The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

I’m here because this a large majority of this thread is assumption, misinformation mixed with speculation and wishful thinking.

Aside from that, it’s also the megathread Blizzard forced into existence by shutting all others down, so…

They said “Blood Elves kind of are High Elves” with a few small differences. It was the most correct statement out of that Q&A, even if you guys don’t like it boiled down to that


Well, at least they know High Elves are not Blood Elves then.

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How does that hurt you? How are we harming you? If you had a choice to simply block our thread and never see it again, would it make any difference?

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They don’t need High Elves to be playable to keep them doing stuff, and haven’t for over a decade. That is really the greater point here.


I’m not being harmed by you. There’s good lore discussions I’ve had in here, despite there being a lot of wrong to wade through.

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My dear Fyre, flavor NPC’s don’t have quests or stories, leave alone cutscenes.

Here’s some examples of flavor NPC’s:

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Then what do you find wrong with speculation and wishful thinking? I can understand if you think we’re wrong. Assumption is kinda part of that.

Why are you so adamant against us asking for something we really want?

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They abandoned that name, just like the Draenei abandoned the name Eredar. Our forefathers in America were British citizens, but they abandoned that and became Americans.

And why the heck would she even really care. She was busy hiding under the dome when the Highborne that became Quel’dorei retreated from the other Night Elves. She was still hidden away when they found Silvermoon and created the Sunwell. She was hidden away, safe under that dome, when Arthas ravaged Silvermoon City and ripped Sylvana’s soul from her body. Elisande probably learned those names a few days before and just wanted to sound haughty and arrogant.


that doesnt change the fact they were born and raised a high elf. by high elf parents. in quel’thalas. they are literally high elves who decided to refer to themselves as blood elves


tbf, that explains why she appeared confused when confronted with high elves dressed in different attire. but then she still had to add they were unworthy of the name high elves, which i agree with


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Dath’Remar was born and raised a Night Elf by Night Elf parents in Kalimdor so I guess High Elves are all Night Elves actually.



Yes, and names have meanings. That meaning of that name is the political allegiances they have are very different from the ones that still call themselves High Elves. Their name change isn’t just words, there was a genuine philosophical and existential shift in how they thought and how they thought of themselves. This isn’t like some teen that decides to go by their middle name now. This was a reflection of trauma having an effect on how a population behaves and align themselves.Political Allegiances have very real impact in storytelling and in life. Once our forefathers rebelled and called themselves Americans, they weren’t Brits anymore, once they had been, but not anymore.

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But the whole point of the thread is how to make them playable, and also how to sever the remaining ties between them and Blood Elves, such their models.

They having little relevance on the current expansion don’t make them dead all of the sudden.


the name change is clearly metaphorical to reflect the fact they basically lost everything and had to literally rebuild their city from ruins and honor their dead. thats it

they dont stop magically being high elves. i can call myself Blood Human it doesnt mean im not a plain old human still(or high elf in this case)


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Weird, the little pink thing under your name says your race is Blood Elf, not High Elf.

I’ve never claimed they were dead except maybe narratively.

You’d have to do something drastic to High Elves to set them apart enough from Blood Elves, being so little removed by time, looks, or diverging paths. You’d have to do something at Void Elf levels of different.

And seeing as most of you rejected Void Elves, I don’t think you’ll like what comes out the other side if Blizzard takes High Elves on that path.

Nightborne was certainly a Monkey’s Paw, and they had a very clear example of who and what they were as an NPC race.

Somehow they managed to not translate them to player race well at all, so I worry for what a far less defined NPC race like High Elves would look like when put through that transition.


Relevance in an expansion also can vary depending on patch cycle. And I’d even argue any story that involved Sylvanas has a fair to high likely possibility to be relevant to the saga of High Elves. Because despite the monstrosity she has become she has been and will always be a hero of the Quel’dorei and Sin’dorei. Who knows without her there might not be any Silvermoon and Blood Elves. The only survivors might have been the lodges and those studying at Dalaran.

Please, “apart enough”. Currently in-game everyone seems able to differentiate Blood and High Elves.


Oh no, i’m late for the Ranger’s reunion!

Put in a ranger hood with a totally not rangery transmog

Hey there fellows!


Well, we’ve actually made a list of things that could be done, like change the default stance (like the Nightborne) modify the model (maybe resemble the Night elf model more, like the way it was in Classic), change the hairstyles, add Warcraft II style tattoo options, etc.

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