The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

Idea: Alliance High Elves change their name to Silver Elves.

No one will ever be able to utter “Silver Elves are already on the Horde”.


I’m really starting to wonder about that. :anguished:


Silver Covenant.

Silvermoon Remnant.

Silver Elves is fine and fits their aesthetic.

Argent Elves.


I’m totally in favor of something like this.


It’s good you are reasonable, i wrote my previous post before reading this one my bad there, anyway, if you have difficult to understand certain things because of Autism (if this is the case and you are not just lying, i have difficult to catch lies and irony) you have my apologies because i’m very familiar with this. But don’t use it to feel smarter to others on understanding certain things, it’s not going to make the claim “Blood Elves and Void Elves are High Elves” any truer, and you are still a human being and your opinions and biases are always going to affect your judgement.

Nah. They’re just trolling.

They can only use Ion’s saying to back them up, which it doesn’t really.

Nobody genuinely believes it.

If you hear, “Blood Elves are High Elves” you can discount anything they say.

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Hey, I’m an aspie as well. :slight_smile:


Even better. Harder for Blood Elf antis to scream about “SILVERmoon” that way

Then we are two.


Not that I like posting personal information online… but I kinda figured it was obvious due to what I’ve been doing lately. :sweat_smile:

…I like numbers…


I can imagine people saying “But Silver Elves are just High Elves! It’s just a name change!”


But they sure can’t say “Silver elves are already playable”. :wink:

It’s better than having to deal with “Blood Elves are High Elves”, “High Elf history is Blood Elf history” and whatever other drivel they spew out

“No, we don’t want High Elves. We want Silver Elves.”

I can’t relate. But I’ve volunteered at autistic sporting centers, observed/volunteered in a pediatric special needs physical therapy clinic and dated a brilliant person with asbergers.

I appreciate your gifts and contributions to this thread.

I’m not one of talking about myself, but the Troll (the race, not the person!) i was arguing mentioned his Autism to justify his lack of understanding of something and i said it, i have a degree of it and i can understand those things, he can do the same.


I used to be pretty persistent between writing, “Quel’dorei and Sin’dorei.”

They can’t argue about it the same way.


If antis actually knew lore they could try to be witty and retort with “Quel’dorei are already playable, go play a Night Elf mage.”


Mister Troll! Please read the Races section of the Game’s Lore about Blood Elves! It states, in the FINE PRINT, that Blood Elves ARE High Elves, who were almost wiped out, by Arthas and his Scourge Army, attack on the Sunwell! Ok, we’re on the same page here, that Blood Elves ARE High Elves. Guess what! Void Elves are ALSO High Elves! You know why? Because Blizzard stated that Void Elves are Blood Elven OUTCASTS, for dabbling in Void Magic, turning them into the Void Elves you currently see. Guess what that means… Blood Elves AND Void Elves are BOTH High Elves!

Do some research, before you start laying blame, and wash your hands, before pointing your filthy fingers at others!

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How polite.

This is getting tiresome, really.

Blood elves are former High elves that have renamed themselves in honor of those that were lost during the Scourge invasion during the Third War.

Blood Elves no longer consider themselves High Elves.

yo, hmm lets see… what posts do i want to respond to today :thinking:

tbf, i got the impression elisande was confused. hence the way she said “queldorei???” its almost like she was thinking “i thought you guys were the sindorei now?” and then she ends with “either way you are unworthy of the name high elves.”

most high elves call them selves blood elves now. 9/10 of all living high elves refer to themselves as blood elves now in fact

which brings me to my main point today

for the repost i HIGHLY recommned people put either “alliance high elves” or “silver covenant elves” in the title and in future references. because the truth is high elves are playable just like Ion says. they literally just refer to themselves as blood elves now

this will prevent future confusion and we might not see any more of those “they are playable already on the horde comments” for people unclear of what is actually being asked for
