The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

Personally, as a Lebanese person, I find the concept of ethnicity hilarious because from the modern perspective I don’t have one.

I’m neither Arab, nor European, nor Asian.

They say Middle Eastern, but that’s not an ethnicity. I look more Greek than Yemeni.

In the USA I’m encouraged to put “White”. But I’m not European.


I had a Greek “friend with benefits”… he was hot. :slight_smile:

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The very idea of fantasy races come from the fact that in the past people had no concept of “humanity” as a common entity. Different tribes would treat each other as alien things. Other tribes were seen as lesser or inhuman.

The “human race” was something that science fostered. Before science, the neighboring tribe could very well be seen as demonic.


Much like WoW factions.

Well I imagine you are Caucasian, like the vast majority of Western civilization.

That’s a massive umbrella classification though. A pretty outdated one too.

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high/blood elves are both born and raised in quel’thalas. they do not have different ethnic backgrounds or religious beliefs. tbf, personal beliefs can be argued


Hmm? They’re different races because of a difference in cosmology.

What differentiates the Dark Troll subspecies from eachother is where they are on a magical slider scale. So because of the Fel energy they consumed or were exposed too, Blood Elves are biologically different from High Elves in so far as biological differences exist in Elves.

So they actually are different “Races” since it’s been accepted that a Dark Troll somewhere else on the magical slider scale is a different race.

If Shal’dorei and Kal’dorei are different races. Then High Elves and Blood Elves are different races.

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Depends on what one views as religious. High Elves certainly have a higher reverence for nature.

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Outdated? It’s rather common in Europe, especially in Spain, where I live - we never say “we are white”.

Indeed. WoW uses race as a misnomer, often for nationality.

In WoW someone from France and Germany would be separate races.

Not that there isn’t a clear argument for why High Elves and Blood Elves are different biologically.

I was referring to WoW’s misnomer when discussing race.


It’s outdated because the very concept of races has been challenged by science. We are all human. Races are for dogs, who are inbred enough to take whole different body sizes and shapes.



(directed at everyone)
I think it seems that people are confusing Nationality, Race and ethnicity. Probably should get that in order before you educate someone on the subject

which high elves tho? the SC elves who literally copy pasted the entire silvermoon ranger theme? even vereesass title is an exact copy paste of sylvanas’ ranger general of silvermoon rank and title


Ah, I thought he meant the term was outdated.

Yeah, science has challenged the existence of different races (pretty obvious to me, we’re just humans with different traits), but still these terms are common. What can you expect from such a nitpicking society like ours? :joy:

Science would like to have a word with you.

Are these really the people debating for High elves on Alliance?

I have not seen so much ignorance (to the lore) in one place.

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tbf Blood Elves copied Night Elves their entire hunter theme


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Mmhmm. Just put your argument six foot under so it’s time to argue some real life semantics? (Badly. I might add, since in critiquing this argument he’s proving he doesn’t know what he’s saying.)

Sure that everyone reading is going to know you’re “Winning.”

I think one of the most interesting things about this debate is what people write thinking that anyone observing the disingenuous thing they’re saying is going to believe them.

Like, Fyre is just trolling… and trolls will troll with her. But the idea that anybody actually believes a word she says is laughable… and I think she, and other posters who come here and get their arguments shredded and decide to be obtuse, think that any observer believes them is hilarious.


people just need to be more PC when it comes to high elves and make distinctions. it confuses people. there are already playable high elves in the form of blood elves

and yes they are high elves. just because you call yourself something different doesnt change ANYTHING. it would be like someone saying im not a human anymore im an Ascended Human because im smarter then everyone else. obviously they are still just a human