stale, unoriginal. The Alliance once again really is just guest starring in the Hordes yet again self-destructive hissy fit/quest to conquer and exterminate other races for REASONS?


Yes, but politically and philosophically they are different. Politics and philosophy are a very important delineation.


Because they can’t really relate to the Alliance as Horde fans but they know 45 percent still plays them for some inexplicable reason. Still stupid that one side only sees roughly half the work put into the game when it could be invested on content for both sides.

I don’t think Sylvanas is getting the redemption story. She still owes Helya for her half of their Faustian deal. I think Blizz aims to make her pay for that if not for her atrocities.

I don’t know that they are worried about anything. Lydon and Star maybe.

The others tend to just be Internet trolls.

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Organizationally they are Blood Elves. Not High Elves.

Physiologically they are dark trolls like every other elf race.