The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

I think the best thing to do is just do our best to ignore those people. We aren’t harming anyone, we’re just doing what we believe in. There shouldn’t be anything wrong with that.

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ion stated they want to put in an eye color wheel in the near future in the last q&a


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WHAAAAAT? Did he really? I didn’t even watch it? How many days ago was that?


Silly we already have blue eyed Blood Elves.

The Void Elves are waiting for you.


There’s another thread up in the front page to talk about Blue Eyes for Blood Elves, this thread is not about Blood Elves.


those arent the eyes we are asking for

You want blue eyed blood elves. Those are void elves. They are Alliance.

Get your own race.



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ill probably keep my golden eyes on my paladin, but ill def utilize the other colors on alts

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Yup, I posted in it. I was yelled at for “necroing” (the threads not even old enough to be considered necro’d) and told that I HAVE to post in this thread. :man_shrugging:

Nope, Q&A says we may get eye color customization options in the near future. I’m banking on blue eye’d blood elves soon, thanks though!

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You can make a new one, if you wish. You’re derailing the thread and also bringing this argument here with inflammatory intentions, a.k.a trolling, so I’ll be flagging your replies.

Well It’s actually good that I posted here because I found out the option I was hoping for will be coming in the near future (or so it seems) as per the dev team themselves!

Sorry if I made you feel upset or you thought I was trying to derail anything, just trying to make suggestions I want in a game I love! Best of luck with your thread though!

You don’t HAVE to post in this thread. This thread is discussion about High Elves. You could create a thread about Blood Elf eye colors. Just a suggestion.

I really don’t want to explain the difference between modern High Elves and Blood Elves again.


I will go with the creating another thread suggestion, I appreciate the help. I’m not 100% versed in the forum rules and what not and honestly thought making a new thread would be MORE spammy than the person suggesting I post in here said.

Best of luck then. Sorry if I came off a tad blunt. It’s been a long day and I’ve had to deal with a lot of really bothersome people.

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Replying to yourself on an alt is bannable FYI.


Profile Hidden, almost 2k post count, claims that’s not versed in the forum rules…


Horde ask for things? Okay coming soon.

Alliance ask for things? Lol just play Horde or deal with it.


This is not the place to make requests for Blood Elves with blue eyes.

Don’t make threads requesting it.

Don’t post here requesting it.

If you want to request it there is an in game option to do so. Open up the Help option in game and you’ll see there is a section to make suggestions. This is a topic about getting playable Alliance High Elves as an allied race, not one for requesting customization for Blood Elves.