The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

But certainly not in the context of “playability” of races

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In-game npcs most definitely do not represent population numbers. This is common knowledge

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Neither we do High Elf numbers, it’s way easier to count how many Blood Elves turned into Void Elves in a single event than counting all the High Elves split in two different worlds.


Whatever it is, it’s either much lower than High Elves or they couldn’t possibly remain unheard of for so long. Or did Lor’Themar exile one-tenth of Silvermoon’s population without anyone noticing?


Indeed we do not know population numbers. The only context we have of Highelven numbers is quotes from the lore stating they are a remnant of a remnant, near the point of extinction, scatterred across the land.


Blood Elf fanboys argue the purge was an attempt at genocide.

Somehow still think the High Elf society in the same area was not enough to justify a race.

If according to you a designer must confirm with the lore team to add a High Elf in the game doesn’t that mean that the in-game numbers are technically in accord with lore?

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tbf, we do know alliance high elves are few. they are all but absent in BFA which is literally an expansion about the factions being in an all our war with each other

void elves have been very active. while i suspect the few alliance high elves left are just sitting around in dalaran waiting to be deployed for portal establishment for the alliance armies

And then we see them not scattered, we see them in high enough numbers to oppose Blood Elves, and we see them readily supplying the Alliance with forces for military work in Northrend, Pandaria and on the Broken Isles.


And that record was proven wrong time and time again by the game itself… We already had this conversation before.

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In-game npcs are used for the purpose of story, however after a small mishap early on in WoW with highelf npcs, it became a rule that they cannot be added without confirmation from the lore team.

The npcs in thunder isle for example represent the High elves were there (not the number that were…).

That there is the difference.

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Would you like to see my list? :kissing:


the alliance high elves could never oppose quel’thalas high elves. they would be outnumbered 9 to 1

also you mention past campaigns where they likely suffered significant losses to the point they are absent in BFA aside from portal duties for the alliance

I kinda disagree with this tbh. I like the idea that races can have “subcultures” and the thornspeakers are one that has been well set up.

It would be 15-20% since Blood Elves population has had large cuts.

Indeed and nothing has changed. The silver covenant is -not- the Highelf race, they ae simply Highelves. They are merely an organization that stand firm against thE bloodelves and in support of thr alliance. They have been the main souce of dispute and civil conflict between the two. The silver covenant making a stand does not somehow erase the previous lore

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I’m going to need a source on this one, Eleroleron of the Pedia.


It’d be well beyond that since the 10% figure is about the survivors of Quel’thalas and doesn’t take into account the High Elves that were elsewhere.


A race near the point of extinction scattered all around the land cannot militarize and form battalions to fight in numerous situations, especially countering another race that has way larger numbers in lore.
Wether the numbers in the game are a real representation or not of the High Elves, they were enough to deal with the Blood Elves and the Thunder King’s forces, and this is not accomplish able by 5 individuals


Sigh you’re actually going to make me dig from my phone? I could get it later when I finish my day