The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

Uh, i want the Alliance High Elves, Quel’dorei, to be playable, coincidentally they are called High Elves, unlike the Blood Elves and the Void Elves, and have seceded from Quel’thalas in and before the Second War, so we are talking about a different group here.


tbf i think people just need to be more politically correct from now on to prevent this kind of confusion. high elves are playable yes, but they want the alliance high elves, the silver covenant

i would even avoid the use of quel’dorei as it sill implies people are just asking for plain old high elves which are already playable

They aren’t High Elves, not anymore anymore. No one ever refers to a Blood Elf as a “High Elf” nowadays. Stop being obtuse.


Just flag her. It’s clear from her statement about about washing our filthy fingers that she’s just here to cause trouble.

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they never stopped being high elves. :smile: they just started to refer to themselves as blood elves to honor the dead and complete destruction of silvermoon and the sunwell

I’m not causing problems…I’m just being honest. Can’t be honest, or look things up?

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I actually didn’t confronted her arguments or anything, i actually avoided it completely, it was a intentionally dismissive response, this way she cannot actually confront me or argue with my response without openly trolling.

Oh wow, that was very direct. :grimacing:

Exactly! Like how we Americans honor our dead on Memorial Day…SAME concept as the Blood Elves.

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Well that’s good. I’ve said my part so I see no need to continue it further.

yep. rip Anasterian and all we lost that day


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And I was never here to troll in the first place. I don’t even know how to troll others. Never done it, in my whole time playing PC games.

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Arthas did nothing wrong

“We must put this misery behind us. We must enter a new chapter! And so I say to you that, as of this day, we are no longer high elves! In honor of the blood that was shed throughout this kingdom, in honor of the sacrifices of our brothers and sisters, our parents, and our children, in honor of Anasterian… as of this day we will take the name of our royal lineage! As of this day, we are sin’dorei! For Quel’Thalas! Hail to the sin’dorei!”


It started as a name change, but it turned to be more than that.


Perhaps the nomenclature is what’s confusing some people. (I mean really I know its not but for the sake of the ignorant I’ll humor the notion).

The specific High Elves we are asking for are not Blood Elves, nor are they Void Elves.

They are Thalassian Elves that remained with the Alliance and did not take up the mantle of Blood Elves and join the Horde. Nor did these specific Thalassian elves become transformed through an accident involving an Ethereal into Void Elves.

The specific High Elves we are asking for are the ones that continue to call themselves High Elves and continue to be members of the Alliance to this day.

Now that any confusion has been clarified I am sure we won’t see anymore posts saying ridiculous things like “Blood Elves are High Elves” right? :roll_eyes: (unless of course you’re just here to troll)


that was clearly metaphorical

obviously if you are born a high elf in quel’thalas you are a high elf :thinking:

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Why don’t we call them Quel’dorei, which is what they are?

I don’t think anyone would object to this.

tbf the silver covenant elves that you are asking for were not ALWAYS a part of the alliance. it wasnt until AFTER the sunwell was destroyed and when confronted with the new ways of dealing with sunwell withdrawal that they didnt like, did they jump ship