The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

This is not a case of Autism which i’m very familiar with, it’s just ignorance, this is just as false as “Zandalari Trolls are Darkspear Trolls”

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By that logic, all elves are Zandalari.

Well, it was called Asperger Syndrome, but then later the psychiatric community changed it to be part of autism. Zandalari Trolls are not Darkspear Trolls because those are two different tribes lol

Let’s play a simple logical game.

How about you try and tell us which one of these elves is the High Elf and which one is the Blood Elf.

You seem to be struggling here.

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Just as High Elves are very different from Blood Elves and Void Elves regardless the fact that they are the same genealogical race. You are applying different judgements to the same situation.
Zandalari and Amani are very different from Darkspear because of their cultures and thematic, the fact that they are the same race matters little, and i think all of them should be separate playable Races, so far 2 of them are which is nice.


What do you mean? Sylvanas raised Night Elves who started fighting for her and the Horde. They are officially part of the Horde now, whether you like it or not.

It’s exactly like High Elves on the Alliance. In fact, I’d go so far to say that they added Night Elves to the Horde specifically to offset giving the Alliance High Elves in a future patch.


They are both High Elves. One has green eyes and one has blue eyes. You do know how races work, right? Like in the real world there is the human race, and then variations of skin colors, eyes colors, hair and so forth within the race. If you think of us in the real world as High Elves, does that help you understand it?

I will be one of first post to claim that im finally a high elve while all those dumb bloodlefs will be smashing their head agains the keyboard because of their angry.

Sorry buddy. You’re wrong.

I’m sorry this is so difficult for you.

So one of those two elves is a Blood Elf.

They’re different. . I’ll give you a hint. They’ve got green glowing eyes because they were corrupted by Fel Energy.

Would you like to try again?


But a “Blood Elf” is just a High Elf that belongs to that faction of Elves. Like how a Void Elf is a High Elf that belongs to that faction. Or how like a human in the real world can be in a biker gang called the One Eyed Snakes, but another human can be an elder of an aboriginal tribe in Australia.


No, same race, different factions.

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I’m afraid not.

A Blood Elf is a High Elf that changed its name. So it’s not a High Elf anymore. It’s a different group.

They’ve changed quite drastically culturally. Also, there is that whole, corrupted by Fel Energy thing.

Why don’t you take another look at the picture and try again?

I know you can do this. We all believe in you here. We’ll try and help you. I know it’s hard. Try again.


You drunk go home .

High elf = blue eyes dont corrupted by fel.
Bloodelf = green eyes mana dependents

So ez as that.

And by extension that would mean the green orcs and Mag’har are somehow the exact same race, and that Mag’har should not be playable.

So even Blizzard clearly contradicts that line of thinking.


Kul’Tirans and Humans are different races as far as the etiology of WoW is concerned.

Same with draenei, lightforged.
Same with Highmountain Tauren and Tauren
Same with Mag’har and Orcs.


High Elves and Blood Elves being the same biological race is irrelevant.

High Elves exist on the Alliance as NPC’s (and did so before Horde ever got Blood Elves I might add) we want them to be playable.

If we can have Horde Pandaren and Alliance Pandaren, then we can have Horde Blood Elves and Alliance High Elves.

Void Elves are not the “high elves” we asked for so we’ll keep asking for the ones that we want until we get them or the game shuts down. That’s all there is to it.

Ideally the Horde gets San’layn when Alliance gets High Elves since both are highly requested.


OH you’re trolling me, I get it. Yeah races are definitely not factions. You keep wanting them to be, or trying to trick me into thinking factions are races, but they definitely are separate.

Wait a second, so you guys are wanting to have human flesh toned skinned elves with blue eyes on the Alliance that you can play?

Nope. I’m not trolling you.

You can get this. We believe in you!

Take a look at that picture and try to tell us which one is the Blood Elf and which one is the High Elf.

We know you can do it!


Why add Zandalari? Darkspear were already playable. They are the same “race” afterall.

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