The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

I think Blizzard wanted to make more money. I think that’s why Blood Elves and Void Elves can also both be playable, even on separate factions in their case, even though they are of the same race.

Try again!

Take a look at this picture and tell us which one is the High Elf and which is the Blood Elf!

You can do this! we’re here to support you!

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Getting warmer!

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If this is how you describe the High Elves phisiologically, yes, and there’s nothing you can say that will make us change our positions.


The vast majority of High Elves are part of the Alliance. Why would they suddenly join the Horde? I keep bringing this up to people, but have you ever read “In the Shadow of the Sun?” It addresses this very issue.

Its like saying all Humans are part of the Alliance- even those ones wearing black with the fancy red bandanas. Or all Orcs are part of the Horde, even the Blackrock and the Iron Horde from Draenor.

Its more than just a simple eye color that seperates people.


We want the High Elves that we’ve been asking for for years. The ones that have been part of the Alliance as NPC’s in WoW since launch. The ones that have been part of the Alliance throughout WoW’s lifetime and continue to play a role in the Alliance today.

This topic has put forth numerous suggestions on how to differentiate them from Blood Elves without requiring magical or biological excuses. A unique idle stance like the Nightborne got, would give them a different silhouette from Blood Elves.


Didn’t Alterac actually align with the Horde during the 2nd war?

It’s the same picture again. Again, I tell you what, I support you trying to understand the situation better. Pretend for a moment the picture you linked is a real life photo of two women. One dressed like the one on the left and one dressed like the one on the right. You keep asking me to tell you which one is the human and which one has green eyes. Your comparison you are asking is flawed.

You could ask, “Which one is a Silver Covenant High Elf and which one is a Blood Elf High Elf.” But, you cannot compare “Blood Elf” and “High Elf” because they are redundant and alike.

You can grasp this! I am here to support you!

Yes they did, and their country is in ruins because of it.

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It doesn’t matter if they are the same race biologically. That excuse died when we got Pandaren.


Well. That’s a cognitive issue you’re having.

You seem to be having trouble with abstract thought.

You see. WoW is a videogame.

All the racial models look very similar.

So comparing it to two women in real life doesn’t work.

In the Videogame of WoW. Two women who look different would be entirely separate races.

Like you see with the Shal’dorei and Kal’dorei women. They look the same with flipped ears. they could be sisters. But for WoW that’s a separate race.

So look at the picture again and try again!

I’m sorry it’s so hard to understand.

It isn’t real life. It’s a videogame! Let’s try again!


Dude, you’re not gonna convince anyone here. We’ve been through this dozens of times already. Give it a rest.

No, you have been asking which is a “High Elf” and which is a “Blood Elf”. Your question is flawed. You need to ask which High Elf is a Blood Elf and which is a Silver Covenant Elf. My cognition and ability to reason is not impaired, in fact, it is heightened.

I’m afraid not. You see. This is the problem you’re having.

You’re either cognitively compromised. Or you’re intentionally trolling us.

Out of the two options, the one you are actually doing is obvious.

But since you have to keep up the act, or you’re genuinely cognitively impaired and can’t grasp this, I can keep trying to help you…

and when you act out of role, like talking about women in real life, I can correct you, because your being obtuse only works in a very narrow role.

This also means for anyone else reading, lurkers, posters, whoever. What you’re doing is very obvious.

But you can’t break role, can you?

Which makes my position pretty fun. :black_heart:

I am beginning to agree with this. There seems to be a lot of emotion and a desire for a “echo chamber” as I have read people say. From what I understand they are confusing the High Elf race with varying factions of High Elves. I am glad we troll players have a much easier time understanding. So, basically, my desire to help them understand, even by using a correct visual aid, has failed. Reasoning with emotional people is definitely a futile endeavor.

Best of luck to you folks, for whatever that’s worth!

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I feel like half of the “arguments” brought up by the trolls (this one more literal than the rest) rely on being obtuse about what we refer to as High Elf.

Maybe a name change would suddenly make it a-ok for them to be an Allied Race.

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I sincerely didn’t understand what you are trying to say, your first post states how different variations of the same race are playable, and then the image you posted literally places a figure of a Blood Elf and a High Elf side by side, showing that they are different “forms” of the same biological race, and Void Elves were made playable regardless if they are, according to you, the same race than Blood Elves, but for some arbitrary reasons High Elves cannot be a Allied Race even though you have plenty examples 2 or more playable variations of the same genealogical race.
It’s a double standard.


Ultimately the anti’s try the same arguments over and over and every time they are countered.

We will not stop asking for what we want and there’s not a darn thing the detractors can do to stop us.

High Elves are already part of the Alliance as NPC’s. We just want them to be playable.

The countered arguments bear repeating:

They are biologically the same race - Not relevant because they exist on both factions, and have cultural and political differences. Pandaren exist on both factions as well and stand as an example that this is not a relevant argument. And before anyone erroneously claims Blizzard thinks Pandaren were a mistake, in truth, no current Blizzard employee has ever said such a thing as far as we know. After leaving Blizzard, a former employee once said he thought they were a mistake, but that is one former employee’s opinion and not one ever corroborated by anyone while employed at Blizzard.

They look the same - They don’t have to. Simple things like a unique idle stance, different hair styles, and different customization options all address the silhouette issue and none of those things require any sort of physiological or magical excuse to justify. Also, currently a Void Elf in full armor has an identical silhouette to a Blood Elf in the same full armor. A unique idle stance alone would make the High Elf silhouette noticeably different from either.

High Elves detract from the Blood Elf story - No they really don’t. High Elves have their own story to tell that has nothing to do with Blood Elves beyond the point of their split. That is the story that High Elves have to tell and should be focused on.

High Elves are already playable on the Horde - Blood Elves are playable on the Horde. The High Elves being asked for currently exist as NPC’s on the Alliance faction. We are asking for those High Elves to be made playable.

There is no logical justification to oppose playable Alliance High Elves.


I decided to keep the best parts of your statement since you’ve finally decided to be reasonable and stop trying to convince us of something we didn’t need to be convinced.

That’s better than a lot of people and I have to give you credit for that.


If they want to act like they can’t think abstractly, just treat them like they can’t think abstractly and you’re trying to help.

As you can see, the fun runs out for them pretty quick.

They’re trying to troll you. So when you respond seriously you’re giving them what they want. When you’re trying to convince them they can keep being obtuse. When you’re trolling them back it’s not working.

Nobody genuinely believes Blood Elves are High Elves. Not when we’re talking about two separate factions and because WoW uses the word “Race” as a misnomer.