The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

It’s impossible to be complete neutral in this situation and i completely understand this, but i feel the Alliance playerbase was completely treated like sub-players in terms of Allied Races by the developers so far, especially in the responses to our indignation “the Horde is waiting for you”


Yeah, I agree, they’re no longer good hiding it =/

It’s clear as sunlight.

As endgame player this situation is way worse, I’ve some friends from Alliance telling me that’s almost impossible to pug high Mythic + keys, and almost impossible to find more people to fill the raid roster.


No, no , no I’m not angry so please don’t feel bad… I was a bit depressed. Callistus is correct, I am a bit sensitive, okay maybe a lot sensitive at times, It comes with being emotionally disabled. Still you did nothing wrong Arch, I was mistaking what you were saying to the trolls as being said to me. In all honesty I don’t like the Idea of Blood Elves getting blue eyes.

Shades of greens, golds, and reds for Blood Elves. With the glowing effect from light-medium to harsh

Shades of blues. purples, silvers, and browns for Alliance High Elves. with no glowing effect or a very soft glow for spell casting classes.

I mean Green Eyes help to define Blood Elf people and their culture… So it is my belief that if we are giving Blue Eyes… It would ruin the sanctity of Blood Elves, and Quel’thalas. So I’m afraid you Alliance High Elves will have to keep your blue eyes…


I’m glad to know you’re not mad with me Izabelle, but anyway sorry about that. I was having a hot debate, and while I don’t meant to be rude, I wasn’t gentle either. So, I apologize for that.

:kissing_heart: :hugs:


No worries I tend to jump to the wrong conclusions at time… plus I’m not always a gentle either. So I am sorry as well if I came off as rude





It’s almost like…They are the exact same race but different clans were corrupted and others weren’t.


Its cannon. The blood elves started to get there original eye colors (Blue and white) after getting the sunwell back and the fel dissapearing.

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There’s no canon on their eyes changing to anything other than gold.



There is canon as to their eyes turning Green because of the tainted Sunwell, there is canon of their eyes turning Gold because of the purified (Holy) Sunwell and there is clearly canon about their eyes originally being Blue (Because they are High elves) because of it being Arcane.

An elf’s eyes are consistent with the type of magic that they consume. In the High elves case, anyway. Night elves are a different matter.


I’m talking about turning back to “blue or white” after the restoration of the Sunwell. There’s no canon yet to that happening, it’s just fanfiction for now.


That, I will give you credit for. But only partly. The Sunwell is actually Arcane AND Holy both. Because the Holy was used to purify the tainted Arcane. That is why Holy is much more prominent. Will there be a point in the future where the Sunwell will fully return to it’s untainted Arcane state? Yes. Very likely.
It could take a year, 5 years, 20 years. But the Arcane will become prominent again as the Holy purification lessens.

What makes you think that? As far as we have been told, the Light in the Sunwell is there to stay.

Unless the void elves corrupt it, of course…


There eyes started changing back in wotlk. The books stated it. It wasnt reflected ingame. The lore also states blood elves had lighter skin and tattoos. Valeera’s ehe changed to purple when consuming a naga trident. There eyes change depending on there magic use that is canon but not reflected ingame until recently.

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wrong. In real life there is the human species and there are various races of the human species.


Source, please.


No. That’s not how Well’s work. The same is said about the Moon well, Night well etc. It’s base magic isn’t something that can be erased. That would require constructing a new well with a new type of magic.

The Sunwell was created by one of the Vials taken from Illidan. This was Arcane and thus, how the Sunwell was created. It will always remain Arcane. It’s magic was tainted and that is what caused our green eyes.
Let me use an example: If you get a bladder infection, does that mean your urine IS the infection or just something effected by an infection and thus, flowing through you? You don’t BECOME what you are effected by.

The Sunwell is no different. It was infected, flowed through those who were connected to it and slowly started to kill them. Kael’ had no choice but to destroy it. It’s Arcane energy was housed in a human named Anveena Teague. So she became the vial that held the Sunwell (again). She was kept secret and protected, to make sure that no one knew (or tried to steal it’s power). With her and Velen (And the Naaru M’uru)- The Arcane well was recreated AND purified.

They purified the Arcane magic that was tainted. It’s original base magic. It just took blizzard long enough to acknowledge it IN GAME.

No one said the Arcane was erased from the Sunwell, but rather that it is now a mix of Light and Arcane… a permanent mix. The Light in the Sunwell isn’t just going to “go away”, and the Light seems to be the more dominant of the two energies visually, though Blizzard can always change that if they desire.


What are you talking about? I never said anything about the Sunwell losing its arcane properties. It was you who said that it was going to eventually lose its Light power.


I already said it was both. Did you not read it? And well’s do not work that way. I already explained that too. The only exception was the Well of Eternity, in which the 3 vials were taken from.

In the case of the Sunwell (where it’s base magic is Arcane), Holy was used to “purify” it of the taint. It was not “mixed” together. Purifying is to cleanse. The Holy purified the tainted Arcane. It works no different than any other purifying method. The holy will not remain when there is no taint left. Because there is nothing to purify.