The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

no u have to make them purple, that’s how you know they’re alliance elves.

The difference isn’t biological, it’s political.

If you were born into Sudan 20 years ago, but succeeded to the new nation of South Sudan, you were still born Sudanese, but you are no longer under the political alignment of Sudan. You’re now a South Sudanese whose political alignment is now with that nation. If you were a Republican until your 30s and then became a Libertarian, you’re not still a Republican. If you were a Democrat until your 70s and then joined the Green Party, you’re not a Democrat anymore.

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I’ve seen all of this. I’m not a stranger here.

What I’m saying is that’s not what Blizzard is going to pay artists and people to do in a hypothetical scenario where they add High Elves.

Well, that’s what they paid them to do when they added Nightborne.

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Well… you were the one who said they would need to be changed… so…

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Nightborne were already there, and they still made a huge amount of bad changes going to player race.

The idle pose wasn’t a change nor was it reactionary to becoming playable. The NPCs already had it from the start.

I’m saying Blizzard don’t need a fanfiction or fanart guide on how to implement High Elves, if they ever did it, nor do I believe they would pay people to just straight copy stuff spelled out on the forums.

If you’ve ever watched the behind the scenes videos for this game or HotS or the like, they go through a ton of iteration and design. What is started with is rarely, if ever, the end result (and I’d literally pay tons of money for half the stuff in the initial sketches of Blood Elf concept art).

They were suggestions. Not demands or requests.

I really don’t understand you.

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This entire thread is a giant demand and request. Do you know where you even are?


He’s arguing to pass the time at work.

And what, pray tell, Blizzard would do in the hypothetical scenario they added High Elves as an allied race?

Make them fat? Paint them purple? Give them antlers? Glowy tattoos? Fiery beards?

That is besides the point…


So we’re just supposed to sit in here and twiddle our thumbs?

All the while you tell us how wrong we are at everything?

I really don’t understand this!

Literally could be any of those things.

Kul’tirans were never shown to be how they turned out.
Nightborne were pretty well defined just one expansion back and they still changed them.

I’m just throwing caution out there.

They literally did that for every Allied Race.

Why would High Elves be any different when added?

Read further down, I clarified that they aren’t simply going to rip forum ideas when and if they do High Elves.

Oh, I get it.

Lydon just wants to tell us we don’t matter but with more words.

I think people would’ve liked Void Elves more if Blizzard had truly tried to please High Elf fans. I mean, Lydon, they’ve nothing related to High Elves, they’re the complete opposite tbh, they’re literally Voided Blood Elves, but instead of Mana Tap, fel radiation and holy energies, they use the Void.

I remember people hoping for changes to make Void Elves a fair compromise in here, Blizzard ignored everything these people said, not a single suggestion was taken, A SINGLE ONE.

The first High Elf Megathread was made one month after Void Elf introduction, mostly because High Elf fans felt betrayed.


If I had a time machine, I’d go back and make High Elves be the ones to go Void Elf. I really, really would.

I would also make Kael’thas not written out of Warcraft in an uncerimoniously bad, worse version of Arthas, storyline.

But here we are.

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Some suggestions will be done and some won’t. Nothing we can do about that except make suggestions and hope blizz considers them.

They won’t see any of them if we don’t make them.

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