The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

I’m not sure why you can’t seem to comprehend what he’s saying. He didn’t say that.

He did say they want to add customization options. He didn’t say, “They’re going to put in an eye color wheel in the near future.”

also spam… and probably trolling. But I’m not sure why you keep making stuff up.

he didnt say eye color wheel. but eye customization specifically is something they want to do and is coming in the near future

No worries, plus It’s friday and you’ve probably had a few eh? Eh? EH?!?!?!

I’ve also probably been banned 50+ times and still have no clue what the forum rules are, what’s your point?

The infamous PallyMcpwn. She claimed to have quit, but instead just posts on this alternate troll.

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Actually, I don’t drink. (I don’t even like carbonated drinks) I’m just extremely introverted and I’ve been chatting all day. I’m drained emotionally.

how do you live. not even soda pops. wow

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Oh yeah, I’m an H20 guy myself.

I rarely drink soda, either. But I lied about alcohol. Just don’t let him know that. :man_shrugging:

what about juice

is juice ok?

Well, healthier than most people I guess! They’re liquid candy. I just could never get the hang of the stuff as a kid! Whenever I was given a Coke or a similar drink I would play with it since I hated the taste.

we dont live forever blad. you have to enjoy the little things. you only live once

Nah. He’s doing fine. There are plenty of things to enjoy that don’t kill neurons or aren’t full of empty calories.

Sounds cool. I mean after seeing the new Hearthstone card of Vereesa, I believe Blizzard will turn High Elf eyes color into purple to reflect their use of new sources of magic, such as arcane artifacts. Having a new eye color for High Elves that fit’s better their new culture would be awesome for sure. :smiley:

Purple eyes for High Elves and Blue for Blood Elves, no problem, no big deal. :+1: :hugs:


I was thinking the same thing after that Vereesa card.

I wouldn’t mind if 8.2 started using a new skin for high elves with purple eyes and blue tatoos, you know. :wink:


I like juice, I grew up loving Apple juice as treats. I mostly drink water though. We have really great tasting water where I live.

Jeez this must sound boring. XD I like sushi! I eat too much meat and not enough veggies! I could not survive a vegan diet!

Yea they consider it. But people want some specific lore. Not forner blood elves apparently.

Indeed. Giving Void Elves Blood Elf skin colors isn’t High Elves.

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This sounds very plausible.

And it’s literally making blue eyed blood elves on the Alliance.


Oh wow. That card looks SICK.

They keep adding High Elf relevance.

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Would be awesome to know if Alleria Hero is going to have some interaction with Vereesa Card, they usually make things like this in Hearthstone:

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