The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

I just wish to have the High Elves with the Blue eyes :slightly_frowning_face: Blue itā€™s all part of their culture and visual identity. I donā€™t consider this a fair deal, to take a iconic visual aspect of the High Elves and give it to the Blood Elves. I really like the idea of purple eyes but i wouldnā€™t trade the blue eyes for them.
I donā€™t get the obsession some people have with blue eyes to the Blood Elves, it has nothing to do with their culture, identity and visuals, lets make a challenge: Take a walk in Silvermoon and count how many blue elements you find and compare it to red, yellow and gold.


I know, itā€™s harsh, but sacrifices will have to be made to show the differences between High Elves and Blood Elves, and also in some extent Void Elves.

A good deal to differentiate High Elves from Blood Elves: High Elves have blue eyes and Blood Elves have green and gold eyes, take this as a base and go further.
Edit: I just realized how rude this post was originally :worried: iā€™m really sorry


I understand your point, and frankly I doubt blood elves will get blue eyes anyway.

But I wouldnā€™t mind purple eyes for high elves either. Iā€™m adaptable.


I just want to drop by and give my support to Playable High Elves.

I mean I really do want to have that sense of DXD Fantasy or Medieval Fantasy back into the Alliance again because right now the Alliance atleast in terms of Allied Races and so on have really lost that Identity and Theme to them.

Also I miss having actually real iconic Elves from Warcraft 2 and 3 within the Alliance. So besides the whole ridiculous spam of Blue Eyes for Blood Elves. I hope someday the Quelā€™dorei will be playable and hopeful we can finally end this ridiculous controversy within the Community.

Because right now People who are requesting nonstop for Blue Eyes for Blood Elves are more Annoying, Entitled and spoiled beyond belief than the Actually Request. Honestly I donā€™t blame the Pros for continuing on with the Request.


I was really into them some time ago, i suggested Arcane infusion into some of them with Arcane markings and purple/pink eyes as a good customization options, especially for the Mages and maybe the Priests (Ranger Tattoos would look silly on those classes), but taking purple and totally abandoning blue is a big of a deal that iā€™m not convinced in taking. I guess we can have both, but if had to chose, i would take the more iconic one

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Donā€™t get triggered by me, youā€™re the cutest monk of this thread. Iā€™m in total agreement with you. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Iā€™m just brainstorming some ideas. :slightly_smiling_face:

Iā€™m still feeling bad for Izzabele :sob:, so dont get me wrong.


Iā€™m totally not angry :wink:, i have problems to take in consideration how others can react to my posts or to realize if my words are indirectly disrespectful, iā€™m terrible at this :worried: iā€™m really sorry if i was rude.

tbf, what would be the point of even bothering to make new eye color customization if that were the case

blood elves will get all their natural eye colors back blue, brown, etc. the current canon will finally be reflected in game and they wont be locked to fel green anymore


Hearthstone is better at fanservice for Alliance fans than WoW is.


You do have to remember that Nightborne Players might say something about Purple Eye High Elves since They also have Purple Eyes too.

Sometimes you canā€™t win a whole prize without upseting the other.

The Sunwell is no longer a pure source of Arcane.

Arcane doesnā€™t overpower Fel.

Light overpowers Arcane.

If Blood Elves consume too much Arcane they become Wretched.

it ainā€™t happening and is a non issue.

High Elves will have Blue/Purple eyes like Blood Elves have Green/Gold.


Just one more thing, i know i may be exxagerating and being overly emotional over eye colors, but itā€™s a special case for the Blood Elves and the High Elves.

Their eyes are a visual representation of what theyā€™ve been through in the last years, the emerald green eyes of the Blood Elves represent the hard times theyā€™ve been through, and the one energy that gave them salvation on their darkest hour: the Fel. Nowadays they use green a lot in their color scheme, they quite adopted the color. Golden eyes are a indicative of a new dawn for them, a new power and their future within the Light.
As for the High Elves, the blue eyes represent purity, but a purity that costed their well being and part of their health, but blue eyes that didnā€™t shine as they used to before the Sunwell was destroyed and they were isolated from it. The purple eyes could represent their future, with the Arcane infusing their bodies and freeing them from the need of the Sunwell.


tbf, it does when no one is in quelā€™thalas is tapping fel anymore except for warlocks and DHs

cant wait for this new customization


High Elves donā€™t have just blue eyes. The only reason they all have blue eyes in-game is the fact that they use the BE character creator with a few face maps that all incidentally have blue eyes.

Canonically High Elves have access to the human range of eye colors in addition to red and violet.

I think Vereesa always had violet eyes in canon.

I know Alleria had emerald green. Obviously in this scenario they opted to just give her voided eyes even before she got void powers so that players would recognize her as distinctly NOT being a Blood Elf.


Thatā€™s true and also really sad.

Iā€™ve done some research, and most people who joined Blizzard during or after WOTLK release to work in WoW Team, are known to be Horde fans/players, meanwhile the most people who left were those who loved the Allianceā€¦ so the future seems dark for blue sideā€¦ maybe we should say the present is already darkā€¦ :frowning:


It certainly feels that way.

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Alleria already had void powers before we met her in Legion, though. She spent 500 years in Naaru Jail for using them.


The Alliance downfall started in Burning Crusade and things are getting worse and worse, if you look at what the Horde got and compare it to what the Alliance got since that expansion you see why the Blue side is slowly dying.


I have no brothers, and my father says that if he had any more sons, he would like one more than the others, so he chose to have only one to avoid it.

I also had one teacher at high school who used to say that Humans have favorites in everything, they have their favorite meal, clothes, friend, car, son, brother/sister, etc. He said itā€™s the human nature to have this behaviour, and most people do it without noticing.

In WoW, the favorite faction of the Dev Team happens to be the Horde. :frowning:
But they usually try to hide it because of PR.

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