The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

Sweet! I’ll need to rewatch some of those cutscenes! I love stuff like this!

This MMO-C copy/pasted what Sarah Pine wrote on Tumblr, and is cited to on Aethas’ page on Wowpedia:

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Nice! That’s pretty awesome!

tl;dr Aethas made the second worst decision in the history of Blood Elves

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shifts uncomfortably

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…You OK there?

And frankly, Aethas put the bets in the right place, in the end. (Despite it being a horrible decision to make).

Jaina was far more reasonable than Garrosh would have been.

It’s what Aethas does when Jaina accuses the Blood Elves on the Isle.

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AH. This is what I meant by needing to rewatch the cutscenes!

An oversight perhaps. It’s not like Blood Elf lore isnt full of them.

I don’t think Garrosh would’ve standed idly by when Blood Elves faction swapped. Which is what would’ve likely happened without the Purge.

How long would it take for Horde forces, who were busy with the war, to get to Silvermoon and be any threat? Compared to Jaina and the Kirin Tor, who were right then and there in Dalaran.

If you consider his decision in a bubble, perhaps, but the contextual backdrop of all of this was Lor’themar going so far as to setup meetings with Varian Wrynn to discuss the entirety of the Blood Elves re-joining the Alliance – we as players know this wasn’t ever going to happen, of course, but within the narrative it was a terrible decision by Aethas (and one which went against all previous characterization).

It probably would’ve been more Aethas-like for him to intentionally put himself, and his compatriots, into circumstances which paint the Horde poorly. Why campaign or lobby, when your opponent defames him/herself?

Edit: Also, thinking back to Aethas’ idle banter on Argus regarding the Void, is anybody else shook to their core that he wasn’t among the Void Elves?

I don’t see why High Elve wouldn’t be a thing if Blood Elves went Alliance, if they’ve developed High Elves like they’re doing now, pretty much like another group of elves, I would say the Allied Race suggestion for High Elves would still stand.

I mean, this is the meant porpuse for the Allied Race system, after all.

This is something that I find interesting because people fails to see that the only thing that Blood Elves and High Elves have in commom is their model and past story, since Sunwell’s destruction both groups have been following paths that’s nothing alike.

That’s why many of us think, that’s unlikely that High Elves as group will come back to Quel’thalas or will embrace the Void, because it doesn’t make sense.


I haven’t seen High Elves “developing” at all. They’re doing the same background support role stuff they’ve been doing throughout WoW’s history, and little to nothing has been done with them narratively regarding their own lore and identity. They’ve always been used to advance the greater Alliance story, never their own.

The only thing Blood Elves and High Elves have in common is their model and past story?
They have the same build and biology, homeland, language, magical affinity, history, architecture, aesthetic (blue instead of red), and origin.

More like the only thing they don’t have in common is eye color and allies.

Ok, um real question here to the High Elf Gurus: I was reading some of the post in-here about eye color, etc.

We all know that the Sun well has been Purified with the Light… However its still a font of Arcane Energy too… Wouldn’t this give access not only to Fel, Holy, but also Blueish eyes to reflecting that? :thinking:

NOTE: BTW I’m not trolling, the question just came to me as I read the posts… it doesn’t mean I’m saying High Elves are Blood Elves. :fearful:

Actually, fair point.

If he went Void Elf he couldn’t have his Nightborne girlfriend, though. :hushed:

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High Elves should have non-glowing eyes with natural irises to reflect their separation from the Sunwell. Glow can be a Blood Elf (Void Elf) thing.


Well none of us know what can happen because ultimately it’s a fantasy setting.

However since the yellow eye mutation happened due to the current Sunwell, there’s no reason to believe that there would be an alternate form in a blue one.

Just like you won’t expect a Void Elf to have anything other than dark blue eyes.

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I made an earlier post about eye color.

Canon eye colors for Blood Elves would be: Green, Gold, Blue, Violet, Red, White.

Canon eye colors for High Elves would be: Blue, Gold, Cyan, Violet, White.

This is based on in game apparances spanning Warcraft 3 to present day, of what an eye color spread could look like if they weren’t so rigid with the “Blood elf = Green , High Elf = Blue” thing they’ve done in WoW post TBC. Gold is the first case of this changing at all.

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