The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

tbf, we all suspected who was behind those topics. now we know




Well, considering the Anti thread was made as competition for this one, and there were people bragging at one point how they had three times more likes in their OP than we (while ignoring this thread was ported from the old forums and lost all the likes it had there), yes, itā€™s satisfying to know we beat them at their own game.

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Still waiting on proof that they are different races Looks at watch for the 100th time.

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Selfrighteousness coming from a Blood Elf character.



To be fair, of you two only you come across as condescending, and unable to prove that the Sunwell is only composed of Arcane.


tbf, that thread isnt spam bumped. strangely as often as we bump this one, it never gets any new posters to post or leave likes on the most recent posts


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Strawman. Allied Races are not necessarily different races. All of them so far are different factions of already existing races.

In fact, even base races are not necessarily different. Night Elves and Blood Elves are both elves (in fact some are outright related). Undead and Humans are both Humans (also related).


You are the one spam bumping this thread, Fyre.


Well. I donā€™t want to give it away without letting you try first. Take a look at this picture:

One is a Blood Elf and one is a High Elf. Can you identify which is which?


Rich, is something I am. Guess thatā€™s something you will have to come to terms with. Sorry.

Self righteous would be me holding something over your head, for my kindness.

Letā€™s not be hostile towards these people. Let them make their posts. It doesnā€™t mean they should be taken seriously when they are not themselves.

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tbf, thatā€™s because we rather post in our genuine thread than contribute to a troll thread


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Yas kween.

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I usually just ignore Fyre. She has nothing to say that matters. But I find it funny that the top troll that canā€™t resist more than five minutes before bumping this thread is accusing someone of spam bumping. She must be responsible for over 1,000 posts here, counting hers and replies of those foolish enough to fall for her baiting.


Why are you commenting to me with that. I didnā€™t say they were different races.

He did

Heā€™s the one constantly using culture/ethnicity as a determining factor for ā€œraceā€. This isnā€™t real life and you must apply what is relevant IN GAME.

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Thatā€™s cause heā€™s using ā€œraceā€ the way Blizz uses it: a synonym for ā€œfactionā€, not an actual biologically-tangible race.


He means Blizzardā€™s connotation for race, which is just faction.

Much like IRL actually.


No. Faction would be ethnicity.

tbf, he indeed did. a strawman only happens when someone brings up something that was never argued in the first place fyi


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Ethnicity is a human construct. The same principles that divide people based on ā€œethnicityā€ apply to factions in WoW because the races and their various factions ARE representative of various ethnic backgrounds in the real world.

Example: Humans are Medieval England and Night Elves are some weird Asian/Celtic mix.