The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

The fact that what they say in interviews runs contradictory to what they actually put into practice in the game.

It’s not even just in regards to High Elves, it’s with a lot of things like Worgen or the story direction of the Horde and how that’s conveyed to the playerbase. It’s honestly something I feel has been an issue since Wrath or Cataclysm, when they started focusing far more on hype and only making a so-so delivery on such hype.

Only a sheep thinks this way.


That’s admittedly true and I somewhat agree. Perhaps it really is pointless at this rate because the devs have played their hand.

Blizzard has shown time and again they won’t listen until the $$$ stops flowing and not a moment sooner, which is why I’m letting my sub freeze in another 3 hours.


:thinking: I think I’ve seen this sentence before, but the portrait doesn’t match…


jinyu are way more popular and would make way more money. especially with nazajatar incoming. playing a jinyu would be so cool! copy pasting blood elves would be boring they are already playable

LOL, good one!

Wait! You are serious!



Could have fooled me, I actually want Jinyu but every time I have brought them up with other Alliance players in discussion they always talk about how Hozen are so much cooler and were way better done in MoP whereas the Jinyu just came across as boring fish Night Elves that were forgotten about after a single quest-line in Jade Forest.

Blizzard can fix that with the idea of this more warrior-like Jinyu tribe that are more fearsome but I won’t give them the benefit of the doubt on that, and I certainly still don’t expect them to be any more popular than Worgen or other monster races, because that’s exactly what they would be.

Face it, people massively prefer prettier and more attractive races with cool factor than they do monster races. The disparity is far larger on Alliance because the faction isn’t sold as being monster-like like it is with the Horde, hence why you see Orcs, Tauren, or Forsaken as far more popular than Worgen are.

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see i told you guys, jinyu are way cooler

I should say I “wanted” them, in past tense, but I’ve stopped feeling any hype or desire for future allied races after they botched us with fat Kul Tirans while Horde get awesome Chad Trolls that actually add cool factor and have a more appealing aesthetic.

they are clearly big boned unlike pandas

Seems like I can out-troll the troll, since she pretends I am not here and avoids replying to me.

You all should do the same to her.


They are basically hairless pandaren, even some of their animations resemble the Pandaren and they carry the exact same vibe.

And I’m not a big fan of Pandaren either, I don’t play that race at all. Why does Blizzard expect me to think a fat human would be any more interesting to play? It’s not and them taking advantage of my good will like they have been doing is exactly why I will never just accept what they say like a blindfolded sheep.

So go make a thread asking for them, then, i wish you the best.

That is, of course, assuming this is a genuine expression on your part and not bad faith play acting that would vanish outside of this thread.

I’m sure that’s not what’s going on here though.


so youre not happy with a race that is basically hairless pandaren but dont mind an exact copy paste of blood elves


“So, you aren’t happy with a watermelon but don’t mind a fine apple?”


Maybe we like apples?

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Yes, exactly.

I’d rather have Blood Elf recolors than a fat race, tbqh, because Blood Elves have the best player model in the game and are one of the most popular races in the game, causing a massive tilt in the Horde’s favor due to those factors alone. People don’t find Void Elves appealing because Night Elves already service the purple elf race fantasy, whereas Void Elves will never do anything to help the Alliance’s player drought for the aforementioned reason.

I don’t think Blizzard should tell me to play Horde to be able to represent myself as a flesh-skinned elf, when the Horde don’t have to play Alliance to have purple elves. I don’t think that is or ever will be fair, unless they finally dismantle the faction system and just let people play with whoever they want.


Hey I’m not fat. I’m big boned. Vrykul+

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I don’t have ape arms, I was just designed this way.

I don’t think so. People just want High Elves, they don’t necessarily cry for a new model. Give the San’layn new models that is fine, they can be the new edgelords for the Horde.


This part is incorrect. Plenty find Void Elves appealing, many in this very thread.

Night Elves are also not simply “Purple Elves.” In fact, the vast majority of Night Elves are magenta/pinkish hues.

Nightborne give Warcraft the traditional “drow” aesthetic, dark elves, with dark blue/violet skin with white hair.

Void Elves also occupy a very unique palette space.

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Disclaimer: This is not an idea I particularly like, I’m just wondering about how it would have been received by the playerbase.

I think that the only bit I actually dislike about Void Elves is that they took over the potential of the Argus Krokul; those guys would have been something unique.

So what if the alliance had gotten that instead of LFD, and instead of VE, e had gotten a Broken Isles Race? Vrykul would have been the perfect choice; indeed, the BI Vrykul already have a considerable link to the Light, they would have been very popular, contrasted to the Krokul, that maybe would have been niche.

But here’s the part that I don’t necessarily agree but wonder how would have changed things; what if the alliance had gotten Aszunan Blue Dragons? They would have riffed on the flipped BE model like NB did, they would have been a BI race. They could have been aesthetically closer to High Elves, but in the same measure, be something entirely different.

I don’t even think it would have satisfied HE players much more than Void Elves, but maybe making Dragons playable would have had so much more connections to previous lore.