The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

And this is where the faction war gets blurred (purposely, I might add) by Alliance players. When Horde do something good for/with Alliance- they are called traitors, sympathizers etc.
When Alliance do something good for/with Horde- They aren’t called traitors, sympathizers etc but instead gloat about some kind of delusional obligation that they are “owed” something for their “kindness”.

It’s self righteousness, on top of the guilt by association fallacy. See, we can’t have Horde being portrayed as doing anything “Good” for the opposite faction. That’s not cool. And we can’t portray the Horde as being self reliant either.

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What, “Good thing,” did the Horde do for the Alliance?

Baine warning Jaina about the attack on Theramore, thus concentrating large numbers of soldiers and commanders there to be wiped out by the Mana Bomb?

Baine returning Derek Proudmoore to Jaina, while he may or may not be a ticking time bomb?

The number of good things the Horde has done for the Alliance is a fairly small list that usually doesn’t end well. So far the restoration of the Sunwell has been a major boon to the Horde and has even given the Blood Elves new customization options. If not for the Alliance, the Blood Knights would be powerless, subpar Warriors, or worse; neutral since they’d be dependent upon A’dal for power.

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its true, other wise every time a naaru died a new “lightwell” would be created

the light magic that was redirected to reignite and purify the arcane sunwell could very well wane over time, eventually fading out completely. great points brought up in this post sir!



I said for/with the Alliance but, you just proved my point- so it’s cool.

Is this a serious question though? Let’s watch a video about a single Horde character, Thrall.

Thrall, with Jaina and Tyrande- Helped fight back Archimonde on Mt. Hyjal. And even had a pact between them.

Getting really sick of the blatant dismissal of everything and anything the Horde has ever done- just so people can throw it in a players face, like they had an argument to start with. That’s beyond delusional.


Yeah let’s be honest, the Horde was saving it’s own butt as much as the world. World-ending threats don’t really work, or else the Alliance’s charity towards the Horde just skyrockets even higher.

Arguably the same can apply to the Sunwell to a degree. The Alliance securing Sunwell Plateau and defeating Kil’jaeden is serving self-interest. No one wanted a portal for the Burning Legion, after all. Restoring the Sunwell, however. Re-igniting it as a purified font of power, was not self-serving interest.

Personally I’m amazed at the levels of denial and mental gymnastics some posters go into in order to not feel indebted to the opposite faction.

“The Alliance saved and restored the Sunwell, clearly they expect us to jump ship and lick boot, those self-righteous hypocrites, trying to guilt-trip us.”


:roll_eyes: Where is the noose emoji when you need it…

You asked and I told you. And your first go to, is dismissal.

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Again, it wasn’t for the Alliance. It was for the World. It was self-serving interest. The fact it benefited the Alliance is coincidence.

Something specific, as the two examples with Baine I mentioned, suit, “doing something for the Alliance.” Or the case of the Sunwell doing something for the Horde.


Whatever helps you get through the day, my friend.

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Thrall standing at the Maelstrom and trying to heal the world, is self serving.

So unless you are trying to say that “The Horde getting any spot light (outside of the Alliance) is self serving”- I am pretty sure that you have absolutely NO clue what “Self serving” means.

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Well, considering his entire motivation for much of Cataclysm was saving the Horde, what with visions of Fire wiping out Orgrimmar and his rants in the Captain Planet questline about wanting to destroy the Alliance…


And Varian dying on Broken Shore, to save the Alliance retreat- was self serving. According to you.


Well yeah. There really wasn’t anyone else to save at that point, the Horde had pulled out. Even if the Horde hadn’t, Varian’s sacrifice definitely would’ve been more for the sake of the Alliance’s forces than the Horde’s.

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And Varian’s interest was the welfare and survival of the Alliance.


Yeah. I’m done.

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This week’s surge of anti posts actually made people visit this thread more, lol.

We finally surpassed the Anti thread in likes.

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Didn’t realize it was a competition. I thought this was a legitimate thread full of “legitimate canon and lore”. To back up “the addition of High elves as a playable race”.

Well. This revelation changes everything.

Logic 101: Never openly admit that you have an agenda.


Oof. You really do struggle with the lore.

That other thread got deleted before I could hit you back by the way.


I’m pretty sure you’re talking about when Patrick Dawson said that players could make a choice that their elves were purified by the light like Lady Liadrin was.

That had nothing to do with the “Holy” leaving the Sunwell. They sacrificed a light Naaru in that thing to get it going again and Chris Metzen in an interview about Blood Elves talked about this long con-redemption arc about them going towards the light that seems to be being implemented.

Also, you claimed yesterday I was making some ad-hominem attacks, which I wasn’t. You seem to be genuinely struggling with some really basic elements of the lore and I was letting you know that I feel qualified to help. I wasn’t insinuating you had a TBI or CVA. Just letting you know my experience and how I can help you overcome this hurdle you have.

Also, you laughed about my using the word race to distinguish between High Elves and Blood Elves…

and while they certainly are separate races, I think that thought is probably too complex for you to grasp right now considering the other difficulties you’re having, so I’ve no interest in debating you about it.

However, I will say that when I used the word race at that moment I was referring to the way WoW uses it as a Misnomer. After all. Lightforged Draenei and Draenei are separate races. Highmountain Tauren and Tauren are separate races. Kul’tiran humans and humans are different races. Not because they actually are, but because that’s the jargon we use in WoW to distinguish between separate factions.

The “Race Selection Screen” isn’t asking you to pick a faction… and no doubt this could be confusing because Horde and Alliance are the official factions. So perhaps they think the word “Race” is less confusing.

However, it appears that it isn’t “Not confusing” enough based on the discussions we’re seeing in this thread.


and the likes for the anti-thread are definitely conflated. One poster that was here last night, for instance, dropped 40 likes on a thread they created once about blue eyed elves by using their alts.