The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

High elves do have a natural array of eye colors though, as do the Blood Elves by the way. The only issue is that the latter has a fel/holy glow to it.

In-game High Elves are only represented by clear blue eyes or aquamarine blue eyes that glow.

Hard to say.

High Elves have pretty varied eye colors.

But Blood Elves are kind of stuck with glowing green.

So a long, long time ago, the developers said that eventually Blood Elves eyes will stop glowing green when they’re not exposed to fel energy anymore. they’ll go back to normal.

But they also said it took a really long time to wear off.

In a recent interview a developer said High Elves can choose to take the, “Purified by the Light” look if they want.

So it’s hard to say. They related the green eyes to Orcs Green Skin, which is staying pretty green still.

We also don’t really know the mixture of the Sunwell. Obviously if you use the Light a lot it turns your eyes gold. So if you’re a mage and you use arcane a lot does it turn your eyes blue?

If the Sunwell is like… 90% Light and 10% Arcane you’re not gonna see anybodies eyes turn blue either.

So it’s really just up to the developers. It’s not impossible. But Chris Metzen talked about this long term game plan in an interview way back in the day about pushing the Blood Elves more towards the light side of things. He said it was a real long con.

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Auric has natural green eyes. Yvera Dawning and I think Vereesas are purple.

I think you meant Alleria, not Auric.

Vereesa’s were blue, and Sylvanas’ were gray.

I feel like there are some purple eyed elves out there.

Blue eyes are the High/Blood Elves default eye color.

Glowing green eyes are from elves that drained from other creatures and were exposed to fel in one way or another. Fel is associated with green- and it taints, which is why Orcs are green too.

The Sunwell after it’s restoration is a font of Arcane and Holy power (thanks to obsorbing a dying Naaru). Arcane is typically associated with blue (explaining why High elves have blue eyes) Recently Blood elves have gained access to gold eye colors due to the Holy power of the Sunwell (or something like that.)

So that’s pretty much the basics.

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Alleria’s were canon emerald prior to her appearance in Legion.

Blizz really will just slap whatever in there. I maintain my list earlier as a good spread if they ever give us a slew of eye color options.

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According to the developers Sunwell Infused eyes = Gold.

Also in game books said Silvermoon/Quel’thalas was destroyed with no survivors.


Looks green to me

Drede backed me up with a citation. Sorry guys. normally I’d cite my sources. But it’s late. I’m getting ready for another day of rehabbing acute patients tomorrow.

Does anybody have the link to that Chris Metzen interview? It came up recently.

I feel like Lavinya or someone shared it.

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I’m guessing that they changed her eyes so that she wouldn’t be mistaken for a Blood Elf upon her reappearance after so long. Blood elves didn’t exist when she was created back in Warcraft II, so there was time to retcon her design to match the current in-game characters.

It’s the best explanation I have anyway.

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It’s just the lazy teal-colored that high elf males got since the model revamp.

That also. Plus, the character Adon, who’s still just outside Quel’thalas in Eastern Plaguelands, and was a clue that Quel’thalas would eventually come in a future expansion, is a high elf, not a blood elf.

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Thank you for all your feed back… Its interesting how the Elves seem to react and some even have this need to attach themselves to some font of cosmic power of the WoW universe… :thinking:

Thank you again for taking the time to respond. :smile:

All this talk made me want to play with my characters in WoW

I’m going back to WoW and play with my Blue Berry Elf… for some reason this new Void Elf are growing on me… I hope in time Blizz opens a really good story for them… it sometimes feels like another Warfront is coming, but this time with a civil war among Elves that could even scale to a full Ligh vs Void thing. Maybe High Elves will police all of us in the end! SO we don’t kill each other… :exploding_head:

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Several High Elf males still have the “green eye glow” that blood elves have which also makes their eyes look green despite using the “High elven skins.”

Its inconsistent, and I’m pretty positive it’s not supposed to be intentional.

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I have a big document full of links. I made it after my bookmarks got cleared from the thread.

Speaking of which here is the WoW Cosmology of powers.

Light/Void > all else.

They where going to do High Elves before they did Gomes instead.

There where a lot of High Elf things set up that never got finalized.

Elves only exist in Warcraft due to being warped by the raw forces of the Arcane. To fully separate elf from magic is in my opinon not really fully possible.

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Wasn’t Sylvanas’s Eyes were Silver during the Warbringer Cinematic?


Hmm that’s odd. Her Eyes aren’t glowing like what the Warcraft 3 Campaigns had in terms of the High Elves.