The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

I’m sorry but I don’t agree.

The game literally tells us that the Sunwell is “now a fount of both Arcane power and Holy light”

The Light didn’t just clean the Sunwell and then disappear. The Light reignited the Sunwell and is now a permanent part of it.

Unless you can show a source saying otherwise, you’re just spouting headcannon.


Absolutely not. Blizzard (aside from in game) has specifically said that the “Sunwell was purified by Holy magic”. At no point in time did it ever say or show that the Sunwell was now two prominent types of magic.

Because if it actually was, our eyes would STILL be green. Yellow+Blue.

You are wrong.

The Blizzard website even says:

In the wake of Kil’jaeden’s defeat, the draenei prophet Velen purified the Sunwell with the Light-infused heart of a fallen naaru, transforming the fount into a source of both holy and arcane energies.

The old Ask Creative Development Q&A corroborates this as well. The Light of the Sunwell is specifically how Blood Elves access the Light.

As of the end of the Burning Crusade expansion, blood elves who wield the Light do so through the power of the renewed Sunwell. It is a harmonious relationship, no longer one of discord caused by the blood elves’ attempts to bend the Light to their will, which will likely have a positive effect on blood elf society in the long run.

So unless you have some official sources saying otherwise I am going to believe Blizzard over your headcannon.


Literally this. If the Light just “Purified” the Well, it wouldn’t be reignited.

Also Lady Liadrin in the Nightborne Scenario states “The essence of Light sustains us.”


But you also said

Which has no base in lore.

That’s wrong.

The heart of M’uru placed in the Sunwell is just like the vial of the Well of Eternity, a source of Holy Light. The Sunwell has been addressed several times as having a different essence now.

“The magic in the Sunwell is different now,” Lor’themar said. “It may take a while for some to adjust.”

“Some, yes.” Aurora reached her hand up and seemed to grasp something that Lor’themar could not see, twisting it between her fingers as if it were a long ribbon. “I am a priestess of the Light. I know this magic.”

Your claim that the Light is fading is baseless.


Timestamp: 9.15



When I find that clip (Was a Q&A) of blizzard saying the exact same thing, I will post it.

I think I know the Q&A you are referring to. It’s a very old Q&A said that Blood Elves might get their Blue Eyes back over a long period of time. It’s quite likely that idea changed over the years and instead Blood Elves were given the Light infused eyes we see Blood Elves sport today. Of course Blizzard can always change their minds and give Blood Elves blue eyes too.

That still wouldn’t have any impact on our desire for playable Alliance High Elves however.


No. Actually, I am referring to a Q&A after we got the Golden eyes and they specifically said (confirming lore) that it was due to the “Purification of the Sunwell”. And the eyes were an effect of that purification.

You just decided to pick out a single part of their sentence, because you believed it invalidated the first part. Purification is Purification. And it’s purpose is clear.

It’s like saying “If I make water with my purifier, that water is now half water and half air”. lol

And with that, when they say:

They don’t mean two prominent types of magic. They mean that Holy IS a part of the Arcane but it’s purpose is Purification, as said here:

Purification in this case means the Light cleansed the taint in the Sunwell. But the Light also became a part of the Sunwell in that process. Blizzard’s own site even says so.

Look, just accept that you’re wrong. The Light is a permanent part of the Sunwell. I showed ample evidence of such via Blizzard’s own website and the wikipedia with citations.

You’re basically making stuff up with your “interpretations”.

No one is arguing that the Sunwell was purified. We are arguing your claim that the Light isn’t a permanent part of the Sunwell when every source of merit says otherwise.


Afraid it doesn’t work that way. A person doesn’t “interpret” the meaning of the phrase “Purification”. It has one meaning and one meaning only.

Then the Sunwell would no longer be Arcane. The well’s base magic would have been changed. Please-- read up on well’s (including the Well of Eternity) and then come back.

PS: Are you forgetting Anveena Teague? Should go read up on her. And then you will further understand.

The definition of purify: remove contaminants from.

That’s exactly what the Light did. But the Light is not a contaminant. It is a cleansing agent (like say Chlorine) and it is now a part of the Sunwell… just like Blizzard’s website says.

Any argument claiming that the Light is not a permanent part of the Sunwell is headcannon on your part. It’s not true and it’s a waste of time trying to argue the fact because Blizzard says:

In the wake of Kil’jaeden’s defeat, the draenei prophet Velen purified the Sunwell with the Light-infused heart of a fallen naaru, transforming the fount into a source of both holy and arcane energies.

There’s nothing you can say to counter that. Nothing, nada, zilch.

The Sunwell was transformed… as in, it is different. It is not what it once was. Even anti-helfer’s like Lydon and Fyrebusche will tell you you’re wrong.


So you aren’t even going to bother reading about Anveena Teague, How well’s work and you are just going to keep parroting a quote from blizzard that you are taking out of context? Okay. Can’t say I’m surprised.

I didn’t realize that Chlorine remained 20 years after it did it’s job. Even when there was nothing more to cleanse but okay.

I like how you keep highlighting the two phrases and completely skipping over the Purify part.

Aveena held the tainted Sunwell within her (As if a vial) and when recreated, it was recreated in it’s tainted form. And was purified after.

I can’t find the Q&A just yet but like I said, I will post it when I do.

I’d love for you to explain how I am “taking out of context” a quote from Blizzard’s website.

You keep focusing on the word purify. I don’t understand why. It doesn’t mean the Sunwell is back to being a fount of Arcane energy. The Sunwell is more than that now. It is now a fount of both holy and arcane energies.

There is nothing you can say, no quote you can find, that will challenge that. I’m hard pressed to believe there is any Blizzard quote saying that the Light within the Sunwell will someday fade. That would be tantamount to Blood Elf paladins losing their powers and light-infused eyes.

The same wiki you quote about Anveena also says:

The Sunwell is a fount of mystical power located in the Sunwell Plateau on the Isle of Quel’Danas. While its waters, holy to the high elves,[1] were originally pure arcane power,[2][3] it has since been restored as a fount of both arcane and Light energy.[

And those citation numbers?

You have nothing to say to counter any of that.


Ah the Sunwell

Forever a reminder of how the Alliance saved the Blood Elves only for them to continue allying with the Horde for meta reasons because pretty models and SylVaNAs.


Ah, the Alliance. Proving even more everyday that their supposed “Good” faction requires delusional obligation for the “Goodness of their hearts”.

Let’s add “The lack of CHARITY” to your factions inability to have a single bit of humanity.

I didn’t realize that Good came at a “price”.

Hold your horses. I have a list of Q&A’s right here. I will be with you in a second.

Take all the time you want. I doubt you’ll find anything in any of those Q&A’s that says the Light within the Sunwell will some day disappear.


This was back in Legion, which was the latest update on the Golden eyes.

And you can stop being condescending. That’s for people who THINK they are right, not when they actually are.

An interesting take since I’ve never heard the Sunwell’s restoration brought up by anyone (Varian, Anduin, Velen, etc…) in the Alliance as a reason Quel’Thalas and the Blood Elves should jump ship. The Alliance saved the Sunwell (canonically thanks to Chronicles), purified and restored it, and then left.

And the Blood Elves went right back to killing them.