The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

Again, like I just said…

Do you think that’s going to work?

If you’re going to say someone is, “Ignorant to the Lore.” you should be able to correct them.

So you’ve got a big problem, because you can’t.

Go ahead. Enlighten me.

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That’s true. But spouting such nonsense as “facts”, is not going to get them anywhere but blizzards block list. It’s asinine.

yeah, as ridiculous as saying “I’m not a human anymore, I’m a Kul Tiran” or “I’m not a Draenei anymore, I’m a Lightforged Draenei” or “I’m not a Dwarf anymore, I’m a Dark Iron Dwarf” or “I’m not a Blood Elf anymore, I’m a Void Elf”.

Oh, wait…


Okay I’m going to give my opinion on how I think the Sunwell now works. This is only my opinion, and not the opinion of others.

As claimed the heart of M’uru was used to clean the taint from the arcane energy of the Sunwell thus returning it to its original state.

However there was no claim that the heart of M’uru was destroyed in this process. Which means the heart of M’uru which is a beacon of pure light still exists within the Sunwell. Because it still exists within the Sunwell, the Sunwell is now considered a fountain of both Arcane and Holy energies. The Sunwell itself being the Arcane. The Heart of M’uru now a part of it being the holy. Paladin’s and Holy Priests draw upon the heart of M’uru which is why their eyes have become golden. While the arcane addiction of all Blood Elves is still quelled by the arcane.

Just like it’s my opinion that it is the Pure heart of M’uru, that draws the Void to the Sunwell now.

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mith this is an example of a strawman. im not talking about draenei or dwarves.

im talking about high/blood elves who share the exact same lore

also. human/kul tirans werent born and raised in the exact same country. also obviously theres something in the water of KT causing them to be twice the size of normal humans

lightforged draenei are light infused beings. DID dont even have the same skin color as normal dwarves :smile:


It’s funny to see antis being ok with Void Elves, when their creation are exactly based on the very same arguments helfers have, and their existence counters every and each of antis’ arguments.

Antis are only mad because we’re asking for “normal” colored elves. The rest is making up excuses to pretend “I don’t want you to have something that looks similar to what I already have, boohoo”.



For the hundredth time…

A Strawman argument is when someone changes your original argument to something else.

Not answers it in a way you didn’t expect.


No, it’s not a strawman, it’s a fact that shows your argument has no validity:

Draenei and LF Draenei have the same lore
Void Elves and Blood Elves have the same lore

The only difference between them is their ‘magic attunement’ and the fact that they decided to change their name.


we are not talking about draenei or dwarves


I know that ?

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Here is the lore- facts only:

Nightborne are remnants of Zin-Azshari. The very same. Nightborne and Highborne are STILL Night elves but only separated by status. Borne refers to Upper class society.
There was only 3 documented evolution’s (evolving into a completely new race of their own) and it goes as follows:
Trolls> Nightborne/Highborne> High elves. Night elves already existed but were lower class citizens.
At NO point in time, did High elves evolve to create another race (biologically). Blood elves are direct descendants of Dath’Remar Sunstrider. Who was a Highborne in Queen Azshara’s court. These same descendants evolved into High elves and created Silvermoon/Quel’Thalas (where WE reside).

Nightborne simply had over exposure, that resulted in their slight altered appearance. Blood elves are the same in this respect. Over exposure altered their appearance. It did NOT alter their DNA or cause another evolution.

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thats a BIG difference. its an irreversible process that turned them into void beings


Look, let’s see if this way you’ll understand it:

You say High Elves should not be playable because they share Blood Elves’ lore, and changing their name wouldn’t do anything.

I show you with a real parallelism that Blizzard has ALREADY made races playable when they shared other race’s lore and only changed their name, such as LF Draenei or Void Elves.

If it was acceptable for LF Draenei and Void Elves, then LOGIC dictates it is ALSO acceptable for High Elves or Silver Elves or whatever you want to call them.


Do High Elves look any different than the current elf races?

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Blood Elves have turned from Fel beings to Light beings - High/Silver Elves haven’t gone through neither of these processes

Except the fact that Void elves are a direct copy and paste of a HORDE race. This has already blurred the faction identity line. All the lore aside.

So it’s not saying “Well, if they can do it with Void elves- they can do it again with High elves”. That’s getting TWO of the exact same race for the Alliance.

And that goes beyond logic.


Slightly, yes - their skin is pale white, their hair is either white, blue, black or blonde, and have different speech emotes.

If that’s not enough, for the hundredth time, we said we are willing to make them look different, just like Kul Tirans look different than Humans, even though they’re exactly the same race in biological terms.

Let me slow walk you to this conclusion.

Since the premise of this debate is that High Elves should be an Allied Race…

You’re making a vapid statement that Blood Elves are High Elves because for 16,623 posts you’ve, most likely intentionally, failed to comprehend:

  • That Blood Elves are a different faction from High Elves
  • That according to WoW cosmology rules they are actually an entirely separate race anyways.
  • That saying, “Blood Elves are High Elves” has no bearing because that has no relevance to the playable “Faction” of High Elves.

So when you say, “They’re the same race!”

and he points out that wow uses race as a misnomer in the first place and cites other examples…

he is directly answering your point.

That’s not a Strawman.

In order for him to have given you a strawman argument, he would have had to change your original argument. Then respond and defeat that.

So for instance…

If I were to say, "I want the High Elf faction to be playable.

and someone were to change that argument… by saying something like, "But Blood Elves are the High Elf Race So they already are playable.

That would be a Strawman argument.

So… just so you understand…

Your whole premise on this thread is a strawman argument.

But Leinadh, replying to you with an answer that you don’t expect is not a Strawman argument. He would have to change your argument in order for it to be a straw man.

Do you see how that works?


the difference is not the same. LF D and VE are biologically different so sharing the same lore doesnt matter and makes sense to become an AR

alliance high/blood elves are not biologically different and share the exact same lore

im out for the weekend. i hope everyone has a great weekend and stay safe!


That is your subjective opinion - Blizzard for the moment never said it wouldn’t be possible.

You can get two of the exact same Alliance race for the horde, or three or four, we couldn’t care less.