The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

I love how incredulous he is reacting to Liadrin as a Paladin in the warfront. He’s like an old dad getting mad at teenagers on his lawn.

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Back in MY day, in order to be Paladin you had to be human, and a decent person.


I have to like your comment just for the image it brought in my head. XD

I also wonder about their ages. Is Turalyon older than Liadrin?

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It is.

I’ve always just supposed that all elves owed their anatomical malleability to the fact that they were, in all cases, ultimately descended from trolls – who are well-known for being adaptable.

If it were up to me, “glowing eyes” would only exist for individuals who infuse themselves with a magical energy, whereas “normal eyes” would be the only option for individuals that don’t; though this would require Blizzard to have a ton of customization options available for virtually every race and I don’t see that happening.

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Nope. Liadrin is much older. Turalyon has experienced a thousand years without aging that much, though, because :man_shrugging: Twisting Nether things.

Had a feeling. Still a funny image though.

Still wondering if we’ll get Night Elf Paladins after Legion set the stage really.

Guess these days any priest can just pick up a two-hander and have at it.

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Yeah, they still share the same model.

High elves no longer live in Quel’thalas, so the new High Elf generations will no longer call Quel’thalas their homeland.

But each group have their own way to feed and handle their magic needs.

I don’t think there’s an High Elf architecture in game, in Isle of Thunder almost everyone else in there is a High Elf, and they’re using the Dalaran architecture, in some other places where we see one or two Sin’dorei buildings blue tinted, they’re mixed with Human buildings, and usually was built before the split occurred.

That’s right.

“Sin’dorei buildings blue tinted”
That’s a High Elf building. Allerian hold has these, and they would have existed prior to what we see as Blood Elven buildings.

Same architechture.

Elemental elf when?


High Elf Shamans when

That was my idea for high elves, actually.

Anduin is adorable though.

But these are in fact the former High Elf buildings, like I said most of those building were built before Sunwell’s destruction where Quel’thalas was still a kingdom and was alligned with the Alliance. The newest hub with High Elves in Isle of Thunder is not using blue tinted buildings of Silvermoon, but Dalaran ones.

I defend the possibility of High Elves being Shamans not in the sense of the word, not in the traditional tribal way, i mean Elementarists. Kul’tiran Tidesages aren’t Shamans in a traditional way but still count as Shamans in the game.
“What’s a Shaman?” Dorian Atwater

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Poor “Air” trapped between Fel and Undead.

If I ever see an “Air/Wind” mage I’m not taking my eyes off of him.

Everything else about that chart makes sense.

I don’t want the leader of my faction that’s at war with this other faction to be adorable though.

Most of the Allerian Elves originally are from Quel’thalas so it’s no surprise, but considering Theloria Shadecloak dialogue lines, the actions of the Firewing may washed away their dreams of returning to Quel’thalas.

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They’re Dalaran on Thunder Isle because the Alliance force here is from Dalaran, with Silver Covenant support. It’s not purely High Elven.

The (current) high elf culture is syncretic in nature, thought. It’s part of what makes them different. And Dalaran culture is a mix of thalassian and human.