The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

Source please?

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the key lore reason for the silver covenant elves leaving was they didnt want to mana tap living creatures to deal with their sunwell withdrawal. srs? this is pretty common knowledge

Uhhh, in your dimension it might be, but not on ours.


The only High Elves we know left due to the mana tapping went to Quel’Lithien, and Vyrin Swiftwind who went to Farstrider Lodge


10 characters

All we know about the Silver Covenant is that they were a faction of High Elves in Dalaran that strongly opposed the inclusion of Blood Elves into the City.

From there Vereesa Windrunner united them into a militant faction to oppose the Sunreavers and support the incoming Alliance forces.

Nothing has suggested anything else. We know that there were elves not living in Silvermoon when the Scourge invaded and when Kael’thas renamed his people Blood elves, and the Dalarani were one of the biggest groups.

So again, I’m gonna ask for a source.


Oh Kael ever since you died (2 times) our race have become more fracture… We need our King back…our race need you… :pleading_face:

Windrunner sisters are tearing us apart… You left us Lime flavor color, now we are Lemon and Blue Berry color flavor… if you don’t come back we will turn into a fruit punch of flavors color eyes! :sob:

Ok, sorry Ill show my self out… :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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Most of the remaining “high” elves had chosen to remain with the Alliance following the Second War, and did not return to their kingdom following the Third. When Grand Magister Rommath returned to Quel’Thalas to teach them Kael’s magic siphoning ways, some elves were disgusted by the practice — likening it to vampiric behavior — and opposed its use. Unable to lead a divided nation, Regent Lord Lor’themar exiled the dissenters from the kingdom, the exiles finding residence in Quel’Lithien.

Wowpedia, sources are the Ultimate Visual Guide and In the Shadow of the Sun.


“Modern high elves are a rare sight, and are commonly mistaken for blood elves
In consequence, there are very few high elves left on Azeroth today. High elves did not gather in any significant numbers, nor did they act as a coordinated whole. They are a very small group of individuals scattered all over the world. As such, they do not have common opinions or goals. Indeed, modern high elves cannot even truly be said to have a culture—only a past filled with glory and regret”

some more interesting entries for thought

Y’know who has neither numbers nor culture?

Void Elves and Lightforged Draenei.

Perhaps even the Mag’har. How many escaped to Azeroth? Maybe a hundred?

Dammit i just realized something, Fyre is ahead of time, 2024 to be exact, they released a expansion called “Warlords of Lordaeron” were we go into a alternate timeline into the Lordaeron Continent before the Scourge, and in this timeline the Sunwell was destroyed by the hands of a lost Sunstrider from the MU who wanted to change events in a way he remains as a heir to the throne, in rejoice Anasterian Sunstrider gave a inspiring speech “We will never be slaves!” referring to their former dependence on the Sunwell. He exiled a group of High Elves who fought against him, and those elves named themselves Blood Elves to honor those who lost their lives fighting the crazed Sunstrider, later they went to Dalaran and created the Silvery Blood Covenant to oppose the entrance of the Sunstrider High Elves into Dalaran, as they vehemently opposed draining living creatures
I’ve made my lore lesson, this is why Fyre refers to the Silver Covenant as Alliance Blood Elves and the proper Quel’thalas Blood Elves as High Elves, she’s just stuck into a different dimension

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I can’t believe this thread is still going. It’s been so many months. Keep up the fight ladies and gentlemen. Blizzard will listen to reason, one day.


I’d check the sources for that quote. They’re from pre-WOTLK and don’t hold up that well these days.
(FYI Night of the Dragon a book that takes place before WotLK, Taela Everstride gossip text, and the Wow Encyclopedia which is no longer running- but only covered the events up to the beginning of Vanilla.)


Engaging with Fyre is a waste of time and tantamount to tying an anchor around your neck and jumping into a sea of ignorance and inaccuracy. Best to avoid engagement entirely.

Well you seem to have a firm grasp of sociopolitical science based on your posts.

What makes two countries different? What about two countries in the same continent? What about two neighboring countries?

Their culture? Their people? Their sense of identity? Their beliefs? Their ideologies? Their alliances?

Why is Norway so similar to Denmark while North and South Korea/Sudan are so different?

The people are the same. They’re all humans. They might share a lot of the same histories and culture.

But they are different. They are not the same. There are clear differences in culture, their people, their beliefs, their diplomacy, their values.

That’s what separates playable Undead and living Humans. It’s not that one is rotting. That’s just an arbitrary physical difference. Derek looks more Human than Undead. It’s arbitrary. These models are just there because of artistic choices.

Just like two humans can look completely different despite being the exact same people and with so many things in common, while also having so many things that are different.

That’s the whole point. All factions of humans are humans, ingame or IRL. All factions of elves are elves. All factions of high elves are high elves.

There’s almost two decades worth of context for High Elves as an independent faction of high elves, just like there’s a decade worth of context for Blood Elves as a faction of high elves.

And both have a LOT of context within the game. Almost every major Blood Elf incident of note has somehow involved the High Elves. I personally believe it’s because Blood Elves were forced into the Horde for meta reasons and the complete lack of animosity from the Alliance towards them essentially necessitated the rise of this High Elf faction we have seen time and time again in the game and in lore.

One is currently playable. One is not. Void Elves were created out of nowhere, with their own apparent independent context where it could have been VERY possible to just have made it the same as the High Elves.

Why weren’t High Elves used instead of former Blood Elves? We don’t know. One can only speculate. Their continued presence in the Alliance setting justifies the faith players have in their possible inclusion sometime in the future.

And they can be made to look as different as they desire.

I hope this answer is informative.


Sorry, I’m tired and it was just such an obvious piece of bait to take down.

…That whole introduction on wowpedia needs to be rewritten. Its so badly out of date.


I see no better people to update it than the good people of this thread.

I used to be pretty active on the wiki several years ago (I think they still use a lot of my High Elf images) but I haven’t been there in forever. Making major changes doesn’t happen in one go and you have to be pretty diplomatic about it.

I’d feel kinda awkward coming back after all this time and start making changes out of the blue. I’m probably just being paranoid/shy/timid.

It’s really sad, seeing that some people went into our thread just to :poop: on it, and then seconds later go in other Megathreads, in most cases the Horde ones, to praise their ideas.

What a terrible game state, where the only thing that matters is the Horde stuff…

It’s really disgusting…


I’ve been directed here to post about giving blood elves a blue eye option once again instead of posting in a thread that literally is stating that exact suggestion, because it was older.

So I think blood elves should have a blue eye option.