The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

Oh. Arator had green eyes in-game, then it was switched to blue, and now he has golden… but in Three Sisters he still has green eyes. Despite Alleria’s now being blue…

Her eyes were white in WC3 when she was alive. As were Kael’s, post Blood elf.

Honestly the eyes have little consistency, likely because the glowing nature of elven eyes has to do with the type of magic they channel, wield, or are exposed to.

As we see in many places, elves also have iris colors like other humanoids do.

These two colors don’t always match.

In-game? Awesome.

I’ll have rethink my Concept Art Idea for the High Elves then.

I mean I was working on a Concept Art idea for them.

Thank you! That really helps with my thesis. laughs

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As an Arcane/Frost Mage main, nothing would make me happier than rolling a purple eyed High Elf.

I currently have one of each Alliance race, but I have two humans. A Paladin and a Mage.

My Mage is sitting there waiting for High Elves :wink:


It wasn’t until blood elves were implemented that the eye colors became an issue. Before that, their eyes were not consistently described. Old books established the eyes of Alleria, Sylvanas and Vereesa as green, gray and blue, Warcraft 2 elves had normal eyes, Warcraft 3 elves were presented with white eyes (but the priest had a blue glow trailing his eyes), Vanilla WoW high elves had normal eyes again.


I think, and I might be wrong, that canonically the holy eye glow only occurs when magic is being channeled… but in-game they just have it on all the time.

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I’m just waiting to hopeful roll a Hunter, Mage, and Priest myself for when High Elves become playable.

So far I have 4 Humans basically.

I just want Mage. All I personally care about.

I would also go Priest and be that annoying guy who macros all his abilities with Warcraft 3 Priest quotes, but I have a nice “RP” setup for my Void Elf Priest who is specced Holy.

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High Elves had glowing blue and white in WC3.
Blood elves had glowing white and gold eyes in TFT.
Blood Elves in Vanilla had red and violet.
High elves had blue.
TBC Blood elves all got green.
Now we have gold again.

It’s dizzying, really.

Blood Elves will never leave the Horde, and I dont think they should. I think it’s more likely to see all elven races making their own faction, leaving both Horde and Alliance, than changing sides.

Being a fan of elves in general, this is something that I would love to see. But I know this will never happen as well. :frowning:

The Orcish and Human potential is destroying the elven lore in Warcraft. Blood Elves are trapped in Burning Crusade, Night Elves only serve to be beaten to death, Nightborne will probably be trapped in Legion as well, and Void Elves came out of nowhere… This is really sad…


Clearly #AllElves is the path forward.

We will use the Sun, the Moon, Nature, the Light, the Void, Fel and the Arcane to obliterate and reshape all of creation.

We can cover Undeath if we let the San’layn and Dark rangers play also.


Dark Trolls do strange things with magic.

Kal’dorei = Dragon Boon + Nature Magic
Shal’dorei = Dragon Boon + Arcane Magic?
Quel’dorei = No Dragon Boon + Arcane Magic
Sin’dorei = No Dragon Boon + Fel Magic
Ren’dorei = No Dragon Boon + Void Magic

Elf - No Dragon Boon + Death Magic

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Doesn’t help that High King being hereditary came out of nowhere.

Either the position should’ve been extinguished, or moved to someone with more credit than Anduin #AllFactionsMatter Wrynn. Either Tyrande, the Council of Three Hammers, or the best candidate, Mekkatorque.

I’ll take Instructor Malicia for $2000 and the all expenses paid trip to Caer Darrow for two, Alex.

Yeah. I actually made a new Blood Elf mage and Paladin just so I can do Blood Knight / Fire Mage.

Don’t know that I’ll ever get around to it. I don’t like the green eyes with Callistus’s outfit.

To me, Halford Wyrmbane should be made Supreme Allied Commander like Lothar was once, with a council of each nation’s best strategists as his advisors.

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I consider myself a high elf, after all we nightborne were the original high elves

Now that he’s back, Turalyon should be ahead of all War Efforts, really. 1000 years warring against the Legion and leading the Army of the Light and all that.