The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

And this isn’t about “evidence” it’s about potential.

They asked for a potential High Elf leader and he is one.

Just because you want to dismiss anything that’s not relevant at this exact moment doesn’t mean they won’t be used.

Moot point is moot.

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I agree. He is worth remembering (though what is the canon ending of Quel’delar’s chain I don’t think is ever specified. We aee Liadrin with the sword up until recently where she gets her Hearthstone getup).

My point, again, is that he is not, right now, shown to be in any sort of leadership role among High Elves.

I think that is a fair point. But I also think, should the need arise, he would be a good candidate for our aforementioned reasons. Can you see our point?

Seems a weird guy to focus on as someone you want in leadership, even when talking about pure potential and speculation.

Alleria’s return to the Alliance would have been a good time to reintroduce him, or any of the Allerian Hold forces really…you know, her forces.

Hasn’t been addressed as of yet, and given her path now, I don’t know if they will.

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Well, Blizzard hasn’t forgotten him. Auric’s Angels, anyone?


You’re the one throwing some kind of tangent over the fact he wasn’t mentioned (well he has an island expedition force, so he is on Blizzards radar.) for some arbitrary amount of time.

Despite characters that have had just as much “absence” showing up all the time.

And the fact that Blizzard can bring back whomever they want and they will be relevant because that’s how fiction works.

They were Jaina’s Angels originally.

I don’t think changing them as a reference to Auric serves to make him any more relevant than he was if it doesn’t come with bringing him back into the current story or recent events.

I mean, heck, just stick him on Alleri’s boat and look pretty. All they’d have to do.

In the Alpha. A lot of things change from the alpha to beta to release.

Not all for the better.

I’ll take TBC Alpha Blood Elves and their casting animations and emotes for females over what we got. The beefier males they changed to weren’t something I was super on board with at the time, either.

The point still stands. You don’t call the shots, Blizzard does.

The irony nearly killed me here.

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Now he’s going to talk about Ion… for the 1000th time…


Nah, I don’t need to spell out how funny it is to be told that Blizzard calls the shots in a thread created because they didn’t like shots Blizzard has called, but I guess I will anyway.

And I’m still trying to figure out what point you’re trying to make.

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And leave out the closing thought which sets the tone for the entire statement.

Blizzard is shooting against themselves honestly, I mean wasn’t me who has made High Elves as part of the Alliance and has given them a different path, leadearship, culture, places to live and even another sources of magic.

Wasn’t me who recognized them as different group not related to Blood Elves. It’s in the game files:

Blizzard is contradicting themselves. We’re here just pointing it out.


They aren’t contradicting anything. They aren’t saying High Elves don’t exist. They’re saying they aren’t playable.

I’m dead serious. I don’t get why you’re here.

I know why we’re here. I don’t know why you’re here. We’re here because we like High Elves and we like to talk about how we can make them more viable as a playable Allied Race.

We watch the interviews. We see the blue posts. We follow the in-game lore. We find every scrap of information that could be relevant to our cause, and detriment to our cause.

You come in here throwing in information we already know and we know is wrong, and you try to change our minds about things. Newsflash- you don’t change anyone’s mind about anything- except how you’re kind of a jerk to everyone and you don’t respect their opinions.

Why do you come here if you know you’re not gonna change anyone’s mind? Why do you waste everyone’s time? Why don’t you respect people who simply have a different opinion from you?

We aren’t trying to hurt you or take something away from you.

Why are you here?


tbf, high elves are already playable on the horde. the alliance/silver covenant elves are the ones you are trying to lift from flavor NPC status. this distinction must be made to avoid confusion

in regards to the suramar cutscene, even elisande is confused about the alliance elves. she even says “queldorei???” as if surprised this moniker still exists. then finishes with “you are unworthy of the name high elves” which, tbf, i agree with to an extent


Actually, that’s not what they said at all. They said they’re on the Horde. Which is incorrect.

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